Hassa bint Salman

>Hassa bint Salman

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arabs and jews are genetically the same people

it would be crazy if you had to lick her feet

babbies first red pill. don't look into the Khomeni family either or you'll have a stroke.

arabs are semites

Are you really surprised? Lol

house of saudi are jews in robes

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In his book, The Dönmeh Jews, D. Mustafa Turan writes that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq. The Iraqi intelligence report also states that in his book, The Dönmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis, Rifat Salim Kabar reveals that Shulman eventually settled in the Hejaz, in the village of al-Ayniyah what is now Saudi Arabia, where his grandson founded the Wahhabi sect of Islam. The Iraqi intelligence report states that Shulman had been banished from Damascus, Cairo, and Mecca for his “quackery.” In the village, Shulman sired Abdul Wahhab. Abdel Wahhab’s son, Muhammad, founded modern Wahhabism.


She cute

Are you just now realizing Saudi Arabia is a crypto-kike puppet state?


yes, they are
no, you fucking worthless idiot they are not.
askhenazi make up the largest portion of cutdick brain damaged pieces of shit like you and are persian mutts that mixed with ancient southern europeans.
Kill yourself, slave

What, leaf? They are kikes but they aren’t? What the hell are you saying? Obviously Saudis and Israel are super tight.

Seething shitskin

salman is arabic name dumbass

welcome to the real world, bro

Islam is the Jewish Golem.

Attached: Jewish Spainiards Aided Moors Toledo.jpg (1396x2879, 840K)

Salmans are just high breed muslims in muslim caste system.

cuckstianity and islam are jewish golems

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So now you die for Israel and saudi

its still all "dying for israel"
and where do you think youll be when the us finally starts more shit than it can handle. Without any question all of the commonwealth countries will be right behind us.

I've been saying for YEARS that if you look at the Saudi royals and then look at the regular Saudi people that the Saudi royalty are obviously not Arab like them. Glad to see at least ONE user caught it too. The rest of you, son I am disappoint

Muhammed was a redheaded Jew.

You didn’t know the house of saud is Jewish? Wew lad.

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You're dumb if you think a bunch of Najdis are Jewish. Hijazis? Possible. But Najdis were isolated from much of the Middle East. If even Najdis are Jews, then all other Middle Easterners are Jewish as well.

Nigger you've never seen a Saudi.
Khomeini isn't Jewish either. Though Ashkenazim may have some Iranian ancestry.

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>hurr you have to see them in person to know for sure!
>video or pictures isn't enough hurr
It's always a fucking leaf.

The nastier jews aren't even Semitic. But regardless too much power and influence is lost by allowing isreal to dictate regional and world policies.

I taught English in Saudi Arabia, so I'm pretty sure I know more about how they look than some braindead mutt.

Saudi Arabia is Saudi because the clan allied with the British, a notable slave nation owned by Jews, in WW1.

The clan allied to British were the Hashemites, not Saudis. The partnership with Saudis happened after Ottoman was defeated and after Saudis united most of the Arabian peninsula.

That's why the King of Jordan today has much closer ties to UK than Saudi Arabia.



You're 100% right but don't forget about:
>Contrary to its negotiations with Ali, the British entered into the Treaty of Darin, which made the lands of the House of Saud a British protectorate. Ibn Saud pledged to again make war against Ibn Rashid, who was an ally of the Ottomans. Ibn Saud was also given a monthly stipend in exchange for waging war against Ibn Rashid.

Yea, I'm sure you taught English to the Saudi royals too huh? Kek. There's absolutely no pictures in existence of the royal Sauds walking with an entourage of Arab people that look nothing like them, is there? None at all right? Fuck off

Although Salman sounds a lot like Solomon, it´s etymologically different. The Arabic word for Solomon is Sulaiman, like the Ottoman emperor.

Welcome to Jow Forums yes the Saudi government is an Israeli proxy.
Yes we have known this for a while.
Now consider that the Saudis fund terrorism.
Specifically and most notably Isis and the 9/11 hijackers.
Think about what this implies

I know it would be terrible having to worship her feet, r-right guys? haha

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Yes they are racial Jews

All of what's in that link is conjecture and has already been refuted. There are DNA testing of Saudi princes which show them to have absolute continuity with other natives.
I've seen some royals. There's thousands of them so they're not as uncommon as some would think.
It's not common of historians to describe the third Saudi state as a British protectorate. They did end up wrecking the Hasemites who were an actual British protectorate. The treaty of Jeddah meant Britian recognized sovereignty en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Jeddah_(1927)

Britain didn't care much for most of the Arabian Peninsula except for the coasts. But outside of the Persian Gulf, Britain didn't seem to be interested as much in the Western coast.

