Will Jeb Bush 'unjust' himself in 2020?

Will Jeb Bush 'unjust' himself in 2020?

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I hope he runs. He's comedy gold.

I would love to see Trump make Jeb his debate bitch again.

Lets usher in a new era of Jeb! memes
GUAC 2020

They know the DNC won't pull a 2020 win out of the hat, so now their only hope is the Republicans.

I'd love to eat the fresh poo from Alyssa Milano's ass than forcefully shove my bwc up it making her internally bleed, if you know what I mean.

damn Milano is based. She wants Trump to keep embarrasing this man in the national stage.

please clap
ah i see you are a man of taste

That will go about as well as McMuffin's run. His support among Republicans is insanely high.

Just TRY to fuck my shit up..

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Nah he'll wait for 2024. By then, he'll have an army of goblinas to vote for him.

Slow and steady.

The Guac will be more spicy than ever this time. It's over for the Zion Don.

Does she even vote in Georgia?

No. Right now you have a group of people who are super concentrated in small enclaves funneling money into other districts in an attempt to warp local/state politics to their liking. Beto was another example of this.

It's pretty fucked up that they feel that doing this is ok, while still feeling like they should be at war with Russia over "election interference." They do the exact same thing, only with a lot more money funneled into a more confined space.

Who is alyssa milano, and why does she insert herself into every political event? She is probably pizzalady

A mostly washed up actress, most notably recognized from a TV show called Charmed. Notoriously difficult to work with. Essentially James Woods, only ultra-left.


has got to be a joke

It's gonna be Jeb vs yang in the end

if dubz, Jeb will run

They are trying to take votes from Trump. To split the base

Slow and steady

slow and steady

Need more Jeb

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No need, you do it to yourself.

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Jeb 2020

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only 90s milano

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based jeb 'baboon bruiser' bush

Comfy silly Jeb is non violent

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Remember to push Momma's Boy Jeb
& Tighty-Whitey-Minorities-Make-Me-Frighty Jeb memes

gotcha covered

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Lol it's a viral video where milano gets destroyed by a Georgian lawmaker after she tried to protest at a Georgian courthouse. He was like do you even vote in Georgia? She was triggered and had to respond no in front of the cameras

wow those are some sharp political instincts mrs. used to be famous in the 80's.
slow and steady. REALLY slow

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Cum in that bitch guacamole boy. Lol Jeff !!!


Talk about life on easy mode. Gee wiz


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With Alyssa Milano's star power, Jeb's charisma, and the full force of the military coup that Alyssa called for, it looks like Blumpf is finished!


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I really need to get a MAGA hat, but I like the look of the green ones that are only available around St Patrick's Day.

I can't wait

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I miss jebposting, lads

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>Has-been post-wall celebrity has an opinion.

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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I have no idea. Would you please clarify?

We all do. He was collateral damagr of the psycho Bush family. All he ever wanted was for people to clap. He dindu nuffin, was gud boy

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>I would rather nominate a war criminals brother to get us into an endless war than endure 4 more years of someone saying mean words about illegal aliens

Alyssa Milano is seriously challenged, seriously

More like:
>I would rather nominate someone who has zero chance of winning the general election than endure 4 more years of an effective Republican president.

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>proceeds to make John Bolton his national security advisor and takes us to the brink with Iran
Donald Trump is not a peace candidate, he's a chaos candidate

Please clap. Please?

What a fucking cunt.

If Jeb doesn't, then it proves Trump beat him down into a shell of a man and made him nothing but a joke that got where he die purely through familial connections.

If Jeb does, Trumps gonna humiliate the hell of him like in the 2016 election.

What a cunt.

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>implying any of them care what alyssa milano wants them to do

I remember Heb and Rubio walking past a confused Ben Carson, missed his cue?, both as smug as cheshire cats.
Trump stops and talks with Carson. The sly boots.
And then the Senor Tippy Toes photo incident. Draft Jeb!

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could we get at least one clap for this?

...You don't understand what I mean.

Dude, this is gonna bring media attention to him. Right now the media, in it's ever desperate attempts to maintain a decaying purpose, is gonna go look for Jeb. They're gonna ask Jeb, because of Milano, if he's gonna run or not. That's gonna bring national attention to him to see what is answer what he is.

It's because Trump fucking neutered you (Jeb) and you fucking know your place, you joke.

Here comes another brutal crushing defeat and a year of humiliation ( ).

Again, what a fucking cunt.

I mean she's not being clever. Everyone knows what she's doing. She's trying to split the vote. No one cares, she's an idiot.

I mean obviously, yeah. Still, she didn't have to put Jeb in a rock and a hard place with that calling out. Why not someone else? Why not Rand Paul or whatnot?

Rand wouldn't run against Trump. He's got Trump's ear. He wouldn't want to risk losing that.

>I'm a-wearin' mah hoodie

post it

She's retarded, Jeb! got btfo in the primaries. I loved the memes that came out of that though, so yeah he should try to challenge Trump again.

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Is this what she does with her time now that she's old and no producer wants to fuck her?

They need to give some sort of ceremonial position

I want never want the J-Guac to leave the public eye

We are back! The Jeb surge is finally here!!

Grab your hoodies and your GUAC bowls because we're going from Burger King to Burger King nationwide to get some votes because every vote counts!
