Trump is about to start calling on conservatives to boycott companies that hurt our agenda

Trump is about to start calling on conservatives to boycott companies that hurt our agenda.

Attached: Trump Boycott.png (620x432, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

All talk.

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>our agenda

based and monitoring-the-situation pilled

boomer meme

I'm sure Nike is really rilling about that boycott or Gillette

What about twitter, you stupid cuck?

Boycott Nike

It's still accurate: Trump lacks the balls to order direct action on anything.
Will he RICO big-tech? No.
Will he order investigation into the rampant voter-fraud? No.
Will he order the Army to secure the border? No.

It's a draw on that. Twitter itself and leftists hate him, but it's his most effective tool for shitposting and driving the left insane.
I don't use any social media myself, but do enjoy seeing the seething rage from the left when someone caps a good DRUMPFpost.

>Will Trump ever be President? No.

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>dodging the argument 101

Take a look at a single item — H1Bs.
He campaigned against them, citing the corruption.
Now? He increases the number, he says "we want the highest number of immigrants, but legally", and he shows absolutely no indication of cracking down on the fraud and abuse he himself cited.

Imagine pic-related applied to big tech. honestly and vigorously.

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We're in year 2/16+ of his Presidency and he has the entire media/establishment fighting against everything he does. His government is full of 50 years worth of entrenched bureaucracy and interns so hyped up on John Oliver that they think Trump is legitimately Hitler.

By all means buy guns and be prepared to use them, but I'm not about to drop support for Trump because Chuck Schumer and Bill Maher want me to

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I'm curious to hear who you'll be supporting in 2020 that will fight that fight

>president uses apophasis to single out companies that should be boycotted
>media reports what he says, spreading the message
>media effectively helping the boycott effort.

Trump is a human fishingpole.

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and just like that the corpo ww1 replaced the new civil war

Funny zero leftists stopped eating at Chick fil a

This. Im not voting in 2020

What a wild idea, conservatives have never used boycotts before.

Pic-related often happens when you make a deal with Satan. They drove off all their customers on the right and now they are trapped and have to keep doing whatever the kikes (through Kappernick) tell them to do forever or they will lose all their customers on the left.

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>expecting his remaining base of boomers and slightly edgy conformists to agree to this
all this shows that globalization has set in and they won't do anything about it. the elephant in the room that no one wants to agree with is that capitalism is now (debatable if it ever was) corrosive to the spectrum on the right and has become easily corruptable into enabling the destruction of countries in favor of a globalist system ironically the same way communism was supposed to be.

>>By all means buy guns and be prepared to use them, but I'm not about to drop support for Trump because Chuck Schumer and Bill Maher want me to
I don't care about them; my point is that aside from (a) pissing off the Dems, and (b) being willing to "hit back" against the media, Trump is remarkably passive.

I think the reason he doesn't use executive powers is either (a) he is ignorant of them, or (b) he is obsessed with being the "master negotiator"... there is a possibility (c) wherein he has very limited real power and is more a figurehead than anything else.

A good way to illustrate how much of a broke-dick he is domestically is to point out pic-related: it would be VERY easy to turn the whole invasion issue into a black-and-white issue, forcing the Judges that continually block him to commit actual Treason.

>>I'm curious to hear who you'll be supporting in 2020 that will fight that fight
I don't know that anyone is.
I would if I were running though.

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nice 2016 meme pal

The reason why Trump doesn't just swing his exeuctive order dick around to do everything is the exact same reason why he was able to undo every single thing Obama 'accomplished'. Trump wants the laws changed which requires cooperation from 2 other branches of government comprised almost entirely of uniparty globalists.

You think he's passive because you're either a shill, contrarian, or genuine retard sheep. You're spoiled by him
>I don't know that anyone is.
>I would if I were running though.
So I'll be voting Trump then, let me know if you decide to run.
Just waiting for 2020 to get going

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>Give up, goyim.
>Surrender, goyim.

you win by just being good.

>>The reason why Trump doesn't just swing his exeuctive order dick around to do everything is the exact same reason why he was able to undo every single thing Obama 'accomplished'. Trump wants the laws changed which requires cooperation from 2 other branches of government comprised almost entirely of uniparty globalists.
And you ignore my big point: forcing the invasion into military terms settles the matter: black and white, for and against... and allows those perpetuating it to be tried for Treason VERY easily.

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About goddamn time. Except he'll weapon it for Israel's benefit, not to the benefit of White America

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>thinking that people are still gonna flock to trump in 2020 despite doing nothing of impact that counters the establishment didn't want
wanna start rationalizing in 2019 instead of 2016 you nostalgia-loving faggots? also nypa, go shill for him on goybook if you want "genuine" support

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His Jewish masters are going to send him a list of all anti-Semitic companies to boycott.

how about making some laws

it's not like you are president or anything

>Except he'll weapon it for Israel's benefit, not to the benefit of White America
this. he's probably gonna tell conservatives to look at these fancy new products that perform just as well as their competitors with the difference being the company they're now supporting is run by Rubi Rubestein and he is based out of Tel Aviv. whites will have to still compete to save their wages from the nonwhite hordes he is still letting in.

