Friendly reminder that the Civil war was about slavery

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It was about trade protective tariffs. Lincoln freed no one.

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No it wasn't

The aristocrats funding the war in the south cared about slavery, but the average southern soldier was a retard who was just fighting for “his rights”. We all know the union didn’t start off fighting to end slavery but that ended up being a cause. It was about slavery, no matter what dixie idiots say.

Exactly user, Confediatards can go read their own articles of secession


>The (((aristocrats))) funding the war in the south cared about slavery,

If the civil war was about slavery does that mean non slave states are allowed to leave the Union?


No, it was about states rights, faggot.

There were a couple of slave states that sided with the union.
This "Civil war was about slavery" bullshit came about in Lincoln's second term. White factory workers were scared shitless of being replaced by slaves. Lincoln played to that because support for the war was zilch
Start at page 17 its a sermon preached to confederate soldiers

The U.S. went to war with the rebel states because they attacked U.S. military forces, and they attacked U.S. military forces because they were afraid they were going to lose their slaves.

Specifically the right to have slaves.

So the war was about keeping the Union together

If the media says that invading Iran is to spread freedom, does that mean intervening in the Middle East isn't about Israel and oil?

From the North's side, yes. From the South's side, it was about keeping slaves.

yet border states that sided with the union like delaware and maryland were able to keep slaves

really makes me :thinking emoji:

No it was about leaving the Union

Oh yes “rights” are not worth fighting for goy

>It was about trade protective tariffs
Explain. I'm kinda retarded

Because they wanted to keep slaves.

no it wasn't

Southern society wouldve probably changed for the worse for the average southerner if slavery was abolished, there is no doubt about that. Theres a reason so many southerners were so enthusiastic to fight. I guess that’s what the sermon is trying to say.

They could have still had slaves in the Union
They just wanted to be independant
What reason was there for them to stay?

>Implying Northern states would waste such an enormous amount of money and human life for the rights of some slaves.

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They were worried that they would lose the right to have slaves under Lincoln, which is why they wanted to leave.

it all started in 1832 with the so-called tariff of abominations, and the attempt by southern states who would be financially hurt by the tariff to nullify it. South Carolina nearly seceded in 1833 and the US congress passed a law authorizing military force against South Carolina. The tariff was repealed later that year but this caused a lot of tension between the south and the north. Obviously slavery was a factor but not nearly as much as the rights of individual states vs. the federal government.

>implying the federal reverse wasn’t in the works
Money doesn’t matter when you can print it endlessly. It was simply about control of the entirety of American.

No. It wasn't

>the war of northern aggression
>led by a president who explicitly wanted all blacks shipped back to Africa
>was about slavery and muh equality and not domination and crushing states rights.

Why wouldn’t the federal government just buy the slaves and re-imburse the southern owners? A lot cheaper and better than a national tragedy. They could then figure out states rights without violence. It’s almost as though the north wanted a war.

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No they knew they were going to be a permanent minority
Pluralistic democracy is retarded

Nope, they were literally worried they would lose their slaves.

Anyone have the original? Not this SJW edit?

Then why was slavery still legal in the Union?

Retard, it was always about state rights vs federal rights. Come back when you learn what casus belli means.

Because Lincoln didn't actually take slaves away in the Union, especially after the war started.

Right, the state's right to have slaves.

Then how was the war about slavery?
No the right to leave the Union
Nobody questioned the right of states to have slaves
They left the Union because the North was adding new nonslave states for votes

No , it was an antisemetic communist rebellion.antisemites wanted to destroy the slave trade to hurt Jews and instate communism by having the government steal peoples private property (agricultural equipment) and outlawing it's ownership entirely.

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nigger the slave trade was outlawed in 1808. and everyone knows all the slave traders and all the big time plantation owners were kikes

>Then how was the war about slavery?
Because they were worried that Lincoln would take away their right to have slaves, even though he didn't actually do it once the war started.
>No the right to leave the Union
Nope, the right to have slaves.
>Nobody questioned the right of states to have slaves
Lots of people did.
>They left the Union because the North was adding new nonslave states for votes
Which matters when it comes to what, user? Slavery.

