60 teenagers caught on camera looting Philadelphia Walgreens


A taste of what's in store for America.

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Black people truly are a collection of 1 dimensional 50IQ collection of human feces.

how is that not monkeys?

what is going on i cant

this is obviously a riot and deadly force should have been used

The average monkey IQ is upwards of about 60 and after captivity around 80

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And they wonder why they get closely watched when they're shopping

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Fucking monkeys!

what if whites did this to a hood house or store

would media outrage materialize then?

Culturally enriched.

* chimpanzee noises*

Is this what America is like now ?

Literal monkey

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Niggers are the worst animals on earth, and American niggers are the worst of all and we have a ton of them. They ruin civilization.

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Theyre contained in the cities

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Filthy beasts

So is this how most major America cities are ?

Black Friday.

And I'll guarantee not a single benzedrex or bottle of amphetamine was taken.

If we hadn't enslaved their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents this never would have happened

Shipping them over here was one big ass mistake.

should spread a new slang term, "black Friday sale" referring to shit like this as well as their looting during riots

Jesus... would a full-auto rifle even hold back that tide of niggers. Would need a few fucking grenades to stop them.

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When we pay them the reparations they want everything will be ok and they won’t need to loot stores anymore

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Rich people tend to be lazy fucks.
In the 1700s and 1800s, they couldn't pick their own cotton, and these days they can't pick their own fruit/clean their own bathrooms/nanny their own kids.

wow, looks like fun

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they were looting 99 cent bags of donuts. kek!


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Teens again? It’s time to ban them. That teen who assaulted his teen grandmother the other day was bad enough!

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This is “organized crime” for niggers

lol just fucking nuke Google already

If those porch monkeys had any brains they'd have looted the place with masks on, and went straight for the pseudoephedrine-containing stuff behind the counter.

ya for most part, there are some decent towns in america that are close to cities though. Good for when you wanna experience some fun but don't wanna live in the BS

Every fucking one of them. Europe has "no go zones"? We've had them for a hundred years.

NIGGERS. Can go from behaved to "psychotic murderous rampage" in an instant - with no stimulus. They then will sit in court and say "I dindu nuffin", video documentation be damned. In their simian minds, they didn't do it.

The source of this issue is the rich. They brought them here and they are Bringing spics too now days. It is the rich who made this possible.

What if white teenagers wore MAGA hats and got harassed by black adults who called them faggots?

Niggers often go for paper towels and toilet paper for some reason

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Beasts of the field. The KKK was right

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dey jus gettin dey hustle on it be dey cultuh

If more than 10 whites get together not at the goy store or a baal game, then the nigger media chimps out.

It happens all the time. Media sweeps it under the rug, and never links any of the other incidents together.

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of course its SF/Cali so all of the passengers were unarmed...

Walgreens is owned by Jews.

Fucking chimps.

Deal with it burgers. Enjoy your niggers.

Thankfully, we dont have that many up here. :)

>were not monkeys
>*climbs tree and ducks some rando bitch*


Nah, you got the Syrain rapefugee's and the ching chong ping lings.

A white kid smirked at an injun who was beating a drum in his face and it got nearly 2 weeks of coverage.

One has to wonder how long the cult of socio economics can maintain its religious group of people. Annoying thing is even stupid "conservative" burger boomers also believe that kind of shit. That the difference between Detroit and Wakanda is small government

Imagine the smell.

religious grip on people**

These videos are literally becoming a daily fucking thing.
Black crime is out of fucking control in this country. The media ignores it and sjws/blacks online call you racist for pointing out this fact.

>hooktube link and proper procedure assessment

theyre literally just stealing things they dont feel like paying for. stealing to fence later is one abstraction too far it would seem.



>The mob only ran when the Wal Greens staff threw job application forms at them.

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These fools don't know about Bruce Leroy.

They are expensive and it's become harder to steal them from store bathrooms.

>It’s “YOUTHS!”
>It’s “TEENS!”
>It’s “A CROWD!”
W R O N G ! ! ! !
It’s “NIGRZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!”

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Every once in a while I like the YouTube comments. I might actually use this phrase from now on to refer to theft.

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You'll be flooded with millions of Sudanese and Somali refugees before you know it.

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Yes. They are literally not people. They belong in chains. They are worse than the worst wild animals.

>stealing public bathroom tp
that's really, really fucking low. I could be living off scraps, be frugal to the very penny, yet still buy nice toilet paper.

were going to kill everyone of em

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>21 jump street
Methinks “their” contact is becoming more direct.
This kind of shit is what leaves prints.


Let's call them what they are. Niggers.

>baal game
whether typo or occult pun, kek

I can identify every one of them. They're niggers. Assorted teenapers, hoods, sheboons and youfs. All of them should be captured, tagged and released back into the wilds of West Apefrica.

>They are expensive
>toilet paper
fucking what

Niggers are subhuman

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Where did you get those?

WTF have you Amerimutts created. Pic related is literally a "La Luz Extinguido". I don't even know what kind of creature I'm looking at.

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its just teens being teens stop being so uptight we were all like this growing up :)

It’s like this every summer where I live.

- mass shooting (which media never covers)
- chimp outs
- mass thief

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A flammenwerfer would do the trick but they would probably run right at you amd give you a hug

craziest thing about this is how low the black population is on bart and in the area in general. the ridership on that system is like 6 percent black but 90 percent of the wild shit is from them. the stuff from other races is just drugs or vagrants shitting themselves, not mob violence. its so bad that they shoaed the crime app and wont release any of the videos. san francisco has the highest uber usage in the entire world because the trains are so shitty. but when some asshole gets shot by a white cop holywood makes movies about it for 25 years.

I don't have any lol It's just a pic I saved

>stacks of tyrone stickers
I want

White people in Philadelphia should all walk to city hall and strike until as many of those niggers as possible are put in juvenile or held back a year or something. But they won't.

But let the Eagles win another Super Bowl

No. West coast cities have actually improved as niggers have been leaving (percentage wise they peaked in 1990 in most west coast cities). A lot of the the people on here are just too young to realize that.

>White people in Philadelphia should all walk to city hall and strike until as many of those niggers as possible are put in juvenile or held back a year or something.
What the fuck would that accomplish? If white people are going to do anything, it should be attempting to save the FUTURE generations of white children from having to suffer. You know, what previous generations of Americans failed to do, and why we're infested with jews and niggers.

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sheeeeit nah I moved out of philly two years ago, most whites are left leaning when it comes to the topic of blacks, but damn sure don't live in the same neighborhoods and avoid walking by them on the streets. They all lock are doors when driving in certain neighborhoods too, but if you bring up the race question in public you'll likely punched or at least called racist

60+ NIGGERS is what you meant, I'm certain.

You ain't gonna do shit. As a matter of fact you will go to work so that government can support more of those creatures.
American == cuck

their* doors

>60 teenagers


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> A taste of what's in store for America
big box stores?

sounds like glownigger shit to me

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>We've had them for a hundred years.
Lol no. 1965 and on. Laws and lynchings kept them pretty subservient prior to that.


these black looters are doing what every moral person should be doing -- destroying these stores just like the big box stores destroyed our towns. inspiring if you ask me

What do you think that means?

I saw a lot of those niggers stealing pic related.

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