Muhammad was a Jew and a Semite, all the Saudis claim descent from Muhammad.

>source: just trust me bro

Sauce ? Never heard this

Hassa bint Wardaan.

Saudi Arabia existed before Israel.
>Isis and the 9/11 hijackers.
ISIS got its funding from taxation and extortion. 9/11 operation wasn't as expensive as people think, it cost about half a million. That budget could easily be funded by a dozen or so insurgents.
Saudi Arabia is known for funding Madrassas and Salafis that claim to be loyal to Saudi Arabia, something AQ and ISIS never did.
Your source wasn't factual and had many faults.
Here's the source of DNA analysis:
This alone completely destroys all your fantasies about Jews somehow given birth to some Nejdis. I bet you didn't even know of that term before I brought it up.
>all the Saudis claim descent from Muhammad.
False. If that was the case, there wouldn't even be Qahtani vs Adnani shit talking.

You're a fucking idiot.

Haha just kidding...


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>Saudi Arabia existed before Israel
Great Britain existed before The US

Palestinians are the real descendants of the Hebrews who never left Palestine.

The first ancient jews were Palestinians, Arabs and Bedouins.
There were two versions of Judaism, Sadducee for the poor, Pharisaical for the rich and the Saudi royal linage practices Pharisaical Judaism.
When Islam came to be the Sadducce/Phariseee split became the Shia/Sunni split and the Ashkenazi chose to help the Sunni who are the Saudi's over their blood relatives the Iranians who are Shia and who believe they're the only legitimate line of Jewish kings from which the Talmudic messiah will come through.

kys dumb kike worshiper

Cope more leafjew.

Arabs and Jews are closely genetically and culturally related.

And the idea that the US founded Great Britain is nonsensical. The US today barely has any control of Britain. Obama was campaigning for Remain in the Brexit debate. That failed. Trump is now being humiliated by an ambassador.

Why isn’t this whore wearing a niqab ?

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Saudis consider themselves cousins of the Jews

You're too dumb to understand genetics.

Babies first redpill? Man, are you in for a wild ride...

Ashkenazi arent Jews. They are impersonators.

>Arabs and Jews are closely genetically and culturally related.
Jews are closer to Greeks and Italians than Arabs. SeeThey're also more culturally similar to Westerners.

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No I’m saying GB is a proxy of the US despite it existing far long than the US. It’s also a stupid argument in general that an older country/culture can’t be controlled or puppeteered by a younger one

Is this picture actually her?

Doubt X

they're persian mutts that mixed with ancient southern european cultures:
>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.
>Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.
>Modern Jews may traditionally trace their ancestry to the Holy Land, but a new genetic study finds otherwise. A detailed look at thousands of genomes finds that Ashkenazim—who make up roughly 80% of the world’s Jews, including 90% of those in America and half of those in Israel—ultimately came not from the Middle East, but from Western Europe, perhaps Italy.

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Well their Y DNA isn't like Europeans or Turkics. They're at least descendants of broader Middle Easterners:
>A study of haplotypes of the Y-chromosome, published in 2000, addressed the paternal origins of Ashkenazi Jews. Hammer et al.[142] found that the Y-chromosome of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews contained mutations that are also common among other Middle Eastern peoples, but uncommon in the autochthonous European population. This suggested that the male ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews could be traced mostly to the Middle East. The proportion of male genetic admixture in Ashkenazi Jews amounts to less than 0.5% per generation over an estimated 80 generations, with "relatively minor contribution of European Y chromosomes to the Ashkenazim," and a total admixture estimate "very similar to Motulsky's average estimate of 12.5%." This supported the finding that "Diaspora Jews from Europe, Northwest Africa, and the Near East resemble each other more closely than they resemble their non-Jewish neighbors." "Past research found that 50–80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome, which is used to trace the male lineage, originated in the Near East," Richards said. The population has subsequently spread out.

Are you also one of those who think modern Iranians have no blood link to ancient Persians? Because that's false too.
You have no understanding of what proxy means.
UK didn't follow Obama's lead in Syria. They voted to back out when Obama was considering air strikes before he made a decision.

yes saudis are jews. everyone knows this.



Oh boy, the summerfags are starting to learn just how fucked everything is.

>a land with absolutely no synagogue where textbooks teach Jews being most evil group in the world is certainly ruled by kikes

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That section cites scientific journals.
The pic in your post doesn't disagree with the wiki citation.

9/11 was done by israel brainlet. Mossad was running that Al Qaeda cell for over a year.

you're failing miserably, keep going I'm enjoying the comedy

The Arabs have been penetrated by the Daggatum and Donmeh Jews, who have become among their people something similar to the Spanish Sephardim, Jews under disguise.