It was, yankee fucks should have kept their nose out of our business.

>in the secession documents of half of the confederacy say “we are leaving because the north wants to take our slaves”

Friendly reminder, Dixiecucks

>Which matters when it comes to what, user?
They would no longer be in power
They would be a permanent minority
Why would they want to remain a part of the country?

Imagine believing this

>“we are leaving because the north wants to take our slaves”
lets see that quote

>They would no longer be in power
Right, which means they wouldn't be able to stop them from taking their slaves, which is the issue that differentiated them.

so what? you cocksuckers wanted to turn the south into haiti. We had every right to secede, I wish we had killed more of you race traitors.

>Right, which means they wouldn't be able to stop them from taking their slaves
Or stop them from doing anything
Again what reason did they have to stay?

All the reasons states join the U.S. in the first place.

The civil war was from 1861-1865.
In 1863, West Virginia split from Virginia and joined the north AS A SLAVE STATE.

If the war was about ending slavery, why did the union admit a new slave state during the middle of the war?

When the Union was formed they had a even balance of slave and non slave states because neither one wanted to be dominated by the other

The war wasn't about ending slavery, it was about trying to save it.

Right, which matters for exactly one issue: slavery

No, it was about niggers.

>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

Secession documents of Mississippi for one.

Rest of them paint a similar picture kek


Lincoln offered the southern states a deal- the right to own slaves forever if they did not secede.

Go ahead, try again.

dumb americans acting like they know what real war is lmao

I don't need to. The states literally seceded because they were worried they would lose their slaves. That's historical fact.

Why couldn’t Lincoln have progressively gotten more anti-slavery as the war went on? Kek read some Foner fag bag

And taxes
Political appointments
Foreign/Indian police
Land grands
Learn to use quotation marks properly retard

I'm sorry, but was there a balance of states being admitted on the basis of their position on taxes, political appointments, foreign/indian police, or land grants? No. It was specifically about slavery.

>I-I-It was everything b-but slavery

Lot of Lost Cause there whew

Because that was the dividing issue

Exactly. It wasn't about taxes, political appointments, foreign/indian police, or land grants. It was about slavery.

If you put quotes around something that that should be an exact quote not you paraphrasing it
Did you graduate the 3rd grade?

The confederacy fought to preserve slavery. The union fought to preserve the union. It was only after the fact that Lincoln justified the war.

There is no other way to look at it.

based & redpilled

But whatever side got elected would control all of those things
Even if the north never banned slavery which they said they would do the South would no longer be able to control the government
Why would they still want to be a part of the Union and under someone else's rule

"Those that think the war had nothing to do with slavery are as wrong as those who think it had everything to do with it."

Shelby Foote

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that's not what it says on ikkepedia

You act as though free states are a perfectly aligned coalition and the slaves states are also a perfectly aligned coalition, with no variation in their politics among themselves.

>David heter egentlig David Sheramomosja, men ble omdopt av McGyver til nåværende navn: Hasselhoff. McGyver fortalte at han kalte David for Hasselhoff, grunnet at han spiste en pose med Hasselnotter.

I somehow always knew this was true, somehow I always knew

That is pretty much how the election went down
Again give me one reason for them to stay
The real lesson of the Civil War is democracy is stupid

see that america? that's russia joke embedded there, from before it was cool, is ooold

the north still owes the south money reparations for stolen farm equipment

Getting real sick of you fucks.

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Goddamn so much bullshit in this thread.

The Civil War was absolutely about slavery. Here's the real sequence of events.

