> This video which was released in June, 26th, 2019, shows the first ever Act of Medal of Honor EVER caught on video. But not just one, but TWO medal of Honors. Something never seen before.

>Here we see SGT. John A. Chapman, an AirForce Combat controller, heroically act to save the bodies and lives of his brothers in combat. With the option to save his own life, or save his brothers, Sgt. Chapman heroically charged the Al-Qaeda forces.

I hate ziowars but when watching a TRUE CRUSADER charge the Islamic enemy, and kill to defend his brothers, you can only have respect.


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I saw this on Fox the other night. I agree Zionist jew fuckers are satan but that doesn't make muslims pure. Watching an American Crusader die while saving his brothers is horrible. We should have just killed every fucking sand nigger there.

We should have just glassed the entire nation.

making the medal of honor too meaningless. shit like this has happened millions of times, hundreds of times every war

>Same fagging this hard

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>making the medal of honor too meaningless. shit like this has happened millions of times, hundreds of times every war

>It's this easy for ZOGuricans to fall for kike wars
just need a raw raw video and you're willing to go 5 trillion + in debt and be sent to a middle eastern shit hole huh? lmao this country is fucking doomed

2:20 - That was a crazy move. He charged them, got lucky and lived.

>lets train terrorists to fight other terrorists then lets send Americans to fight the terrorists we trained and make more terrorists to fight so we can send more Americans to die

sounds like a true crusade my dude.

No it hasn't you stupid fuck. Name one other resent event that was like this. I'll wait cunt.

I love when people with meme flags accuse others of idiotic meme faggotry. What country are you really from? Are you ashamed of where you are from?

The war against islam is a righteous one. Nation building is the wrong one. We should have slaughtered everyone in that part of the world. That wouldn't have cost Trillions of dollars. Plus who would stop us?

Dude the entire first crusade was killing and pitting muslims against eachother. You know nothing about holy wars.

More evidence that military run by government is such an expensive fuck up. We should be providing way better body armor and defensive shields to these fighters as well as more man power. You have these drones monitoring things, they should be doing surveillance for a week in the area prior to deploying to save the dead body. Thus you should know how many there are in that area and give 2-3 strike teams landing and overwhelming the enemy. They should have never been put in that fucked up position in the first place much less not having a better evacuation plan where they have to leave him behind.

I honestly find it repulsive how many people look on our crusaders as the bad guys. They sound exactly like AOC and Ilhan Omar. Idiotic liberals who deserve to die to brain cancer.

We should have robots on the battle field bringing more ammo to these guys in gun fights. They can bring important medical supplies that could save their lives too. Less for the medics and others to carry. The robots can help shield downed fighters as well. These elite delta/seals should be covered with dragonskin type body armor.

I fully agree. We spend the more than everyone. Our elite forces should have elite support and equipment.

Its like every other week they give out a dozen MOHs since barry took office. Most of them for relatively mundane shit.

I for one, my fellow white man, can NOT wait to go to war with Iran.

>medal of Honors
you tard

This would have been a silver star at best in WW2 combat, more likely bronze.

>Islamic enemy
Come on! Al-Qaeda are not the enemy. There are a few bad so called "Islamic" groups that are actually Mossad but Al-Qaeda is not one of them. You hypocrites call Muslims "terrorists" for defending their country but US soldiers aren't "terrorists" for invading a country? ZOGbots will burn in hell Inshallah

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Medals for heroic military actions are mostly just medals for being lucky and not getting killed by some random crap.
For every guy that charged a bunker and lived to get a medal I bet 100 people got killed just as they were standing up to attack.

I don't get why in this case with on call gunship support they didn't put a IR laser on the bunker and have a 105mm round do the work for them.

Man I hate kikes and cryptokikes (aka Mudslimes)

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Inshallah death to the Jews & Americans!

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put the crack pipe down, moron

Courage aside, this is a perfect example of why you don't do raids with men and small arms. Even the 105mm couldn't collapse tunnels.

You just bomb them with 2000 pound JDAMs and call it a day.

.... I don't know if I can even be bothered to take your bait or engage your actual clueless idiocy....

The Seals left this man for dead.

What about child soldiers?

We have so many fucking Orphans. I think it would benefit america more by take certain types of children and putting them in a military program at a very young age. Then spend the next 10 years basically turning them into the perfect warrior.

