There you have it, fucking Nazi bastards

They’ve been rounded up, pulled away by ICE agents from their families and lives in America at the hands of your fascist president, now what?

You cannot just keep women and children indefinitely incarcerated in such dismal conditions..

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>Ass posting
They aren't citizens. They're not our problem.

cant they just go back?

If you hate Donald Trump at least be honest about why

gas these leeches.

good hope they all die

If they don't like it they can go back


Why are they coming in the first place? No where does it say that it's our responsibility to house and support economic migrants.


We can, and we will kek

im unironically ok with this

"So many people in this country are certainly outraged by the cages, the thermal blankets, & the facilities housing these kids. You know, they were all there in 2014 under President Obama. And my question to you, (Democrat)Senator Tammy Baldwin, did you speak up against them then?" ~ CNN Brooke Baldwin

they're animals.

Who cares?
Those spic vermin should just be shot on sight and the bodies shipped back to mexico.

Fine. Deport them.

>what's next?
Well they need to be deloused of course. Can't have dirty mexiniggers spreading their scabies all over the world

Attached: gassing_the_immigrants.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

Id have them shot on the spot and recycle the blood to be mortar the bone to be fertilizer the fat to be oil and the rest can go into the wall.

Time to send them back home, should have never been in America in the first place

Maybe they'll finally give up and try to fix their own shit.

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Shouldnt have came here

>You cannot just keep women and children indefinitely incarcerated in such dismal conditions..
We figured this out a long time ago, schlomo

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They shouldn't be here in the first place. Send them back and we wouldn't have this problem

Movie name?

Did you get the sympathetic responses you expected?

Source plz

These people are under arrest you joke

> women and children...
> its all dudes
youre retarded.
thats a holding pen, when you pull over a toyota tercel and catch 23 illegals inside, you cant give them all a private room with en-suite jaccuzzi you dimwit.
you should see the lockup in any major city on saturday night. the cops have to treat citizens (even white ones) the same way when theres a mass arrest event.

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>the bodies shipped back to mexico.
why do americans have so much respect for dead bodies? you christ fags, just pile them up and burn them, or just pile them into a hercules plane, fly over mexico city and drop them

they should quit breaking the fucking law and stay in their own goddamn country

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>You cannot just keep women and children indefinitely incarcerated in such dismal conditions..
womp womp

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And because they came here illegally they will never be allowed legal entry, next time it's prison sentences

>now what?
maybe a final solution

You're right. We shouldn't keep them like this indefinitely. We need a more final solution.

>You cannot just keep women and children indefinitely incarcerated in such dismal conditions.

Why is it ok to incarcerate men like that?

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FINE! Summary executions it is!!!

>They’ve been rounded up, pulled away by ICE agents from their sex traffickers and impending deaths in America at the hands of my fascist liberals, now what?


Based and leafpilled

Sage for the love of god

>now what
We make an example of them

Attached: giphy.gif (400x246, 948K)

> not suggesting thery be flash frozen in liquid nitrogen first, for dramatic shattering....
lazy fuckin stray cunt.
put in the effort or youll lose your shitposting title to some other country, fucking south korea is making big gains, and could overtake you if you dont get back into shape.

leave it to the Germans to release gas in a large, well-ventilated room resulting in a concentration that might barely kill a fly, but would be safe for humans

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Ok, just shoot them then.





Let me put this in terms you understand.
THEY *clap emoji* ARE *clap emoji* HERE *clap emoji* ILLEGALLY *clap emoji*
THEY *clap emoji* ARE *clap emoji* CRIMINALS *clap emoji*
*black chick facepalming emoji*
*gif attachment of a sheboon doing the "MM-MM thing*

Camps are a waste of money. They belong in shallow graves.

They're all asylum seekers. They can leave any time they want and return home.

>muh morals
Waah waaah shut up.

Now shoot them. I don’t think spics realize that staying here is going to eventually be worse than staying in Mexico. They will wish a cartel member was cutting their face off before the end.