>Uncle Tom's Cabin is published.
>People in the north freak out about the depiction of slavery in the book sparking the slavery abolition movement
>Abe Lincoln becomes an outspoken abolitionist speaker and leader
>Abe runs for President
>Looks like Abe will win. Southern states freak out. Claim they will leave the union if abolitionist Abe is elected
>Abe says to south, stop being pussies. I will not end slavery. I'll just do what we've been doing all along, stop its spread in the union. This doesn't make the south feel much better
>Abe is elected President. South secedes. Abe decides that he ain't going to let secession happen for many reasons. First, he's opposed to slavery in general. Second, he doesn't want to preside over the end of the US. Third, he thinks the US is way more powerful on the world stage than would be a north and south US.
>The US army refuses to relinquish Fort Sumter in the south. The South starts the Civil War by attacking Fort Sumter.
>Sometime during the war, Lincoln meets the writer of Uncle Tom's Cabin and says about her that she's "the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war."

>The fucking end you dumb niggers.

Anyone who says the Civil War isn't about slavery is conveniently ignoring that Lincoln was an abolitionist and secession was the direct result of Lincoln's election.

>That is pretty much how the election went down
Because everyone who votes for a guy for President will always agree on everything. That's how politics works.
>Again give me one reason for them to stay
Trade, military, federal aid, etc.
>The real lesson of the Civil War is democracy is stupid
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

Nope, it was about state's rights. The slavery bit was propaganda that gave Northerners a moral incentive to fight the South.

This. The southern elites wanted to keep their slaves, the common southern soldiers just wanted their independence. The northern elites wanted to abolish slavery, the northern soldiers were fighting to preserve the union (and because they were drafted). The people who orchestrated the war did it because of slavery, but the average soldier on either side wasn't really thinking about it in those terms.

That's some expert propaganda to actually make its way into Confederate succession documents.

You make the same thread everyday around the same time.

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Based and kekpilled.

BTW, want to know the real reason the southerners were so keen on fighting to the death for slavery?

I'll fucking tell you dumb niggers.

Every single female slave's pussy was public property for whites. White southerners fucked a different slave girl every night. They would travel and get slave girls sent to their hotel rooms. They'd stay at their friend's farm and have a threesome. It was sex slaves galore.

You think you would fight for that?

>That's how politics works.
It only works if both sides still believe in the system
>Trade, military, federal aid, etc.
which they could not control
they would have to follow the norths will
>Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
no its the worst

It was about states' rights to own slaves. That was the main reason the Southern elites wanted independence. They knew as more states joined the union and opposition to slavery got stronger there would inevitably be a federal ban down the road so they needed to secede in order to keep their slaves.

Confederates: fOuGhT fOr SlAvErY
Federals: Literally fought for the right of negroids to vote and obtain firearms.

Today we obviously see who was right.

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That was only the 3-5% of wealthy whites who actually owned slaves. The remaining 95% never had a chance of getting any slave pussy, a single slave cost more than a subsistence farmer would ever earn in his entire life.

This shills retarded.

>It only works if both sides still believe in the system
Not really. If one party collapses, the other party will have a rift and two new parties emerge for a new equilibrium.
>they would have to follow the norths will
Again, you're acting like the north and south are monolithic groupthink entities, which is nonsense.
>no its the worst
States may not have the right to leave the Union, but you certainly do have the right to leave the U.S.

Imagine a nigga reading!
Them imagine a nigga reading this thread.


It didn't really make it in as a sugarcoat. The Confederate secession documents were pretty explicit about wanting to keep their slaves and believing blacks were morally suited to slavery IIRC.

That's bullshit. All poor rednecks had to do was grab a slave girl off the street and drag her off to the woods. It was commonplace. If you were a poor redneck and you had any interaction at all with slave women, you could rape them at will.

Real life isn't a porno dude. Doesn't work like that.

nah, it was about power and secession. with our without slavery, there wouldve been no war without secession. tariffs, slavery, all that shit didnt matter to the war-- secession and only secession mattered. the northern states wouldve done anything to retain political control over the southern states. the second they seceded, war was in the air. it didnt matter what they seceded over

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John Brown's descendants owe me reparations.