Hop21 Minneapolis

I never noticed until today that there is a ping pong bar in Minneapolis. Normally I try to avoid Minneapolis like the plague that it is, but I had to stop downtown for work today. On my drive home I saw a sandwich board that said "ping pong bar". I googled it and found Hop21.

Apparently its been around for a few years. It was in the basement of a gay bar (surprise surprise) on the east end of Washington (the major east/west road on the north side of downtown Minneapolis). It has now moved towards the west end of Washington (still in a basement).

It is owned by Max Vinogradov whom I am assuming is Russian since he went to school in Russia. Browsing their website, nothing about them seems too nefarious other than the fact, that all they serve for food is.....Pizza....really, Im not making that up. Of course they serve alcohol too.

According to LinkedIn Max also owns his own graphic design/ad agency ViLaH Creative. And per LinkedIn only one other person works at ViLaH, and there is no information for them.

Its time to do some digging Anons...lets see if this is a legit business, or a front fro some shady shit.

(Old article on them)

Attached: H21.png (288x112, 10K)

Dominoes also only sells pizza.

You don't think...


Couldn't be?

But maybe they are a secret hub of pedophiles???

Dominoes actually sells pasta and sandwiches.....but they are a pizza specialist. A place that labels itself as a ping pong bar doesnt specialize in any food.

Minneapolis is a major trafficking hub. How common are "ping pong bars"?

What do you guys think is it with pedos and these fucking codes?

...the FBI document that mentioned certain code words pedos use.......

Near-Minneapolis user here. What do I do? I'll go tomorrow night.

Their website says they reserve the right to close early if they are slow.....so they could rarely be open....which is convenient.


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I work all around the state but I spend a fair bit of time near/in the twin cities. I'll make sure to pop in and report back.

We need to find more on this Max Vinogradov.

And seriously, do all big cities now have ping pong bars. Are these now common? outside of Pizza Gate and Comet Ping Pong, I've never heard of another ping pong bar.

God bless user.

Never hear of it before this. The names are stupid too. Makes me think they aren't made to attract real customers. Only has 3 reviews on yelp.

Exactly. Just feels weird.

Bump for Twin Cities Anons.

Looks are the bartenders are dicks too. Plus it's in a basement with plenty of room for hidden soundproof rooms.

It'd be weird to go alone. Would an user like to grab a drink?

Bump for the twins

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I live in Minneapolis. What can I do?

Sorry user busy for a while. But I will make it a point to investigate in the next few weeks. Definitely dont go alone. If they are nefarious I would assume they would be very suspicious of a lone patron.

I'd say if you have a group of friends, stop by on a Friday night and scope it out.

You can get a fucking drink with user at this place on Saturday. 3pm.

the real pizza fags are more in your face than this.

Maybe they learned better.

This is what I was thinking, but then again....to even exist in our current climate is pretty bold. Maybe they have toned it down?

Maybe they are a legit ping pong bar....As a decent concerned citizen I would be remiss to not at least look into it.

130+ google reviews.

Im away on travel for 2 weeks starting Saturday or I'd join.

The name alone sounds suspicious

Shill, but still kek

They also have selective lettering in red on their website when the rest is black. Could be random...maybe not.

Call them I’m too pussy

everyone dismisses the FBI meme as a Jow Forums hoax.. Is there any documentation on the FBI website of their report about online pedo code and symbols? I've only seen the Jow Forums meme myself.

Typically the FBI doesnt tip their hand. They dont want the perps knowing that they are aware of their "code" language.

Also, while its possible its a hoax....the FBI has never come out and refuted this document. Not that they always refute stuff like this, but when things get this popular, they will distance themselves in at times.

No one wants to come to your ping pong bar, user. Good luck in somaliville though.

So they only way this info would get out is a leak....

Unironically a mpls polack, screen shotting this thread

Thats Riverside....further east.

Northeast? (no I dont fucking say Nordeast).

What will calling do? We need boots on the ground and pics from the place. I will go in a few weeks.