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>These photos are from the Obama Administration Era
Okay, Libtard.

america is a nation of immigrants. irish and italian people were treated like dirt by the establishment and they are now integrated. judging humans based on race is a low-iq behavior.

Jow Forums will just call me names and post fake graphs because they have no intellectual response to this.

>You cannot just keep women and children indefinitely incarcerated in such dismal conditions..
Sure we could, but I agree that we shouldn't. It would be much cheaper to execute them.

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Fuck off we are full.

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If you're so committed to these histrionics we should at least get to gas a few of them

I’d prefer we just shoot them on the spot

Wtf I love Obama now

imagine the smell

imagine the smell

Send them back. Give them a 5 hour head start. Then carpet bomb everything 5miles from our border

I wish someone would drop some nerve gas in there.

You do realize when we just let anyone in we didn't have social safety net programs where people can just come here and not work. If you weren't working you were just going to die. But now you want just free social programs for people to come here so they can put a larger burden on the people who do work.

Maybe, just maybe they should not have broken the law by entering the country illegally. Do you complain about rapists or burgulars being separated from their families and kept in less than ideal conditions?
Why are these criminals different?

Settling a hostile frontier is not the same as breaking into an established nation for gibs you kike

Shhhh, you're being reasonable. He won't like that.

>You cannot just keep women and children indefinitely incarcerated in such dismal conditions..
Is that a challenge?

Personally I prefer gibbeting them at the border, but all such suggestions probably fall afoul of our constitutional prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

that fence wouldnt stop a mosh pit. those faggots dont want to leave

Can they seriously not just lay land mines on the border to thin the herd as they come to the border?

>1 post by this ID
slide thread

Fucking kys

i'd welcome it, what good is a small population of strayans being the only truly based?

they will be deported in a few weeks whats the worry?

based Obama

>now what?

We send them back.

my cock couldnt be harder

they'll just keep trying into they make it

lol do you actually think every irish and italian immigrant who came to america just got a real job? a lot of them were thieves and criminals, probably more than latin americans now. you don't know anything about the history of your own country its embarassing

they can leave at any time

They have to go back and you deserve to die shill

>now what?

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This is more true than you know.
"Rublee-Wohlthat agreement"

Trump has to start mass deportations to win re election. If at the very least he can say he deported a million people in two years he will win again.
The people want something.

we are a nation of WHITE immigrants. Non-white mass immigration didn't start till 1965 when the Marxists took over. Also, they are fucking traitors to their native land and are trying to make ours into shit.

Tell'em to March on their own government. No need to mess another country after turning one's own into a shithole.
>>Breed like rats
>>Live like rats
>>Die like rats


>use NGOs to fund MASSIVE waves of migrants to completely overwhelm the system
>take pictures of overwhelmed system
you people are the lowest form of filth

I agree with Obama on this issue. "Tell your children not to come to cross illegally. They will be sent back to where they came from. They may not make it back".

>less crime than the immigrants
Oh sweety you have much to learn. These illegal immigrants shit a couple kids out and have free money, housing, healthcare.
The Irish came here and starved to death of they didn’t get a job.

did USA president tell them to try to illegaly come to USA ? what kind of luxury these people expect after getting caught? just a pat on head be good boy next time and let go?

>judging humans based on race is a low-iq behavior.

so let's judge them on IQ then.
Guatemala has an average IQ of 48. Go back.

hahahaha nobody is more criminal than latinos, if they weren't constantly counted as white in crime stats they'd have a higher crime rate than blacks.

That's entirely irrelevant to my post and is only a deflection. You didn't address social programs and free gibs that every single democrat wants to give to illegals. If you can't actually address the differences between now and then you are just a brainless shill.

We are not a nation of immigrants and only those who do not know history think this is true. America did exist before all those immigrants came to Ellis Island you know. America is a nation of settlers and pioneers that built this nation from the ground up.

and this
but also this

They can leave anytime they want to.