What fucked up their culture?
Why dont black fathers stick around?
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The state.
Nothing is worse for a govt than healthy happy families. They soon realize they dont need the govt. Cant have that now can we?
Crack cocaine and hip hop music
>What fucked up their culture?
The need to buy smokes after every child birth.
Its genetic.
In Africa, the females rise children in the village while men do whatever they want.
There was no concept of marriage until the white man showed up.
Many africans don't even equate sex with pregnancy to this day.
The white man, because generations of oppression meant that black children were taken away to be sold into slavery, so you had generations of blacks who never took care of their own children, and who never knew their black parents.
Serious answer? Because nogs are animalistic, regressive, primitive, and impulsive. They live only in the moment, with their thoughts occupied on how they can satisfy their uninhibited urges in the short term, thinking ahead of building a legacy and having something to pass down a bloodline is impossible for the nigger brain to comprehend.
Thus all the rampant sex, but the complete lack of responsibility when the dumb hose get knocked up. Generations of blacks raised without any paternal figure (and their maternal ones are just as uncaring and dumb), they grow up without a proper sense of family and will inevitably do the same to their own children.
It's so ingrained in nigger culture, they are unironically proud of it. Their rap songs glorify the shit out of gangsta hood life, which futher encourages more black kids to look up to that degenerate lifestyle of "live fast, die young", which leads to them either being locked up in prison or dead.
This too, but for the wrong reasons. Daddy government will give the single mothers gibs, so why even try? It's not unheard of for black women to pump out as many children as they can just for more monthly benefits, it's fucking sickening just how much of a leech niggers are as a whole. No other race is consistently a net deficit of taxpayer money (meaning they cost the government more than they pay into it) than fucking niggers
because niggers are shit
Blacks don't practice monogamy because blacks didn't survive the ice age. That's why "pimp" culture is so big with them.
Sticking around is for beta males. Look at nature. The female raises the baby animal and then releases it into the wild, let it fend for itself. Let nature and the gods take care of it, if it dies it was meant to be.
Why dont dog fathers stick around?
Have you met a Nigress?
You'd run out too if La-A came chasing after you.
The dash don’t be silent
It's no one but the mom's fault. Have you ever met a black woman? They are the laziest, fattest, annoying creatures on the planet. They are impossible to live with so all the black men just leave. How can you be responsible when your mom's child is a crazy ghetto bitch?
Niggers gonna nig
The woman gets welfare so she does not need the man around. Therefore she treats him like trash and he leaves because he is not wanted.
Someone please answer me this. How do black dads always get away from paying child support? I feel as if it were to happen to me, I'd get an order sent to my house or payments taken from my paycheck. Plus you know they don't move.
What's the secret?
Could be worse.
Could be Shithead
Pronounced SHA-THEED
they do if they can, but most dogs have full time jobs guarding other's people's homes.
No employment for years at a time.
That's why niggers are low breed creatures.
raising children is for cucks. only betabuxxing lefties stick around for it.
>How do black dads always get away from paying child support?
they're broke. Not fucking kidding, they're all broke as shit. Can't squeeze water from a rock, so what are you gonna do? Send his broke ass to prison, where he gets fed three hot meals a day. clothed and sleeps under a roof all paid for by taxpayer money. He had jack shit to begin with so it's actually a benefit from his point of view.
But not all of them will just quietly let the police come and cuff them, so they usually murder the mom and kid, and are on the run with warrants on them. And there comes the problem of catching these niggers, they're all smelly black monkeys with ridiculous names and they all live in ghetto hoods, how the fuck are you gonna distinguish one "aspiring rapper" from another?
only dumb ass whites think "raising" the children means anything. Its gonna be what its gonna be, let god and nature decide. You can't do shit. Teach the child the basics and release it into the wild. Life is just a dice roll anyways.
>Why don't black fathers stick around?
Because even blacks know that being black is to be ugly and subhuman. They don't want to be reminded of this everyday by having to see the niglet.
Pol is not for niggers.
no nurture instinct
I know the one thing I'm looking forward to is 18-40 years of raising kids. The real question is why doesn't everyone shoot and scoot?
you butthurt that you're raising a chads baby, incel? haha too bad you werent born hasndsome and rich like me. maybe the next one your gf pops out will be mine. You aren't a father, just another bitch whose purpose is to raise the sons of real men
The basis of human evolution is family. Family gives strength to its future generations. Every rich people had parents who taught them about economy. But niggers lacking parental advice aren't very civilized and name one nigger who got to the top. (Not crack rappers who die at 22)
Exactly, nursing is for women and beta males. Alpha males don't "nurture". Teach the kid some basics about life and let god decide the rest. You can nurture the kid all you want, if he was born to be a failure, a faggot or a bitch, he's gonna end up like that. White people have an issue with what is meant to be for some reason.