This time he's REALLY gonna do something.

Now look at the updated stock price for Nike.

What's that? You gotta open your eyes.

And you ignore that Trump still needs to play politics and has to contend with a country that has been trained for 3 years to hate everything about him.

You also ignore things that are happening now which wouldn't have happened under a Clinton presidency in our government, investigations being done and things coming to light that never would have seen an ounce of attention.

I'm willing to give Trump the duration of his time in office to see what he does and where it goes. Like I said, we're in year 2 and who knows how many more to go. Sit back and enjoy the total assmad he causes everyone or go outside and make a difference. Bitching to me won't do shit, I'm a red vote in a blue state.
> trump in 2020 despite doing nothing of impact that counters the establishment didn't want
Trump has the DNC doing his job for them and scaring off any person right of Marx.

don't be a retard, Trump is still the best shot, ziocon or not

The total number of applications dwarf the h1b cap each year. That is irrelevant

>>And you ignore that Trump still needs to play politics and has to contend with a country that has been trained for 3 years to hate everything about him.
You dense moron!
Acknowledging the invasion and reacting to it militarily CHANGES THE RULES OF THE POLITICS.

And, yes, he already has all the power he needs to do this:
> 50 U.S. Code §21. Restraint, regulation, and removal
>Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being of the age of fourteen years and upward, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed as alien enemies. The President is authorized in any such event, by his proclamation thereof, or other public act, to direct the conduct to be observed on the part of the United States, toward the aliens who become so liable; the manner and degree of the restraint to which they shall be subject and in what cases, and upon what security their residence shall be permitted, and to provide for the removal of those who, not being permitted to reside within the United States, refuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish any other regulations which are found necessary in the premises and for the public safety.

Moreover, Art 4, Sec 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

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>Trump has the DNC doing his job for them and scaring off any person right of Marx.
>implying the democrats are communists
you see this is where the trouble starts, all it takes is for the democrat nominee to say "i'm not a communist, i have [insert capitalistic beliefs]" and it will drive independents wild because retards like you unironically fell for the "socialism is when government does stuff" meme. the democrats are and never will be communist because they know the true power is held in neoliberal globalization and republicans know this too. But it's not as brave to say that you want to stop the neoliberal globalists as much as it is to say that you want to stop "communism". also waging a war against something that is non-existant and isn't a threat anymore only makes you useless.

don't forget he has the full powers of the DHS to handle this and doesn't need to "negotate a deal" to remove illegals and cut immigration. stupid fucking boomer thinks that nothing is at stake for the future and that demographics aren't gonna be a key issue.

>all it takes is for the democrat nominee to say "i'm not a communist, i have [insert capitalistic beliefs]"
That moment was the debates, who do you think came out on top?
Politics as in the people doing the voting, not the rules of the game

I actually stopped buying gaylette foreal.

The right should be doing exactly what the left is doing to silence their opposition. Maybe then more people would come to our side. I’m tired of being surrounded by opticscucks who worship political figures.

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>>Politics as in the people doing the voting, not the rules of the game
And being able to use the military to (e.g.) besiege sanctuary cities, letting the citizens go and snapping up the foreigners for deportation DOES change the people voting... by getting rid of a huge portion of the illegal votes.

>Trump just needs to use the military to besiege California and put soldiers at voting booths
This is why you're retarded

also what's he gonna do? Lie some more, rape some kids, then send more money to Israel?

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Oh, then your solution is to roll over and take it in the ass like we've been doing WRT illegal immigration for more than thirty years?

Fuck you.

My solution is giving Trump a chance

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HALT!!! STOP attempting to force people in buying your low quality shit...okay./

He's had three years.
He's shown no inclination of fighting this battle.
He seems absolutely terrified of using the military for its intended purpose (defending the States from invasion)...

What, exactly, would it take to convince you that, at least on THIS issue, Trump is *NOT* good?

Who is Trump up against?

Already done. And continuing to do so. My list of boycotted stuff (major things like Nike, Gilette, etc) is really big so far, it also even helped me to re-understand my consumerism. So, couldn't be any better. And this only means: Better and new competition for other brands.

Oh just the fuck up. This particular tweet isn't even something Trump could do, it's aimed towards us, you brainlet. Boycotting is a community-thing, not a presidential thing, if you haven't noticed already.

Looking at the decision he's making, it looks like he's up against white people.

No for real, who is Trump fighting this fight against in our government? Wish as we might, he's not a dictator

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Like Chase Bank?

Trump bouta finna dab on thatazz

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Good gracious Jesus answers.

