Oh fuck, i just found out that the lead singer of the band ive loved since middle school is a fucking jew. Hes rob zombies brother and hes a kike rat
That band is and has always been fucking gay dude
wait till you find out the guys from Kiss are jewish
Almost like they have some interest in promoting degenerate music
the yid POWERMAN500 vs the goy Static-X
Meh, i never liked kiss. Theyre boomer music. And pm5k isnt degenerate
Such shit taste should be a bannable offense
Is that the band that has a shit song in a tony hawks game?
Wow at least you can let it go now.
They look like they fucking suck
>>Hes rob zombies brother
> hes a kike rat
everything makes sense now. all shit bands are jews
My nigga. Static x was god tier. YEAH! YOU PUSH IT! INTO THE OVEN
They're both awful, but they play distinctly different styles of music.
I saw him at his last show in Michigan, met his folks. Nice people. His wife is a hot ass porn star. She is convinced he was murdered but the dude drank a lot of ever clear.
>band ive loved since middle school
what were you born in Alaska?
No one's even thought about this band since 1999
Get better taste in music, my God. m.youtube.com
That's what you get for having shit taste, pleb.
He's Rob's half-brother and that half is mud blood for sure. Needless to say that band is dogs hit and only butt rock faggaloids would proudly state they like this one "hit" queer
Who TF cares edgelord
Man, i wish i couldve seen him live
I watched titan ae, pm5k did the soundtrack
Why does Jow Forums have such shit taste
I like them. Fuck you.
Lot of white trash in this thread.
>I watched titan ae, pm5k did the soundtrack
ah yeah that movie from 2000 that nobody watched
You know nothing, summer child. Almeda is God-tier.
Ugh, this band blows. Early White Zombie was good until they started making techno music, but P5k always sucked.
I bet you plebs dont like coal chamber or mushroomhead either
Rob's solo project has some good stuff. Hellibilly Deluxe is an absolute classic.
You ready to kike
I'm ready to kike
You gonna do
I cant wait for their next album. The 2017 one kinda sucked.
Someone please make a virgin vs chad meme of this
the only thing positive I can say about those bands is "at least they're not ICP"
Oh yeah 100%
Your music sounds like 3 year old girls screeching
Are you even 21 yet? Those are radio rock. Go and listen to Cavalera Conspiracy or Gwar or something with musicians in it. When you grow up maybe you’ll graduate to baste Sonseed. m.youtube.com
Partied with him back in 2001. He liked his heroin then. Pretty sure hes clean now.
I've seen him multiple times too. He puts on a fun show with lots of energy.
t. Metalhead
Everything is jews
>Nigger music
Country is probably the worst offender since it has a 99.9% Hwhite fanbase.
Unfortunately they never play in my area. Feels bad man
you dont know good music
Possibly the ONLY good thing about Chicago is every band adds it to their tour.
Foods good too
I don’t know music to buttfuck other guys to. If you want to call that good it’s your prerogative but I can smell the anal sex from here, faggot.
I live near there and that is 100% true
Yes you do, your dad showed you remember?
Yeah then after that do an angelfire vs geocities.
U guys are a bunch of fags
You want a REAL MANS BAND?
Yes and its powerman 5000
No u
It's a couple jews that write nearly every factory canned song on the radio now. For a tiny minority they sure are everywhere.
imagine trying get internet cred by lying about partying with this wanker
imagine calling yourself a metalhead because you like an industrial pop rock band from 1999
To be fair Mushroomhead has been trash the last 15 years
Mushroomhead was bitching how slipknot stole their dress up ideas. Metal and metal heads are crybabies.
Couldnt find my PM5K pics but heres Jon with the bagpipes
Cred? For saying I did drugs with the guy?
Bruh, I know so many ppl in the industry woth 1 phone call I can get my son on stage at a manor show if I want to...again.
No need to brag about doing drugs with an addict
Useless info... a friend told me they went to a (((Rob Zombie))) concert back in his heyday. He said it was absolutely terrible. At one point, Robensteinshekelsberg walked off the stage while the music was still playing. He simply stopped lip syncing and left.
Just another Kike shill dressed up like a clown and told to teach kids to do unchristian things. Just like Danzig, Kiss, and all the other anti-whitites.
Not drunk just in bed
Is that pic him?
Saw Rob twice last year. Tinley Park and Rockford IL. With Manson both times.
His show is in my top 3 for performance. Wtf u on?
i used to love mushroom head around 2000-2001.
Fuck this is so shitty. What the fuck did you expect?
This is a brainlet take. What you hear on the radio is not even 1% of the music comprising the same genre. Of course the kikeshit is heavily promoted. They own the record companies.
Damn dood...80% of music made is better than this band
Saw them last year in Joliet but The Browning who opened was better.
I dont know why numetal died, its amazing. Its almost as good as RAC
You just have bad taste
Is there any actual evidence of them being Jewish or does anyone with a kind of shit aesthetic just fall into crypto territory these days? Just asking because I've never heard of this.
You live near joliet? We might be neighbors! What town do you live in?
Was he singing or lip syncing. Answer honestly Rabbi (not possible).
"Like a dagger fallin on your baby
Thrill the kill I know you will"
is this thread like one of those haunted ham radios that lets you communicate with people living 20 years ago?
To be clear I just know Powerman 5000 from Tony Hawk's proskater 2
No i hate most music but im just saying that most music is better than this.. these guys are the shit trailer trash retards listen to man ...seriously try to discover old metal, anything, just different genre to cleanse your pallet..for fucks sake
> Oh fuck, i just found out that the lead singer of the band ive loved since middle school is a fucking jew. Hes rob zombies brother and hes a kike rat
Old music is best music
Cleetus billyjimbobs music is better than dad rock.
Oswego. Small world!
good memories user youtube.com
Not him but I live around the south suburbs, about 20-30 mins from joliet. Wanna meet up and have buttsex? No homo. Just a couple dudes from pol hangin out.
Hey cool story faggot
Doubtful, manson woulda called him out on it.
How far is that from oswego?
I dunno what to tell you user. It happens I guess. I used to listen to them alot to when I was younger. Not so much anymore. Ever really.
Guys come check out my webpage make sure to sign the guest book
If you want to listen to good country there is always David Allen Cough and Hank Jr.
Powerman 5000 geniuinly sucks dick
Give me the title of a decent song besides “worlds colide” dipshit...come on one of your faves...i need a fucking laugh
I dont get it
V is for vampire
Powerman 6 Gorillion
Theyre fucking garbage
You just watched the Joe Rogan Experience clip with Robert Oberst and he mentioned it. I know your YouTube history, “user”.
Oof about an hour. Bit of a ride for buttsex.
I've actually never been to Oswego. I did some work in naperville and aurora but that was very brief. How is it over there? Where I currently live is being overrun by diversity.
Powershekel 6,000,000,000 you antisemite!
Seriously though evidence that they are Jewish or you're a lying liar.
Just fucking ugh.
Aurora is hell on earth. Its bean central and its starting to spill over. The only thing keeping them out is housing prices
What is with all the shit taste in this thread?
David Allan Coe. Wtf is this place, AI?
Yorkville is 96% white
Oswego is turning brown from spic invasion. If you move west make it at least to Bristol
He bit the dick
This please get me out of here
Couldn't tell you.
It is also puzzling that someone would be shocked that a faggot pop stars brother is also the leader of a faggot band and a Jew.