Attached: 3BF7FE41-599C-4B7F-A75A-7EDB76E80897.jpg (1037x1280, 194K)

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-ALS, because she is still a useless roastie

I’m pretty sure that’s a Native desu

Nah she can stay

Quite possible. Would need my skull calipers to confirm though

I want to sniff her arsehole & footpussy

reminder that this is what she will look like by age 23 or her first child

Attached: typical_latinas.jpg (962x650, 221K)

latinas are objectively more beautiful than white women

you just need to get calibers for measuring their heads, so you get one with the right amount of spanish. I poon hound all over latin america, I can tell you which calipers to buy on Amazon and how to measure their heads.

>no webm
lame duck is lame

Give more details

If she becomes my wife, she gets to stay.

i went to colombia for work one time, went to a bar to drink near my hotel, and damn the women there were very sexually aggressive. i shudder to think about the STD rates. i turned them down and jacked off in the hotel room. i didn't want to get hustled by some cartel member

depends what country you want to go to. you gotta figure out which monkey races are muddying the genetics there, and then get a few points of reference to calibrate genetic purity. The best bet is to start with some really wealthy higher class women in the country, get their measurements, and then compare those to the most primitive. the key is getting averages, you can use your phone's camera to take measurements discretely as long as you have a known point of reference in the photo too.

Colombia is actually the best place to practice this, the amount of young Venezuelan girls working as hookers there lets you build up a solid reference. most of them will let you inspect their vaginas and wash them in your hotel shower.

How about you get married instead of preying on poor women you fucking asshole!

que bueno de los nalgas que no?


Attached: 21dd63b8ab083ea013d78e55024419d2cf7685d4cb299c925420caf3fe73a71f.jpg (720x725, 218K)

I guarantee you that I bring more joy to their lives than some Americuck with his shitty wife. If I get married, it'll be to a girl with really really good head measurements or an east european with not too much slav blood, so I can make white children and not have my wife sass me.

this is every hot latina after she becomes a grandmother (age 30)

Go back to to Reddit, faggot

Based. I do this too. In general, you want the breadth of the cranium to be less than 80% of the length. Once you get good at it you can usually eyeball the measurements and determine if she’s suitable.

She uses hair straightener and a skin lightening foundation.

She’s a monkey.

Attached: 093e6ccba23655e8b13b8bcd86e0ffbc48083f60e22411e636b2cf9202bd8490.jpg (500x500, 80K)

On behalf of all “DEPLORABLES”... Thank you, @JonVoight! #MAGA

I guarantee you that the women selling their bodies and their souls because they have no food, water, medicine and their money has become toilet paper are not happy.

exactly, at this point, i can eyeball it from skin color and eye shape.

usually the more native blood in them, the more down syndrome their eyes look. And if they're rocking nig genetics, you can usually see it with the frizzy hair, flat nose, skin color etc.

thats a bold statement hoss. you shouldnt measure happiness based on your weird north american constructs of materialism

You’re the one claiming you sleep with prostitutes (I don’t believe) and they’re happier because of it.

Fuck off cuck, enjoy being a tamed beta boy for domineering womyn

Being a husband loyal to your wife is a cuck beta boy. Being a degenerate dicking poor women is based and alpha.

Sadly from a historical and genealogical perspective, probably yes.

too much nigger in that one.

I'll deport you to hell OP

So are many Mexicans....

She looks 23 already mate