When I was young I wanted to be a basketball player, I wanted to make it to the NBA, I practiced hours every day. I'm 5'10 on a good day and not very athletic. Point being, no amount of help from daddy would put me into the NBA. It just wasn't meant to be, nature said so. I accept this and move on. Apply the same to "raising children" as a man. White men are the ultimate beta males. Taking care of children is for women!
I'm a girl, fag
Stolen money don't last long in the hands of niggers and Niggers look like apes
this. you have to keep them on gibs, so they can keep voting democrat. i can't even blame demos for abusing this since it's black people that continue to vote them in.
this is the large flaw of democracy in it's current state. when the uninformed have the same power as the informed, you'll have candidates that'll continue to capitalize on people's ignorance. it doesn't help that all of the news you get on television only supports the highest bidder.
why you want a daddy so bad? you want him to fuck your asshole?
Taking care for children is for women. But teaching children are for MEN. Get over it dumbfuck nigger. If you have a father then he would've helped you in gym in practice sessions.
dead broke. and any money they do make is under the table and is instantly blown on stupid shit
oh so youre just bitter chad didnt stick around. fuck off, foid.
wtf can you teach them besides the basics? COme on man life is not that complicated. You know being a grown man its everyone for themselves in this world, I say let the chips fall where they may. By age 8-11 you give that little boy some basics and its good luck little nigga...let god sort the rest out.
this dumb broad is just bitter that she hit the wall and chad wont fuck her now that her pussies blown out from popping babies out.
>t. nigger logic
you're proving the point that niggers are animalistic and more primitive you absolute fucking retard
natural doesn't necessarily mean right, and the ability of humans (niggers aren't) to recognize that is what makes us better than other animals
that isn't to say all offspring is good, but that you won't help your offspring reach their maximum potential by abandoning them
kill yourself.
That's the mentality of a nigger. Never had a progressive view about having a family. Get over it losers and look at your motherhome africa for better examples. Wow so progressive so innovative so alpha
Putting "unknown" for the father on the birth certificate is an extra $250 a month in welfare.
Now the father is not legally liable.
>t. betabuxxing cuck
damn that's pretty funny
we're not better than animals, we are ANIMALS. Stop being such a fucking bugman. White men are such bugmen cucks. You hate reddit bugmen right? So stop being one. We are animals in nature, we are a savage species. Act like one, stop acting like a robot.
the route is this-
its all genetic, a product of their peoples historical environment.
in west africa there was no winter to plan against, food was available all year round, so there was never a need to plan ahead or cultivate foods needed for a later date.
as food was always available through hunting, it made sense to work together in tribes that could control large swathes of wild land to hunt on, the individual family could not survive on its own and there was no environmental punishment for shitting out as many niggers as the possible, men simply joined the hunting teams to go further and further out to claim more land or kill the next tribe over while the women stayed at home raising the children. the larger tribe was the childs family and its still the same outlook that persists among them today, every nigger has an 'uncle' from the wider tribe.
pretty much the complete opposite situation to what europe when through every winter.
not understanding cause-effect relationships is the basis of african culture
CIA = Crack problem
I can be your daddy and spank your little asshole
just face it, roastie, you've hit the wall. time to find a beta to raise chads child.
not an argument, you lost, you're a brainlet
your reading comprehension is trash you fucking slob
>what makes us better than other animals
>than OTHER animals
faggot, if you're going to argue semantics
>we are animals in nature - act like one
>stop acting like a robot
holy fuck, you're legitimately retarded.
A man needs a father throughout his lifetime. Look at donald trump, warren buffet, they were all inspired by their fathers.
I don't date filthy niggers so I don't have to think about being left. Guess you want to be an Aryan too.
haha you raise other mens children. youre basically a woman
oh so you already found a pathetic beta male to raise chads baby? good for you
yeah look at trumps sons, they amounted to NOTHING. And that is with a billionaire father. It just wasn't meant to be. What the fuck is up with you white people trying to make things that were not meant to be, be? Nature doesn't work like that. A rabbit will never be a tiger.
White people: We should learn more about things and broaden our mind. Create a better life for our offsprings so they can creates better for their own ones.
