I'm fucking terrified guys. All this shit with influential billionaires being human trafficking, child sacrificing, devil worshippers has me fucking terrified! I'm freaking the fuck out right now! Fuck fuck fuck! It's too much information to handle and i feel so scarred! I might have nightmares tonight!
I haven't been in pol all day, what happened today?
Jace Myers
Someone said a mean thing and pretended it had a profound meaning.
Julian Martinez
The best you can do is harden the fuck up. You can't forget this stuff. Just like you can't forget the mistakes you have made up until now. The new world will need what Plato described as guardians. Men of gold and silver spirits to guide and safeguard the rest.
Why? Are you a demon? Can a demon touch you? Man up, put on the helmet of truth and breastplate of righteousness. No power in hell can stand against Christ. If you see the demons in the world that means you see the enemy, now put on the armor of God and stop being afraid
Ethan Johnson
I know this is a fag looking for attention but I feel like there are real anons in need of a white pill. This is going to sound boomer as fuck but... The sun will come out tomorrow. Wake up as early as you can and take advantage of it. Put down the alcohol and Jow Forums for a few days. Be who you want to attract and relax. Then when your taking a nice big pop at work, get back on here and black pill overdose. REPEAT! YOU'LL BE HERE FOREVER
Been there. The blackpill sucks, but there's good news. This injustice, degeneracy and filth will not go unpunished. God's grace to this earth is incomprehensibly amazing, but it will run out if this world doesn't turn to Him.
Jesus will make everything right when He sets up His kingdom, but all these events must take place first. Satan is getting his chance to deceive the world in this short time, but it won't last long.
Accept the free gift of salvation from Jesus Christ. He came to this earth, lived a perfect life, free from sin, and became the atonement for your sin and everyone else's, past, present and future. He guarantees eternal life, full of happiness, peace, and a lasting joy that never runs out. Admit your sins and accept Him into your heart, it's a free gift. Take it and He will give you His peace that passes all understanding, and soon, we'll all leave this hellhole.
It'll go down. Just gotta pound on it with more red pills. At some point your political throat will give and the red pills will just slide right on down with no resistance.
Jacob Russell
This. Also take a break from visiting this site. Despair and hopelessness are not fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are forms of satanic attack against men.
Bro I was exactly; exactly where you were in 2016. So crazy. Look into Steven Anderson, kjv bible, Baptist churches and joining the army of Christ. These people do these things because they are given temporal power in return from satan. If you try to find this war with the weapons of the world you will lose. Believe me I have tried. Live for christ, win others for christ. If we all lived like Christians the world would be very different
Hate to put it this way, but you must be new here. But yeah, it's a HUGE redpill to swallow, and it only gets bigger the more you find out about it. And there's much, MUCH more. The whitepill is that it's being unEarthed.
Elijah Collins
Trump Steaks are the ultimate white pill. Pick some up if you can.
>I'm terrified Atleast you know about them now Now that you know do you really want to not know? Dont be scared, be angry There's a justified reason to be angry, so its immoral not to be
Christopher Lewis
I have white pills for the asking. You only need tell me what for, as in what you are black pilling about. Only for the next 15 minutes or so. IDGAF ignore as you'd like too. >pic is for OP
And ain't all Jesus frens. There's plenty of good left in the world, operating and also a larger picture of how bad things develop. The political pendulum swings back now in the first world and you may not want to miss it
You are the white pill. If you can fight your way through the horror and set yourself targets to improve yourself and those around you.
Kayden Morgan
Why are you larping like you actually care? Go do something productive with your life if you want to make a difference. Help some kids without parents grow up with proper morals. Support your race in the fight against the Jew. Do something, anything, other than virtue signal to other wannabe nationalists on a cambodian basket weaving forum.
You are utterly pathetic OP.
Brody Powell
Caleb Hill
I don't believe you. But if true just go back to plebbit.
But OP wants a break from child sacrificing and devil worship.
Benjamin Bailey
>fight and die for what you believe in, in the upcoming years
This is the only thing that gets me up in the morning.
Brandon Brooks
If you didn't already know by overwhelming evidence that jew pedos run child sex rings you are a newfag and should have waited 2 years before posting. Have you even done a gore desensitization session yet user? Dehumanize yourself and face to minecraft bloodshed, newfriend
Isaiah Nelson
Assuming OP is serious. You are late to the party, but better late than never. You learn to process it. When the podesta and dnc emails broke, and people were digging hard into it, I lost considerable sleep over that shit as the implications of everything came together. I suspected things were bad before that, but didn't understand the full extent. Everything since has been nonstop rude awakening to the evil that surrounds us.
Try not to overdose on it. Steel your nerves, prepare your mind, life, and body. You'll learn to manage it, because you have no other choice
Parker Jackson
Kayden Martinez
>The best you can do is harden the fuck up Fuck off, you piece of shit
You either die an honorable death for your people or you survive and settle down with your family to make more of your people. This is why /sig/ is important. You must prepare your mind, body and soul while you can in these dark times.
Michael Allen
Are cat posters still presumed to be CIA niggers trying to be relevant?