i dont like the jews.
The jews
Other urls found in this thread:
Please elaborate,
after all we are here to discuss
Fuck off sargon
based god howard
>French flag with question mark
CIA Nigger!
>Another self-hating thread.
Why do hate your kind so much?
welcome to the club
>It just works
Serious question:
Are you hogging all the Khazar milkers in CiaLand?
I get by
Based and Glowpilled
What a refreshing change of pace the last 102 replies I've had were very rude
I mean, nobody likes the Jews, really
do you save money by not having to use light bulbs?
Todd I pirated all of your games including Fallout 76
Come and fucking catch me you fucking snake nigger
I don't....I don't think the price of the of light bulbs for my office comes out of my pay so yeah in a way I save money.
I'm more of a Stan Smith, you know, cool, yet funny, but also dashing.
>be me
>its finally happening
>day of the rope, day of the rake, race war now, etc
>get ready
>grab rifle and prepare to meet with local militia
>on my run hit my head on a low tree branch
>"you're finally awake"
Todd you scoundrel
Why are they spending our tax dollars on light bulbs when you all glow in the dark!
If that's coming out of your pay we are both being cheated
If you think that's absurd, this system is meant to be used for snooping around secure networks in other countries governments and I'm using it for Jow Forums topkek
Are you browsing jew hate threads because you want to make a lampshade suit so you can disguise your glow
Temple OS after Egypt
Plot twist CIA faked Terry's death and are keeping him prisoner in secret CIA evil lair.
They are rough, coarse, and they get everywhere...