There's a test to determine who's a pedophile and who's not. Why don't we use it...

There's a test to determine who's a pedophile and who's not. Why don't we use it? Is it because Chad would fail and all your stereotypes about pedophiles would collapse?

Attached: penile plethysmograph.jpg (1537x884, 164K)

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Because the kikes would just show people 16 year olds in bathing suits and bikinis then call every man a pedophile.

Sounds like a shit ton of faggots on this board.

The penile plethysmograph was originally designed to out gays.

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Tbf I don’t think I’d get a boner watching any kind of porn in those particular conditions.


was thinking the same thing. maybe if i was on a lot of maca and it has been some time since i fapped... but i also considered that maybe the instrument feels good.

I once had my balls ultrasounded by a qt nurse in a town where the male to female ratio was 7:1. I held it down by thinking of turds, spiders and broken limbs.

Attached: 20190705_111505.jpg (3840x2160, 1.77M)

What were they looking for?

No one really cares who is and isn’t a pedophile in a crime investigation kind of way it’s about social manipulation.

The point of this hysteria over what is in fact a tiny minority of the population is really about discouraging men from paying too much attention to teenage girls and young women (16-21) instead of old roasties. Not even kidding.

It’s not so much that normies and roasties will attack men who date essentially young adult women outright: no. It’s just to create a taboo around youth, to essentially ‘shade’ older male younger female relationships with negative associations.

Women are desperate to do anything that even slightly makes such relationships less common and improve their own chances of attracting quality males in particular. And it’s quality males of all ages most likely to abandon them/neglect them for younger models.

Also, the idea that creepy, ugly, losers target girls and young women is mostly ridiculous (historically they tended to go for old maids and widows because they were correctly expected to be more forgiving and have less exacting expectations). In reality, the younger, most attractive women and girls are incredibly hot properties and they know it and always have: and won’t easily settle for anything less than absolute top men. In the absence of social and legal barriers, they would absolutely end up monopolizing Chads of all ages, and Stacy McRoastie would end up with nothing.

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Just because you might feel arousal to a picture of 17 year old doesn't make you a pedophile. World isn't black and white user and people develop gradually, so there is a gradient to it. It's still wrong to act on your urges if you know that the person is underage.

>go to the doctor for a rectum exam
>as I'm waiting for my turn start thinking "if I get a boner would that mean I'm a gay?"
>female doctor sticks her finger in my ass
>tfw it was uncomfortable as fuck and as I left I felt like a rape victim

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I know its autistic to say but hebephilia is the ultimate redpill. Before puberty you do not have a sex drive and cannot consent or desire sex. But once puberty hits not only does your mind expand to an essentially mature abeit inexperienced state, but the body's sex drive is higher than at any point in their lives and most girls aged 12-18 masturbate and have more sex than women 18-70. I legitimately don't understand why its considered wrong to be attracted to somebody who has their own agency, sex drive, and looks no different than some 18 year olds for consensual dating and sex. They're going to do it anyway, of their own volition, and often with adults anyway.

I hit my pelvis weird on a rail when I was snowboarding. For some reason, my balls swelled up grapefruit size for a couple of weeks

If you walked in and planned on enjoying it, it wouldnt feel like rape (you consented anyway so its not)

How do Girls aged 12-18 Have Sex with their Boyfriends with the same age without Getting Caught by Their Parents?

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Damn that sucks. I hope they healed or whatever.

Be honest.

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Pedophiles always try to convince other people that it's okay to molest children and no matter how many words you use you're always unconvincing.

That’s disgusting bro

Which one of these 1000 year old ancient beings is cutest anons.

More evidence that there's a big time push by the Satanic elites to force pedophilia acceptance on us from every facet.

This pedo acceptance shit is being forced down our throats lately because of fucking Trump and the Epstein connection. They're trying to normalize that shit so we go "oh it was ok." It's the same reason David Bowie fucking 13 year olds is being ignored by the left.

blind study says its normal, inb4 reddit.

Hang yourself
Pic related is prime

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Why is the wiki article going through such lengths to avoid mentioning how reliable the test actually is? "very" and "the most" are transparent attempts at avoiding that. It's essentially the only factor that matters at this point.

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this , where are the titties?

Nevermind then, reliability not under "reliability"
> Sensitivity for a circumferential phallometric test for pedophilia has been estimated to be 63% in sexual offenders against children,[34] 65% in extrafamilial offenders against children and 68.4% in incest offenders.[35] Additional research has found different circumferential phallometric tests to have a sensitivity of 93%,[36] 96%,[37] 35%,[38] 78%,[39] and 50%[40] in sexual offenders against children. In incest offenders, the sensitivity of circumferential phallometric tests has been estimated as 19% and 60% in extrafamilial offenders against children.[41] In terms of specificity of these tests for pedophilia, research has estimated the specificity as 92%,[37] 82%,[41] 76%,[39] and 92%[40] in samples of community males and 80%[38] and 92%[40] in sexual offenders against adults.
yikes, useful but not quite a silver bullet.

This, physical representation of age is variable, a 15 year old can look older than 21 year old maisie williams

When they hook men and women up to machines like this its interesting that they almost all show an arousal response to straight and gay porn. The default state of mankind must be bisexual.

