I want to hate the Mexicans but my (legit US citizen) Mexican neighbor is literally the friendliest motherfucker I've...

I want to hate the Mexicans but my (legit US citizen) Mexican neighbor is literally the friendliest motherfucker I've ever met

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Let me guess your a spic

German immigrant actually

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If he is a citizen then he is not Mexican. Go fuck your beaner neighbor in good conscience.

You don't have to hate them, they just have to go. They can be friendly with their people in their home country. I get along well enough with some spics and spooks, but they don't belong or thrive in a white community.

your neighbor might be a Dominican or Cuban, how do you know he is mexican.

He told me himself.

Why do you think that wanting them to go back to their own country necessarily means hating them?

Me gusta la cultura de los espanoles. I love it so much, I think it should be preserved, just like my own culture.

Every people deserve their own homeland.

Fuck off Will

Literally just deport anything that is illegal, and be nice to those who came here legally, or found work, because of merit, and therefore acquired citizenship. As long as they're a citizen you cannot JUST hate them about race. Hate them if they're stereotypical beany golddiggging stained carpet brownniggers who let their front lawn grow out, and their weeds grow, and their fucking lawns die. Then you bring them propain with propane, and your 9.

Why would you hate someone who did nothing wrong and is friendly with everyone

Is he illegal?

You would be super nice too if any slip up got you deported

Germanic Mexican alliance was a dream of the fuhrer. Zimmermann telegram should have never been intercepted by the eternal anglo.

Smiling faces hide lies.

I've noticed this with tons of people. Watch out for those who are super friendly, they probably hate you the most.

Illegals and the American born offspring of illegals are always trash human beings. Legal immigrants and their descendents are usually very decent and good people

That’s just an angloid/nordic thing

Maybe don't generalize and stop believing in the monolithical hivemind meme of the racewar memes?
>t. guy who likes mexicans, but hates mexicans

Pura vida why you gotta be like this, I love your sloths.

Yet he'll vote away your rights, he'll have 8 kids who each have 8 of their own and vote for socialism and anti-gun legislation. But don't worry, he's friendly.

Start having a deep conversation about anything worthwhile and see if he's based or not. Also get him to spill the beans on weather or not he hates the illegals.

He sells heroin. Tell him
pick one

You get me, as an example Cantinflas is my hero, but that goddamned Chicharito is such a stuck up faggot. Humble Mexicans are based as fuck, while arrogant mexicans are extremely cringey and enfuriating. There's no in between.

Why hate them really? Even the US in the 1850s considered them “white” and they gave them citizenship before blacks, asians, and natives when the Treaty of Hidalgo was signed. They have potential to become white in later generations and almost blend in with the white if the hordes of immigrants can be stopped.

its the mutt blood you have flowing through your veins, makes you like shitskins. I'll pray for you

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Cringe and Civnat-pilled.

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What a fucking BITCH you are for falling for this shit.

Call ICE you fucking faggot and be a white nationalist.

>call ICE
Nice reading comprehension there

The spic is a legal citizen, dude.

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Why do you want to hate user?

It doesn't have anything to do with hating Mexicans. I like Mexicans just fine. It isn't a failing on their part. I don't want my people and our culture to be replaced by them. I wouldn't care if they had average 140 iqs, slept two hours a day and worked the rest, never committed a single crime, and had the best cuisine in the world, I would still want to preserve our homeland for our people, and I don't want to be a minority in my own country.
Also, they vote for the party that wants to take away my guns, give reparations to niggers, overburden our healthcare system with the third world, flood us with every shade of alien imaginable, allow islam to supplant our culture, and turn rape accusations into witch hunts. The republicans are controlled opposition, but I still think there's a difference between republican voters and democrat voters.

I think thats too optimistic. As a third gen spic-american I can tell you that earlier generations of immigrants were mestizo and a bit castizo but this new wave of illegals are 75 percent to pure blooded meso american. Integration of the new generation would be damn near impossible racially and culturally. Norther Mexicans are very american culturally already whereas the indios that are coning from the south have their own indegenous culture which is incompatable

The prospect of a ethnically honogenous USA is nonexistent, conpletly impossible. The only hope for there to be an ethnostate would be for a political and social collapse to cause a balkinization

You're Mexican by law if one your parents is Mexican.