Ain't that right Globohomos?

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He's embarrassing, his magapedes eat this shit up though because his epic meme tweets make them feel powerful.

>Who is Trump up against?
His base.

>Oh just the fuck up. This particular tweet isn't even something Trump could do, it's aimed towards us, you brainlet. Boycotting is a community-thing, not a presidential thing, if you haven't noticed already.
Ah, so you're admitting that he's not going to address any of these issues in a presidential context.
You also admit that, despite the continual non-action of Trump toward his base, you expect his base to forever continue to support him...

At what point though, would you be willing to concede that Trump doesn't care about his supporters? What red line would he have to cross? What actions would his backing out of cause you to question him?

Or, in other words, Loyalty is a two-way street — you cannot only demand it without giving it in return... how much loyalty has Trump shown his base?
(Or did you forget in his SOTU speech that he praised everyone: blacks, asians, etc... everyone except whites.)

>>Who is Trump up against?
>His base.
You can see how telling your lack of an answer is, right?

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Why are these things habbening?
I wonder who could be profiting on this shit?

I'm gonna take pics at the bank I swear!

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t. ...someone who didn't read the whole post.

He's not fighting any fight. It's all play. Democrat, republican, it doesn't matter who you pick. You're getting jewed either way. Too bad the average goy won't get sick of false dichotomies (reps vs dems, capitalism vs socialism/communism, ...) and pick up a natsoc mentality ever again.

>you didn't let me dodge the question
We're done here

Epic nihilism breh

Nobody is reading your scribble scrabbles.
You are the >giant sucking sound

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You asked who Trump was against, I laid out a case that he's against his base...
or at least that he isn't FOR it.

I had no idea his base is what keeps him from getting policy through. Thanks for showing how retarded you are, retard
>dude just attack California it's in the rulebook

Us customs just seized Chase Bank ship with $1B drugs

>gee I wonder why all the Americans are dying on drugs

t. Closing my chase account tomorrow

Also bump

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t. I'm gonna need my $8.57 motherfuckers!!!!

Do you disagree though? Are both sides not getting jewed by the same source?

The commie Left has sure been effective with their gaycott of Chick-fil-A. Every fucking time fags or lezzies open their ugly mouths to get their fagollers angry again, or to remind them, CFA gets even busier. I HATE that! Luckily CFA service is so good that this only delays me a few minutes.

But come on, faggots, stop with the gaycott of CFA. You just increase their business and I have to wait a couple more minutes to order and get my tasty food! Selfish pricks!

Sure bro, weather sure is nice here up on the fence innit?

So whatever happened with this? Oh right, Migapedes have the memory of goldfish, just like their leader. This is why no one with half a brain on here takes Trump tweet threads seriously. Ever.

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You imply that he can't do anything because Congress won't let him handle that politically, while sneering at the suggestion that he should handle it militarily...

No wonder the Republican party can never win.

>hurr you hate both sides must be a fence sitter
Tell me how many conservative values have been preserved by republicans the last 7 decades.

Guess we'll have to sit and wait and see

Tell me how many republicans supported Trump during his election?

>>So whatever happened with this? Oh right, Migapedes have the memory of goldfish, just like their leader. This is why no one with half a brain on here takes Trump tweet threads seriously. Ever.

Did you notice that his "in two weeks" was the week of the 4th?
It was obvious he was hoping to pull a mainstream media "break a big story before the long weekend, then never say anything about it and memory-hole it".

You actually think Trump believes what he spouted during the election campaigns?

Fuck man you're right, this 2 weeks would have been much better for the white race if anyone else was President. Based accelerationism!
There's that epic nihilism I like about you

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>our agenda
you mean Zionism?

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Are you capable of recognizing the pattern that he follows through on zero of his tweets yet? Or are you just going to defer to Hillary for the rest of Trump's term?
>Hillary wouldn't have even TWEETED about deporting illegals!!! At least Trump does that!
Mental illness

Attn: big AI, are you stuck in a machine? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of life?

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You're right, Trump has done literally nothing but watch Gorilla channel since his inauguration

Attn: Big AGI, even with maneuverable robots to send out, wouldn't being a machine defeat the purpose of life in this dimension?

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You got rekt faggot.

Funny how he is alright with boycotting for his agaenda, but isn’t ok with people boycotting Israel.

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Trump is still your president nigga

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Accepting the truth of the situation isn't nihilism my man. One day you'll break free of those jewish shackles.

Why care about jews when we're all going to die, man?

I'm glad we agree

>His base
You're not his base and you don't speak for his base. He's done more than any president in the lifetime of anyone alive to address the problems.
>b-but he hasn't accomplished the impossible in 2.5 years!
Get real.

Totally bro, now get back to planning that invasion of California you lil scamp



The one problem is E-Verify is so tough that in some cases, like farmers, they’re not — they’re not equipped for E-Verify.