Do you think Donald Trump knows who Q is?
Do you think Donald Trump knows who Q is?
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W-What if
> clears throat
He is Q?
Yes, considering he's Q+ and has had numerous appearances in Q ref
Is that still going?
Considering all Q+ posts are Trump himself, yes.
Q is a team of less than 10.
Check em'
can you boomers please leave already? here's a list of sites you might find more suitable: reddit, godlikeproductions and abovetopsecret. you'll fit in better with the boomers there.
hes the fucking president of the most powerful country in the world... he can get the answer to any question he asks
Q is JFK jr. check them digits.
letting boomers on the internet was a mistake.
>daily reminder JFK Jr is a psyop to discredit Q.
That's that
Yes. Q helped us with the Mossad spy ring.
Jared Kushner is Q
I realize I almost got 6's
Q user doesn’t exist retard
Trump is not an idiot. He knows that Q is a bunch of schizo faggots.
What if
>clears throat.
it's Barron.
Or perhaps you fap off to there, or maybe find a different thread to pollute since you intentionally clicked to come in here?
You mean do you think this fucking Judas President knows Jared Kushner and Brad Parscale are running a literal psyop for boomer filth? I'm sure Jared has held it over Dotard's head like a sword of Damocles at least once in the last year faggot.
Honestly fuck GLP, I've never seen a website crash into the ground so fucking hard in such a short time. Trinity and his kike mods can suck shit
Not letting "boomers" use that which they created, and you get to benefit from... hmmm... might just be the other way around boo.
Trump is obviously a part of Q. It's the top brass in the military. Think joint chiefs, 4 star generals, admirals etc.
Kill yourself you retarded faggot. Trump is a traitor for 30 pieces of silver and you're even worse believing in some secret cabal of insiders that allows you to sit on your ass and support the very man destroying the country on behalf of the people you claim to be against.
Anyone who supports Q deserves to be euthanized to prevent their genes from retarding humanity.
This is what a namefag looks like who isn't a complete fraud:
Take your meds, you massive larping faggot.
are you asking if Trump knows of Q, or that Trump knows specifically who the person that is running Q is?
Q is longtime publicist John Miller. Duh!
Could you guys imagine kissing saber?
He's Q+
I will go with David Seaman and agree that Q is a clever larp targeting Boomer
Q is the person or entity that constantly talks about Trump that both 1) Trump hasn’t acknowledged as being good or bad or fake or real and 2) no one in the mainstream media has asked him the Q question despite being give a chance virtually every singe day.
That alone leads me to believe Q is the real deal and it totally terrifies the Deep State / GloboHomo Cabal
Yes, he knows who Q is.
They must have met.
It is said that Trump couldn't confirm Q to the wider public due to legal reasons.
He cannot oust secret service personnel or comment on their work, it's against US law.
I am not sure whether this is true or not, but it sounds like a valid reason.
Q is real.
>this many unironic qfags in this threads
wtf, fuck off back to your normieshit sites you fucking faggots. I realize this epstein shit has your dick hard and believing this larp again but try to remember this faggot hasn't predicted fucking shit and "disinformation" aka him being fucking wrong all the time is somehow "essential" to the the plan.
He did call in to radio shows pretending to be someone else in the 80’s. Makes sense but I’m sure it would be him and Jared together and family I suppose.
Exactly the namefag in the archives I listed may be disagreeable on certain points but unlike Q he isn't some cryptic faggot and has made multiple concrete "predictions"/"leaks" which have come to pass directly as he stated and not using numerology and hundreds of sperg posts to cherry pick from.
>Q is a team of less than 10.
not an accurate statement, the very first non trip posts of Q stated "less than 10 can confirm me" and later posts confirm that of the less than 10 people who know the full picture only 3 are non-military. I would say the Q "team" comprises any and all US MIL assets
Q was a LARP on here in 2016, and then later used by Kim Dot Com. The faggot that ran mega upload and had Giraffe's out at his ranch, and who also claimed a false associated with Seth Rich under the code name "Panda." Effectively speaking. "Q" doesn't exist and no org or individual has used that handle since the primaries. All those mentioning it now similar to the long abandoned "anonymous" handle, are kikes attempting to discredit the individual discovers found on Jow Forums its spin off communities.
Plausible deniability
Jow Forums is no better than the JEW. Q the savior came to you and you rejected him like the Jew rejected Christ.
Not only did you reject Q but also like the Jew you persecuted his followers.
Q is a LARP.
Q predicted this.
“Q was a psyop made to get people to believe Trump is doing something when Trump is really doing nothing”.
Funny but a whole lot of nothing is HAPPENING.
Jow Forums... is wrong.
Q is real.
Based boomer
Nah... no one predicted all the human trafficking arrests
Prove it, eurocuck.
Things are happening in the background. The public is not yet aware of it.
If you knew what team Q have done so far, you would be happy with their work and progress.