And before you call me a stupid science fiction faggot, let's keep in mind Spartans did this 1000s of years ago to a successful degree. History has proven that children raised to be pure warriors, will become perfect warriors.

See 105mm HE is shit against the rocky terrain in Afghanistan.

Zero point in doing raids with today's tech. Drones to spot, and a dozen 2000 pounders on them later and you've done the job with zero causalities.

Trump was the one who gave him the MOH though

>Islamic enemy
all my enemies are here in america m8, i don't know what you're talking about

Iran is not an enemy we need to worry about and Trump knows that which is why he has kept the war hawks at bay. If Bush or any other fucking Republican was in the White House we would already be in a war with Iran.

Muslims and Jews are both the enemies?

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> faggot with terrorist meme flag saying muslims are not enemies

Are you Ilhan Omar?

The IP hopping with you is real and fucking intense.

More like SEALs believed their own hype and on multiple occasions refused to listen to locals, decided to chopper directly onto the objective instead of hiking and taking the long way around.
They keep getting BTFO this way, and they never learn.
SEALs should stick to naval warfare, and let Delta handle the ground.

Based , we need more mutts like this one

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Chapman was killed and he also killed 6 enemy combatants, and saved the lives of 12+ fellow Crusaders. He is a hero and only a muslim or faggot cringe liberal cuck would disagree.

Based American. Europe, Australia, & America are the anal sex doers. The Muslims are not. Inshallah all anal sex doers will die.

The SEALs tried to block Chapman's MoH and the guy who made the call to leave him behind got the medal as well.

>Naval Special Warfare Command allegedly attempted to block Chapman's Medal of Honor, as that would result in an admission that they left Chapman behind. When it became apparent that it could not be blocked, it was further alleged that they put the commander of the operation, Britt Slabinski, up for the Medal of Honor, which he received in May 2018.[10] Some time in March, Chapman's family was notified that his Air Force Cross was to be upgraded to the Medal of Honor.[11]

Why do fags with meme flags talk the most shit?

Press S to spit on the seals for leaving him behind and trying to block his medal of honor for making them look bad

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10 minutes after that picture was taken, she strapped a C-4 Vest to him and told him to run at a US military convoy.

>t. Abdul

>105mm HE is shit against the rocky terrain in Afghanistan.
Good thing you aren't trying to kill the fucking mountains.

>medal of honors


> islam is your friend you stupid white bastard.
> Inshallah, through Muhammad is the path to paradise

Go get brain cancer, Shitskin. The Crusader state will rule for eternity or none will.

Does anyone else here steal valor? I make shit up all the time and impress people. I got a uniform, some.medals and took pictures. I have a bronze star and other shit.

This is actually somewhat true. The MoH has become mostly a propaganda item.

Only Jews are the enemies.
I'm a straight man with a freedom fighter meme flag saying muslims are not enemies. If they were enemies you infidels would not have to go to the Middle East all by yourself to fight them. 9/11 was not an unprovoked attack.
She strapped a bomb to herself and killed 4 Jews days later. Her children have been on Palestinian TV saying they would do the same of what their mother did.

If a US military convoy was bombed it would not matter anymore since Jews & Americans are both invaders.

That was a pretty retarded operation, not gonna lie.

Wasted potential in a useless conflict for internationalist interests. Shroud it in as much honor as you want, it's all a farce in the end.

It's hard for me to find respect for soldiers. I'm sure that some are good people.

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ok Richard the Lion Hearted, go back to your kiddy adventure books

your video, about a bunch of black dots, sucks

>and saved the lives of 12+ fellow Crusaders.
Because they are all a bunch of fat REMF with pistols and not SEALs who could defend themselves?

They were also in 4ft deep snow but the reason they were there is because a Navy SEAL fell out of the helicopter, and they went to retrieve the body of their fallen brother. Christ welcomes SGT. Chapman with open arms into Heaven.

God rest his soul and death to all muslim jihadists

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He also went lonewolf and Leroyed the bunker by himself like a retard, forcing his teammates to have to follow him into danger.
What the video doesn't show is that this probably happened at night, and the SEALs had NVGs with IR lasers, a huge advantage against the Derkas. There was ZERO need to be a hero and charge the bunkers.

The bunkers are built into the natural crevices and caves. 105mm HE won't do shit against them. You can rain it down and it'll just make the ground shake over their heads.

