17 year old in AZ stabbed for playing rap music

Check this out fags
>A 17 year old boy was fatally stabbed in Arizona by a man who said the rap music the victim was listening to made him feel "unsafe," the police said.
Here's what ticked me off. They explicitly mention that the killer was white and the victim was "multiracial." It's obvious they are pinning this on race.
>In a police interview, Mr. Adams, who is white, said that Elijah, who was multiracial, had been listening to rap music on his car radio before he entered the store, and that the music had made Mr. Adams feel threatened.
>Mr. Adams said in the interview that rap music "makes him feel unsafe," because in the past he had been "attacked by people (blacks, Hispanics, and Native American) who listen to rap music."
>According to the police statement, he said that "people who listen to rap music are a thread to him nd his community."
What's funny is that the kike who wrote this shit casually says Native Americans listen o rape, as well as Hispanics, while also pointing out that the killer was white. It's obvious bullshit trying to paint whites out as monsters that want to kill all colored people, when this guy was just a nut job. The worst part is everyone will eat this shit up and white people will be furthered demonized. What do you think?

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I hope this picks up steam and copycats all over the world start stabbing people listening to CRAP loudly.

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The dude was just released from prison like a couple days ago, lmao.

Who cares? Fuck white people. You time is over. #AsianCentury

>man who said the rap music the victim was listening to made him feel "unsafe,"
Proof, that the killer was NOT white. That's typical leftist POC speak.

God I hate sitting in traffic when someone rolls up with their shitty bass blasting. That cant possibly sound good to you from inside the car

Mr. Adams is right you know


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>17 year old in AZ stabbed for playing rap music

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Fuck this guy

Absolutely based and anyone who disagrees is a niggerkike

this is why i only go to the qt. fuck circleK. it's like meth head central.

Man is doing God's work. Hope he gets off.

>wignat justifies cold blooded murder

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white crime doesn't ever pass a small fraction of nonwhite crime, they must over publicize incidents like this and underplay the opposite

He was listening to niggerbeats at an unreasonable volume. Totally justified.

i think i will have no remorse when the countless stories start rolling in across the globe of xyz reporters getting xyz'd and body bagged. its like sam hyde says, society is reaching a breaking point and these malicious kikes peddling their propaganda wont be safe for much longer. now im never going to do shit about it because im a fucking gondola, i just watch and observe the world and see where things are heading. but make no mistake, when sharia eventually takes over, the muslims will make sure they kill these reporters for their subversions of moral society. thats where i see it heading at least. my 2 cents.

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