i have seen a buch of "look what you did" and "apologize" threads and a crap ton of anti nazi shit in general it might be bait but im not sure
Liberals are raiding Jow Forums
Either very new or been under a rock for at least a year+.
They try to slide the epstein threads, i will sage now.
It's just humor. That's what people do here.
FUCK THAT, a Canadian??
It’s just the usual stuff plus either a bot or a faggot spamming pics of ‘fascist pigs’
yes im a new fag almost at the one year mark
Is any of that new? I can barely remember a time when the catalog wasn't littered with bait.
>im not sure
I am not totally sold that it is even real people.
too many niggers tbqh
When are they not.
They've been here the whole time. 99% of memeflaggots are them.
Most are trannies.
I know, and all the nufags are raping hard into those slide thread. It's been about 3 days since the last one; they get hungry and need to feed on the anger generated by button-pressing.
The problem being?
The ones who do it are overwhelmingly disingenuous faggots who never want to actually discuss anything, just shit up, obfuscate, and misdirect the board.
>even if shilling, being this retarded
There are only 4 lights, faggot.
>liberals raiding Jow Forums
no, it's a bunch of right wing retards raiding today it feels like