From your keyboard to God's screen, user. Let's get this thing going.

>I don't want my people and our culture to be replaced by them
What culture? What people? There are dozens of European cultures if that's what you mean.

It doesn't help to hate those of other races. Certainly there are good ones among other bunches. But you must hate with a perfect hatred those of your own who have allowed those without, in.

user I.....

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>I want to hate the Mexicans but my (legit US citizen) Mexican neighbor is literally the friendliest motherfucker I've ever met

Oh wow, you mean individuals won't always act in the ways you stereotyped the group to be like?

No, we exist. We are a race and we have a culture that is unique to us. There are multiple variations of that culture, but we have a common perspective and way of looking at things. Previous waves of white immigrants, after some initial friction, coalesced into a single America. A majority Mexican America will just slowly become Mexico 2.0.

That's... that's not how it works. Culture is not about race. America is mongrelized. It was primarily English in its beginning but it's now a totally mongrelized nation without any real culture whatsoever.


you don't have to hate them. there's nothing wrong with mexicans. it's the illegal immigrants that's the problem.

tons of mexicans are cool. usually their kids are shit though. little baby beans are like niggers but slightly more intelligent and slightly more violent, which is a bad combo.

the old ones are cool most of the time though.

He's still a Mexican m8, even if he did manage to get some papers. So are you in all likelihood.

>implying Mexico is not mongrelized

What's it like being 1/5 white, 2/5 maya, 1/5 black, and 1/5 who-knows-what-the-fuck? If a bunch of white Americans started moving down there en masse would you consider them to be a foreign element, or would they blend right in with the other Mexicans?

>call ICE
I'm pretty sure you're an illiterate nigger.

Nah, blacks and mexicans do this shit, they have no soul or empathy so they can give a passable emotional response that they don't feel. Cause they don't feel anything but rage at not being white. /s but honestly they are psychopaths.

except...except that is exactly how it works. Culture is downstream from race. Four hundred years later and Africans are still acting like Africans. The Asians act like Asians.

Also your inability to recognize and appreciate my culture is part of the reason why I don't want you here.

They want your genes.

>white Americans
They already have moved in, at the tune of 1 million. They blend in just fine like the 12 million white Mexicans blend in just fine.

People following the law must really piss you off, doesn't it?

It's fine. Outliers always exist.

Completely wrong- negros are incapable of hiding their true emotions whereas whites are damn near masters of it

You're same with Western Europe these days

Hate the trends and the results, not the people. Don't relax but hatred for individuals is worthless.

>i will never get to marry a cute nazi girl

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Use the good Mexicans to drive out the bad ones and leftists
Prosperous California,

>implying Mexico is not mongrelized
I literally never said Mexico was not mongrelized, but okay. *You* were the one claiming your culture was pure and unique.
>What's it like being 1/5 white, 2/5 maya, 1/5 black, and 1/5 who-knows-what-the-fuck?
I wouldn't know since I'm not 1/5 black nor 1/5 what the fuck and live in a non-maya area. I'm roughly 70% Spanish and 30% Native American.

redpill Jose on the JQ and its all good guey

Digits confirm

>actually believes this

Maybe you should focus in something more productive and easier to do.
Like hating niggers.

Start with:

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>legit US citzen
Hating mexicans doesn't include him mate

Tell us more about the Pure Mexican Blood that's elevated your cannibal desert monkey country to super power status? While you're at it, can I get a double bacon chee and a SMALL seasoned curlies?

Mexicans are natural conservatives and most importantly CHEAP AS HELL

Holy shit I fucking hate them so much

>inb4 muh wealth inquality leads to crime

alot of mexicans are conservitive user


Just because it’s a Jow Forums meme doesn’t mean it’s right. God forbid someone on the internet you’ll never meet calls you a Jew or something for being friends with someone who isn’t hwhite - after taking like 5 threads to define what white is of course.
Quit falling for the boogeyman. It’s the final redpill, and if you can’t bring yourself to even consider it, you’ll just stay hostile and angry all the time.

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Exceptions prove the rule

>allow islam to supplant our culture
what are you talking about you hysterical cunt? this is why no one takes Jow Forums seriously it's just overreaction after overreaction.