Why do twitter thots hate us so much? What did we ever do to them?

Why do twitter thots hate us so much? What did we ever do to them?

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I have no idea why whites aren't arming to the teeth and radicalising

Are you autistic? She says white boys are a disease and she has no immunity to disease as her mom was anti-vax. She's saying she has white boi fever, dingdong

She wants to cleanse us user

I think is more of a tsundere behaviour, black and brown chicks will say that they hate white men, but deep inside they want a white bf.

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>They openly say they hate you and mock you sexually repeated and almost obsessively
>T-They just wanna be my GF...
yeah okay

One day you are going to die OP.

she wants bleached

For the most part, they don't know.

Good thing I’m italian

>us vs them

meanwhile in reality shitskin women worship white men.

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Yeah but poo girls are stinky

Thinks she means her dad is white, probably daddy issues

no one can resist the WHITE HOT COCK

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Most of those are not real accounts. Psy-ops for social manipulation run by intelligence agencies (if you can call them that) . That’s why they get spammed here too. Like double dose of idiocy with one go.

Aren't we all?

But browncel Brit sooner

The British browncell faggot that finds some random tweet and post it here. Spams 15 of the same threads a day and you retarded faggots don’t even notice

Nobody cares what niggers and whores think

Really 90% of the population is mediocre, including her. Idk why shes throwing stones, oh wait, it's because shes a dumb whore who has no value after 30

Why do faggots
Write poetry
With lots of stupid spaces

Are they gayfags?

Don't know. I've been trying to be friends with you fellas here in this site but apparently you also hate us irrationally. Find out why you hate us and you'll know why thots hate you.

Tell that to my Japanese girlfriend, she certainly doesn’t mind my race. Though she’s not mentally ill like pic related either.

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This. They want to hate us but can't resist the colonization, after all our ancestors literally fucked their ancestors and trained them to enjoy the BWC

This is your future son

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Who is that supposed to be? (Not planning on having any kids anytime soon, though I can pretty much guarantee if I do they’ll be extremely pale skinned and have blue eyes just like the two of us)

who tf is that kid?