But it's important to manage expectations. It's not realistic to assume that Q or anyone would be able to destroy the deep state that has been in power for 60, 300 years in a matter of weeks.
Maybe fuck off back to cripple/pol/. There is only Q.
>'tip-top tippy-top' evidence
Of course he's with Q team.
Q is too elaborate. It's not a psyop.
If it was a psyop, it would be in the media, not these niche comms channels.
Also, it wouldn't be so secretive, and they wouldn't use complex riddles that requires solving to communicate on Twitter, it would be more straightforward like psyops in general.
The first Q posts were most probably from a whitehouse insider, see the +++ tweet
however, asperger posters blew in once q hit the maintstream and ruined the whole thing
Q is Jerome Corsi. That's why Mueller spent months harassing him to try to get information. But it turned out he was just being fed tidbits of worthless gossip from Don Jr. and Bannon so Jerome didn't actually know anything.
Trump knows, but doesn't care.
the media covered Qshit before
>it wouldnt be secretive
so secretive that fucking people's grandmas are following this larp
>with complex riddles
that you faggots are constantly claiming you misunderstood and this is somehow a excuse for Q never being right about anything
it's either some faggot in his basement having a good laugh or a psyop a israeli thinktank thought up to keep goys loving israel
Only the naive believe in Qlarp
>1 post.
>Do you think Donald Trump knows who Q is?
go be a dimwitted faggot elsewhere shitbird
its failing miserably
>Q user doesn’t exist retard
awwww, did you get suspended from twatter again krassenfaggots??? dont cry fren
very low IQ post, and on myriad levels
you lost hitlery
the walls are closing in
it wont be long
better to kys now
How much did they pay you to write this?
Q DOESN’T POST TO TWITTER - why do retards keep saying this?
Can you come up with any fact based argument for once?
Calling them Qtards, faggots, naïve, idiots won't work in the long run.
>that you faggots are constantly claiming you misunderstood and this is somehow a excuse for Q never being right about anything
Only thing more funny, if they got on the "Rapture" train-- it's the only "happenings" I enjoy reading about. So retarded.
great rebuttal faggot. why don't you point out one time this larp was correct about something and not just a vague insinuation. i'll wait
Q said a filthy Krautnigger would say that on July 10th in the year of 2019.
>call others shills
>ask others for proof and ignore when you're asked for proof
fuck off you dirty eu nigger you're so dumb you should be shot in the fucking face. the onus isn't upon us to disprove Q but you to prove it isn't a fucking larp. but since you asked nicely
here is a entire fucking board disproving it cripplechan/qisfake/ the person posing as Qanon now isn't even the same person and they've proven it. so whether or not the initial Qfag was real, it's atleast been another fag for almost 2 years. so almost 90% of the time it hasnt been the original
Q told me she really wanted it, your honor. He is never wrong, your honor.
Pence is Q.
this nigger mysteriously disappears the moment hes pushed on providing proof Qlarp is real. really makes you think
if any of these vids come out, pant shitting will be a national pass time
Dan Bongino is Q you fucking Tards. Hannity is Q+
Agreed. My comment was aimed at the Jow Forumsacts that claim Q is a psyop and nothing is happening.
Holy shit how much evidence do you fucking need?
Q does not predict the future anymore than I do if I tell you I’m going to buy a new car. I can buy a new car tomorrow or I can buy a car in 6 months. Q told us what he is going to do and it’s fucking happening. I wish it was done in a more action oriented political thriller kind of way too but it’s not the case.
Q said that the Fed is going to be restructured. What will you guys say when that happens?
Doubtful. The fact his wife got an envelope at Bush Sr funeral leads me to believe otherwise.
Q predicted this
If Bongino is Q he’s doing a good job at pretending to be just finding out about everything.
Yes especially the part about me buying a new car.
Based President of the ultimate shitposting.
I'm sure Bannon had something to do with the harnessing of meme magic.
I have a feeling he was wading through this cesspool a long time ago.
>it doesn't matter if he was vague he predicted it!
which one of his prediction came true?
>why is it in Israel's interest to MAGA
because it's their defacto army and "greatest ally" you fucking moron
>Why would the Jew name the Jew and promise to take care of Israel last?
when the fuck did this happen? please point this out because everything he says implies the opposite
>When your generation is so illiterate that you don’t even know how to use your own invention properly
Trump is the very definition of retarded, that’s why he hasn’t passed any immigration bills.
I noticed you didn’t answer my question about Iran schlomo
Learn how the US Govt works first. The House CREATES bills that the President signs into law. Do you expect this House to create ANY immigration bill that would give Trump anything he wants?
Trump is giving the Ds all the rope they want to hang themselves in 2020 and beyond.
The Qanon crowd are behind the same psy-op known as “#RestartMIGA” which promotes the idea of regime change in Iran despite the fact the Mullahs are mostly liked by its citizens.