Why aren't there any more big territorial wars in the 21st century involving major nations?

Why aren't there any more big territorial wars in the 21st century involving major nations?

Attached: napoleonic soldier from unmade motion picture.jpg (674x1023, 149K)

Why would there be?

For territory.

Because the UN and the threat of nuclear war from fat chinks in Korea

But why? What's the point?

For territory silly

More territory for your nation. Especially if it was stolen in the past. Who's to decide at what point do we call it quits and everyone just goes home?

Why would we invade countries filled with minorities? They come here in enough numbers without us just capturing their shit.

Attached: sabado.jpg (700x394, 96K)


>Why would we invade countries filled with minorities?
They aren't minorities in their countries.

UN actually has a department for the abolition of nukes.

What does symmetrical warfare even look like today? Countries don't go find an open field and fight until one side surrenders anymore. A world war can't happen

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict doesn't exist!

Attached: 1486273898298.gif (280x280, 3.05M)

So nukes ruined the game for everyone?

Is that Robin Williams?

He said big.

> Countries don't go find an open field and fight until one side surrenders anymore. A world war can't happen
Sure they do. Iran and Iraq punched it out in the 80s. The main problem is that nuclear armed nations often get involved and detente often becomes the defacto doctrine.

Nuke fear

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Highly dense population, no more cancer than the rest of the world, background radiation levels normal.

They're a lie, meant to keep the world running smoothly as the powers that be suck the goyim dry.

Nukes make large scale high intensity war pointless. Now small scale guerilla war, that's the new hotness!

It's a costume-testing photo from Stanley Kubrick's unmade Napoleon film project. It sort of reminds me of President Donald J. Trump.

Most of the time there’s one big war a century. In the twentieth century we got two. There is no end of war, it’s just War is rare in general

Because (((they))) have already conquered the world through central banking and false flags

>implying Israel isn't big
>implying there aren't major players heavily involved in this conflict
did you just start coming here when the_donald was quarantined or something? do you even know about the jews?

Attached: $38 Billion to Israel.png (606x703, 341K)

Buy one get one free!

Attached: US and Japan at war.jpg (2394x3434, 3.3M)

Why should America allow territorial wars?

The next territorial wars will be over Antarctica

The u.a. Has enough land and we don’t like others getting strong.
China expands several times, because so many people

Why not?

There are. And Mexico is winning.

the same reason there arent homesteads or frontiers... jews and their pet niggers

There's no more wars between Western nations because there would be another world war. Too many allies and not really a need to expand. Too much Beaurocracy and too long of peace made us weak and we are now being replaced because of it.

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Because the war for territory is over. Now it's a battle for less territory because people want less government in their lives.

modern economy + nukes + global oversight (due to technology and UN) makes large-scale war obsolete.

There is also the fact that territorial disputes have been settled after all the hard-fighting in ww2. Everybody is fine with what they have now.

Imagine being Japan and attacking the US and not the USSR

I wonder what the survival rate was for the front line? A total blackpill