>wiki citation
Don't stop! You're on roll, downwards

chukchi and han chinese same race
european and turk different race tho??

clown world

i knew an iranian guy with the first name of Salman. he had a big hook nose. i said he looked like a jew. he didnt like that.

Theyre Khazarians.

Sure, retard.
>mohammed was a readhead
>and jewish of course
Next it may as well just be
>jet fuel unironically melts steel beams

Here since Wiki seems to have resurfaced traumas past in you.

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No, Jews melt steel beams. Germany found this out and burned 6 trillion Jews in the oven to smelt all of the iron necessary to create their war machine. It only took a couple dozen Jews ignited by jet fuel to bring down the twin towers.

Unfortunately your post lack wit and intelligence. They have nothing to offer besides looking other dumb fantasies look decent in comparison.

>The first ancient jews were Palestinians, Arabs and Bedouins.
>Arabs were Jews!
This is getting more dumb than the Arabist WE Wuzing of every Semitic speaking group.

>the Saudi royal linage practices Pharisaical Judaism.
>When Islam came to be the Sadducce/Phariseee split became the Shia/Sunni split
>the Ashkenazi chose to help the Sunni who are the Saudi's over their blood relatives the Iranians who are Shia and who believe they're the only legitimate line of Jewish kings from which the Talmudic messiah will come through.
How much do you get paid for writing this stupidity? Because that's the only way you can type this and not be someone with almost no synapses.

Jews had better relations with Shia for hundreds of years before Saudi Arabia existed than Sunnis ever did. Both Jews and Shia were persecuted by Sunnis.
Till this day, the only non-secular Muslim majority country that hosts Jews and has many synagogue is Iran.
Clearly the Germans didn't burn enough Jews to keep your braindead delusions entertained.

Clearly it could never be enough unless it were all of them.

9/11 makes a lot more sense when you swallow that pill, Saudi terrorists aided and trained by Mossad.

Since there are now at least a billion Jews according to this retard, then there's clearly more that need to be burned.

Starting burning Sunni majority countries like Libya and Syria. After all, they're "Pharisaical Jews" according to another braindead conspiracy that fails to match the mythical yet still thought provoking fiction of Abramahic myths.

This is why I don't buy the New Atheists shitting on religion based on the idea that it was written by desert dwellers. At least those ancient desert dwellers have intelligence. The imbeciles of today are a far cry some the authors of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Dont be a child.


"British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran
the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government's 9/11
Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and
Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which
was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.

A Mossad unit consisting of six Egyptian- and Yemeni-born Jews infiltrated "Al Qaeda" cells in Hamburg (the Atta-Mamoun Darkanzali cell), south Florida, and Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates in the months before 9/11. The Mossad not only infiltrated cells but began to run them and give them specific orders that would eventually culminate in their being on board four regularly-scheduled flights originating in Boston, Washington Dulles, and Newark, New Jersey on 9/11.

The Mossad infiltration team comprised six Israelis, comprising two cells of three agents, who all received special training at a Mossad base in the Negev Desert in their future control and handling of the "Al Qaeda" cells. One
Mossad cell traveled to Amsterdam where they submitted to the operational control of the Mossad's Europe Station, which operates from the El Al complex at Schiphol International Airport. The three-man Mossad unit then traveled to Hamburg where it made contact with Mohammed Atta, who believed they were sent
by Osama Bin Laden. In fact, they were sent by Ephraim Halevy, the chief of Mossad."

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you kikes just love to hate on the bible yet never read it what a pussy

tfw no Saudi princess to shit on you

Yea. You didn't know??

This. Saudis come from Najd they are the most isolated Bedouin arabs around. Hejazis arent Jewish either they’re more likely to be Egyptian or Jordanian. Most Jews expanded into the West not Arabia.
> hurrr arabs are just dark jews
Go compare a lighter arab like Lebanese or Syrian to a Jew. Immediate and massive physical difference. If a Lebanese walked into a synagogue they would immediately think he’s an arab, dark or not

Yes, they were Persians (Edomites) that mixed with Turks after Carthage fell to Rome and originally called Chazars. Some stayed in Venice while the rest fucked off to the Caucus mountains to later form Khazaria.
Centuries later the Roman emperor Constantine V married princess Irene of Khazaria and the Vatican created Ashkenazim Judaism in order for the Venetian Black Nobility to become their bankers and bypass the sin of usury when lending out gold.
with every post you appear even more stupid, I'm lovin it, thanks for the laughs you utter fool

According to a retard (you), up is down, good posts are stupid.
Meanwhile you start you're spewing your stupidity by writing one of your sexual migrant rape fantasies.
>Persians are Edomites
>Turks existed in Near East when Carthage fell to Rome
You're too dumb to understand history.