I'm done

I cantvtake anymore feels, my heart is broken, I want you to know you guys are like me but stronger. I feel with Schitzomental illness theras no hope for me, I love you asshole, please be yourself I love you fren, I'm hanging on by a thread, I know you hate me but I love you, good by tens. Please give me so hope causes I got no senpai except you guys. I don't want to do it but I'm afraid of the future. Please ignore this post.

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Other urls found in this thread:


have you tried homosexuality?

You're a wizard, Harry.

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No because chicks cocks gross me out mannnnnn

I was a Chad until the schizophrenia

Thank you for replying

im not strong. dont give up bro.

I'm ultra paranoid and can't talk to people like I used to

Thank you brother

If you were born in about 30 BC you could have been a messiah

see you tomorrow

This isn't a cry for help I just know you guys will make me laugh

We're not that strong, but don't quit, op

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Yup I'll be here forever man

Work out and fight. Give yourself a year of working out and you will gain so much confidence

Thank you fren

Sending good vibes frendo

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I'm feeling better just hearing from my friend, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you assholes

jesus lighten up. its life, dont take it so seriously.

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Honestly for making this post I’d say this: if you ever decide to end your life I mean actually go through with it at least get someone to record it or live stream it and send the link of the stream to here. Good luck user.

Insults are welcome

im going to stick a silver fork in your left eye gouge stick my dick in and fuck you right in your mind

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You are all right this will pass tomorrow, I'm a moron:)

What the FUCK is up with all the suicide shilling lately on here? I'm sorry if you're actually legit OP but something is going on with all these goodbye posts lately

Its okay bro. Being alive is excruciating at times but it is better than being dead. Just relax, it will pass.

Thank you bro

Pull a Tarrant. Be a hero.

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Well I have no senpai or friends, everything is okay, it passed I MN not commiting

Can't say that didn't pass my mind

Individually we are weak, together we are unstoppable.

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>I'm afraid of the future
Find love in your heart. Cultivate it like a fire. For it will become the light that shall lead you.

Today I got a haircut and that was the first human contact I’ve had in a long time. Today was good

sounds weird but try this it helps me out when depressed or have my panic attacks. makes me laugh with bliss after words.

This is the only place I can speak my mind, it passed though and I refer making this thread, please forgive me you asshole

Or 8000BC but who's counting?

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The jannies t need to erase this thread

Don't go friend.If you live in Texas we have groups for you. Black pills come and go. If you have nothing you are truly free.

we will embark on a rough course my friend, we will not sit and stay as we watch these events, were going to war with iran! we have nuclear weapons. we're enriching uranium. millions and millions all dead. blanketed under nuclear fire. BOOM! BOOM! the hour is upon us. the hives are forming. stingers ready. obituaries? everyone is dead. let it roll baby roll. all night long. love always, -me

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Your eating habits control your nature. Look up gut health. Try carnivore diet, spend time outside. Pick up a fulfilling hobby like hunting. We believe in you. Much love user!

Jow Forums is a collective dump of everyone’s private/internal rationale, the kind of rumination that doesn’t typically get shared in day to day social interaction, this place houses schools of thought that range from random to diabolical and everything in between, but the common link is that everything spoken on Jow Forums is basically better left unsaid outside of Jow Forums. The Overton window has always been microscopic in comparison to the discussion that goes on here. If you tune your internal thoughts to Jow Forums’s rhythm, and basically forget that you’re using this valuable forum to cut through the “crap cake” of normal human interaction, your going to be disharmonious in public settings to say the least. Conversations with normal people will seem like waste polluting your mind, as if your attention span is now in a discussion forum format that prunes out undesirable people/conversation like used tissue paper. You will also expose yourself to an unending stream of critical thought contributed to by thousands and thousands of people, most of whom likely come here to vent or act cool before returning to their normal lives (if they have any). My point is you get some folks on here who try to shoulder all that weight like it’s god’s Word, when it’s a combination of everyone’s unwiped asses spewing kernels of truth buried in shit.

Your energy is your soul, dont allow them to destroy all you are/.

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Don’t do it. I’m here

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shut the fuck up my love

Friend, just hold on the light at the end of the tunnel is almost here for us, we're all gonna make it brah.

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lmao the nail on the cross

Dont do it fren, ill miss you if you do it, life is beautiful try to enjoy it, ill be sad if another fren leaves the world

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Killing living creatures is not a constructive, rewarding or fulfilling hobby. Volunteering at a animal shelter or rescue is a constructive, rewarding & fulfilling hobby.

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at least u still have hair

i cri evrytiem im only 23 why god why me

>not being a nutcase artist before you finally kill yourself

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jesus with an M16, gonna murder all your teens, murder all you freedom fucks, time is up you're out of luck

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This may cheer you up

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Anyone know if the user with the stream went through with it this morning?

Nicotinic acid helps with Schitzophrenia. Goodluck!

I love you bro, please don't take your life, your senpai may be right around the corner. You never know what life has in store