Yeah, they wanted to retrieve a body of a fallen SEAL, but it was useless in the end.

Just take off the top of the mountain and all is good and you don't have casualties from silly small arms raids.

Iraq is a long way from Home


unless your from Fallujah

He captured the Bunker you stupid fuck, he was shot minutes later.


Show flag weak faggot and stay mad

American patriotic guy here. Im not for Zog wars too. Sandniggers are bad. Bomb Iran too because they are sand niggers too.
Israel might not be great but they sure help us kill sandnogs.
Fox news, I watch that
Liberals are the real Nazis
Right goys?

When did I say he failed to captured the bunker? Nice strawmanning.
Also, there were 2 bunkers.

This was in Adghanistan you dumb cunt. Are there mountains in Iraq??

>The bunkers are built into the natural crevices and caves. 105mm HE won't do shit against them.
Guys shooting out at you are somehow immune to having a 105mm HE round explode directly in their face.
Tell me more of the magic of crevices in Afghanistan.

RIP sir.
God bless.
Fuck browns.

a legend and a hero
may the Lord have mercy on his soul

Imagine being that man's wife and finding out about this. What a bunch of fucking scumbags we have in our government. And the evil ones are never the ones that die in combat, they live to send generation after generation into the lion's den with not even a shred of regret on their conscience. Evil exists in this world and it never gets what's coming to it.

He was already dead. He only became conscious an hour later. That's not the fault of the SEALs

"It was always my wish to turn my body into deadly shrapnel against the Zionists and to knock on the doors of heaven with the skulls of Zionists."

Attached: Reem Riyashi.jpg (1917x3000, 828K)

Lmao, as if Al Qaeda is mostly made up of people from the country they fight in. Most terror cells are comprised of foreign fighters who came to fight jihad against those they see as infidels. This narrative of 'muh soil' is a complete lie.

Liberals are a cancer but muslims are not innocent in their invasion tactics.

>chopper directly onto the objective
ding ding ding

155mm is very effective in Afghanistan
t. Experience

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He killed so many guys and built up kill streaks. Why not call in a UAV and Air Strike?

there are gopro videos all over the internet of sandniggers killing each other in close quarters. it's no different than what's in that video. the only difference is the nationality of the combatants.

Did you watch the video? They had to land because a SEAL fell from the chopper. They were trying to rescue a fellow Crusader and they are blessed for doing so. Chapman is in heaven and the Islamic trash is in hell.

Deus Vult

Al-Qaeda & ISIS convert the "infidels" or make them pay a tax for not being Muslim. The foreign fighters are greenpilled whites who come to fight America & it's puppets.

Remind me against what Afghanistan has to do with kikes?

When they use "infidels" it's purely for the non-Muslim invaders.

Seen an M777 put a first round through a 1m x 1m target board at 17km coming down at maybe a 70 degree angle.

I'm saddened that we send our soldiers to die in J-wars instead of having them deal with our invasion at home.



Not ganna brag but our battery was pretty damn good at artillery.


>That fucking disgusting pizza face
No wonder she did a suicide attack.

Because they didnt want to think they left him behind. It was a douche move but when you see in the video, if you were in that situation you would fucking dip too. There were only 3 SEALs alive at that point surrounded by 2 dozen enemy combatants

Good people + good gear = good outcomes.

They thought he was dead and there was only 3 SEALs alive and they were surrounded by overwhelming numbers. You would have done the same.

Not Wehrmacht therefore fake, gay, israel etc

The dude they were retrieving fell because the chinooks took a shit ton of RPG and machine gun fire. I'm not going to armchair this but DEVGRU built a stink in stan for flying directly on top of their god damn hides and then wondering how the goat fuckers knew where they were. They were also constantly racing d-boys and had a massive fucking chip on their shoulder about it. Some of them will begrudgingly concede this in hind sight.

She was going to heaven anyway. She would've joined the IDF & converted to Judaism if she wanted to go to hell.

Deployment was honestly a blast and I’d go back in a heartbeat.
We managed to do a 15 round sweep-zone fire mission in just over 2 minutes. The fo has to tell us to shoot slower after that

They were trying to recover the body of their brother. This is what separates the us from them. Our Crusaders fight for eachother like family.

Come on now, name one thing that isn't politicized in this day and age. Nothing's sacred anymore, and we're fucking fucked basically