Niggers: FuCk tHiS bItCh oN The assHole
Niggers gonna nig
not accurate, not relevant, not an argument
another nigger-tier reasoning brainlet down.
daddy will be kind with you little bitch
>It just wasn't meant to be
pretty refreshing for a nigger to admit their whole race is a pitiful joke for a reason other than 'wypipo stol'd dat fo uz'
it was gods will confirmed, nature taking its course
>What the fuck is up with you people trying to make things that were not meant to be, be?
like your father? sorry, nature doesn't work like that, right
also, cope
Trumps son manage his father's business and looks forward to create his own. Educate yourself sucker. Trumps father was a builder himself so trump learnt from him. That's why innovation works
feministrs:men should have to raise the babies that i doint brutally kill after riding the cock carousel for a decade
chads:raising kids is womans work
roasties gonna roast
raising kids is womans work. if you do it youre a woman
Niggers gonna nig
This. Thanks for playing everyone.
>t. absent father cope
trump himself says raising kids is womans work you retarded feminist
Ohhh So that's why niggers AlpHa MeN was enslaved by wHiTe bEta Men.
Nice logic nigger
pretty sure marriage existed in cro-magnon or neanderthal times but u have a point
they dont have culture, thats why they all want to move to a white country and fail to assimilate making their own bastard parallel of drugs rap and crime. almost exact as sand niggers
my father is a billionaire chad just like me.
Wrong. You have a leftist prey mindset.
you can be present and active without being the primary caregiver, it isn't so black and white, and learn what words mean, or kill yourself
whites didnt raise kids back then, shill
even walking past a she-boon infuriates me. they smell like a wet sack of week old garbage, they NEVER EVER shut the fuck up and have the personality of a dead fish.
i can't blame nigs at all for wanting to get away from these gorilla faced train wreck bitches
prey raise other mens children, aka whites. White men created the step father culture. No other race does this lol
based and white pilled
Are niggers this dumb? Raising kids means giving them ideas about life aiding them through difficulties. And trump has everyone of his family close to him. He's a family first kind of person. Do you even know trump or are niggers this fag
yeah dogs are fucking monogomous. are you retarded? and packs are only hierarchal in captivity. absolute brainlet.
dna tests?
Im white but im broke and poor asf with little options around, so im about to enlist in the Army.
Much better than prison.
you're the one projecting your own cuckery and assuming anyone is talking about raising the children of others
no one is though, only people saying you should raise your own children, or at least be active in their life.
fuck, you're a retarded faggot.
try not to get too butthurt, roastie
What culture? Jazz? That were whining "whites hurts us, niggers". Hip-hop? Rap? Another trash of "we got gibs, let's show that to others". What culture? Even in Africa, what culture?
Wealthy/famous black fathers do stick around, it has nothing to do with race.
Growing up in a hood doesn't teach you what a father is, especially since they likely didn't have one either, therefore they do not feel emotionally mature enough to be one.
Gangs take the place of a father instead. Gang culture which is perpetuated by mainstream rap music owned and pushed by wealthy moguls who aren't black.
It's either robbed money or you just a broke lying nigger
unless youre a rich alpha chad its not gonna be your child
>t. literal cuck confirmed
If you had to deal with criminally-inclined babies, would you stick around?
Sounds to me like you're a fucking nigger.
We whites will sort ourselves out just like we always did, genocide.
lmao are you a retard? I am a chad
Bitches don't know about black wall street: youtube.com
This niggers are so fucking stupid more than I expected. Go watch cnn bbc nigger.
>try not to get too butthurt, roastie
He has his children all in reputable business and baron walks with him like everywhere. Too bad you believe a news rather to inspect deeper.
Npc nigger spotted
>Why dont black fathers stick around?
This is like asking "Why can't a nigger hold a job for 4 months?" "Why can't a nigger earn a diploma fair and square?" etc., etc., etc.
educate yourself you stupid faggot
>t-thats just f-fake news
haha you are fucking seething. Trump is an alpha male, alpha males don't raise kids.
crack,gang culture and lack of family values
dogs are not mogomous. How are you fucking stupid enough to believe that? a dog will literally fuck anything
It began when the welfare state began
>Money per child of a single mother
>Fathers don't marry the mother due to economic incentive
>Lack of the legal bindings of marriage lead to more easily break up
>Women don't need a man anymore
>Such flimsy relationships lead to neither caring much about the relationship
>Child Support becomes a thing
>Black men no longer willing to accept that a child is theirs and thus are not apart of their lives
So, it was 2 things. The advent of the state supporting single motherhood and the advent of child support.
Tits or gtfo