Debating Homosexuals on Homosexuality

How the fuck do you argue with homosexuals about homosexuality? Is there any hope in convincing them it's morally abhorrent or is it a lost cause?

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You can only make them expose themselves so that onlookers become redpilled.

>Smite a scorner, and the simple will beware
Proverbs 19 KJV

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Shit, that does make sense. What if all the onlookers are also homos?

There exists no non-religious reason why any moral claim is true. If they are religious on the other hand then you can use scripture if they are in a religion where it is morally wrong.

It’s a fetish, not an identity, I don’t walk around talking about how much I love watching girls suck horsecock dildos in my day to day routine

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Then you are staring into the abyss.

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You have a bigger chance arguing with a heroin addict or a murderer.

Being gay is gay.

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So being male is amoral, then?

1:50 in this video, that guy has the right idea

They feel it's not a choice. It's like saying writing with your left hand is morally abhorrent.
You might be able to convince one that they have a mental illness, but the moral angle is just not going to work from their perspective.

you can always ask them who abused them throughout childhood, 9/10 you will understand the source of the problem. the 1/10 have subconscious memories of being abused and those will be near next to impossible to bring out into the open

>morally abhorrent
pride parades

you can't redpill a bluepill fountain

Good point, damn. Any other angle of attack? The clear link to mental illness doesn't work either because they blame that on social stigma.

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Are you a faggot

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