The real redpill and really amazing thing is that Jow Forums and most of the "right" believe in momentary female consent because the idea has been around for so long now that it's actually, hilariously, viewed as "traditional" when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. People, left and right, do not read their history. Victorian England is held up as the worst imaginable regressive reactionary society imaginable by the left and the most based and redpilled healthy society by the right. The real redpill is that Victorian was as far left of "traditional" western European society as the Jacobins were of the Bourbons. Victorian morality was not the height of western civilization, it was a profound revolution and collapse. In the 17th century, English/Anglo conventional wisdom held that female nature was such that a fertile woman would crawl through a mile of broken glass to be fucked by a demon if he were sufficiently attractive - women are natural whores. By the mid-18th century, English/Anglo conventional wisdom was holding that female nature was such that the only time a woman would even permit penetration was with her one and only husband, perhaps once a year, for the purpose of procreation, for a few unpleasant minutes - women are natural celibates. The triumph of the latter view and its adoption as the "traditional" norm of western civilization are among the greatest victories of the Left in all of history. The self-described based traditional conservatives are in reality stunningly ignorant fools who know nothing of the very traditions they claim to be defending. Once Victorian morality had won, momentary female consent was inevitable, and the whole of civilized world immediately forgot that until this time, for all of western history in every place, Christian and pagan, consent had been regarded as paternal, sacred, marital, and irrevocable - given by the bride and her father, exactly once, before God/the gods, at the time of marriage, forever.

>originally designed to out gays.

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I read the wiki and I believe all they did was get a group of offenders, asked if they are indeed sexually attracted to these age groups, categorized them by the gender of their victim(s), and then measured whether or not they got a dick twinge.

I personally think this is a not a good testing method because you always need a control group. I suggest this modern test should be tested again but with both offenders and normies. If normies dont get picked up by this testing method, are under 15% in terms of receptiveness to the test, and offenders are above 70%-75% then I'd believe this testing with the penile plethysmograph to be highly accurate.

Until then, i'll believe that sexual based tests like these will always be flawed for an incredible number of factors. Like what if the person getting tested is into voyeurism and likes getting watched? What if the person getting tested is incredibly shy and gets a boner from having that shit slapped on his cock? What if the person zones out because he doesnt like looking at kids when he's got this thing stuck to his dick and starts thinking about Big titty goth girls?

I personally think a more accurate test is brain scanning. With brain scans from machines like MRI and such, you will be able to see certain parts of the brain that are stimulated from arousal be lighten up during tests like those mentioned on the wikipedia article.

Also, i read the paragraph above the one you posted and it said " In this study, the specificity of the test was estimated to be 81% in community males and 97% in sexual offenders against adults."

does this mean the testing received positive feed back from 81% of the controlled normie group?

you can easily beat it by overloading on exogenous endocrine disruptors

you can easily fail it by being oversensitive and getting an erection from the tightness of the device or its application

I also wonder how that would work when it comes to growers/showers.

>Is it because Chad would fail and all your stereotypes about pedophiles would collapse?

Yes this is exactly why. Society wants to pretend all pedophiles look like this guy. It helps them sleep better at night.

Attached: beta male.jpg (720x960, 61K)

pedos detected

imagine saving this shit on your pc

never post here again, faggot

Parents work.

Are you retarded

>Billionaire and pals gets outed as a pedophile
>Suddenly Zion Don meme is gone and now he's a pedophile
>Suddenly Jow Forums is filled with people who support pedophilia and shame others for not doing so
>"Listen, we know pedophilia has been looked down upon for the history of all of western civilization and usually begins being accepted right before a civilization collapses, but here's why it's actually good!"
Jesus Christ you people are shameless

>pedophilia has been looked down upon for the history of all of western civilization

I hate pedophiles as much as the next person but this simply isn't true.

Attached: age of consent.jpg (948x1017, 162K)

hebephilia in the early american days and the roman days and basically every era before the early 1900s was the norm

The guy that wrote those posts is an idiot.
People married, or more accurately, betrothed younger people out of necessity or tradition.
Remember the time period this was in. It was especially common in the 1800's.
This isn't like Islam where men force young girls into marriage and rape them.
The guy in the image likely didn't even introduce the girl the concept of sex, let alone do it, for several years after the image was taken.
This is a well-documented issue. user just wants to fuck lolis.
meme magic

I doubt trump is a pedo cus Jow Forums talked about the trump/epstein connection since 2016. Jow Forums came to the conclusion that due to the fact that Trump barred Epstein from Mar a lago, then trump must've not liked the shit that he was doing. Trump knew that epstein was a pedo, didnt give a fuck because thats not his business because of what others have already said. Epstein is pandora's box for literally anyone who opens it. If trump did it, epstein would probably throw up a bunch of illegal shit that trump did like tax fraud/lying to get out of the army or some shit.

Because there is horribly easy way to frame literally anyone.
Some girls get mature early other late, you can find 14 y old girl with body of 18y old girl. Also society clearly puts ephebephilia in the same bag as pedophilia while differences are clear as fuck. Not to mention men can get boners in random moment.

Imagine you can frame any man by putting pictures of already developed 14-16 year old girls and then have "proof" that guy "is a fucking pedo" and put him in jail where other prisoners will make his life hell.

Pretty much. That device not scientifically sound at all. Men pop boners for all kinds of reasons, namely even when they don't want them. Would be easy to dismantle in court.

naw, I'll just admit 14 year old girls are usually hotties until they open their mouths and act like children...