Cali fag here. Fleeing LA before the big dick comes to fuck

Cali anons GET OUT NOW!

> USGS sensors glitches out a few hours ago, displayed data consistent with foreshock/precum of the big dick.

> Data was scrubbed/changed to resemble the usual recent activity. I was not able to screencap the data.

> Felt small rumblings in and around LA, and greater area reports from lots of people. Scary.

> In 2008, a video was uploaded to a strange YouTube channel, that depicted the largest earthquake in mankind's history devastating LA on JULY 10TH, 2019.

>The video seemed to be in some kind of lab or classroom, lots of science shit in the background, and a bunch of data up on a board. The person speaking was off camera, but you could see them flipping through a document, pausing every few seconds.

> The male voice sounded distressed, and said he wanted to warn as many people as he could, as he was aware this was a PLANNED attack, not a natural disaster. He mentioned that "they" have induced many earthquake in the past, some led to tsunamis that we are all familiar with. He stated they were mostly testing the tech, and those affected were collateral damage.

Cali is BTFO and I will not be going down with this sodomizing, tranny infested hell! I'm on my flight now. Eerie glow resembling Northern lights can be seen along the horizon... BIG DICK IS COMING.

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wtf california just flew over my house

>Fleeing LA
but will you be leaving your shitty l.a. ways behind?

>> In 2008, a video was uploaded to a strange YouTube channel, that depicted the largest earthquake in mankind's history devastating LA on JULY 10TH, 2019
Please be real.

its true! a man made earthquake just flew over my house

Where do you, uh, recommend I go?

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Cali man fights a rat in a Chinese shop flee from that nigger place

Can anyone find the video?

Don’t come north of the Shasta county line...nigger.

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Imagine living in a state that is BTFO by drought, crime, illegal immigrants, stupid liberals, fags, marijuana, FIRES, and killer earthquakes?? kek the Calicucks deserve to die in hellfire

i hope kylie jenner's nigger husband and kid die too and i get her to myself

you fucking meme flag faggot. you dont even post any links?

Yeah blame the apocalyptic earthquake for the downfall of Cali, its not like it was shit before that.

Holy shit, it's real. A youtube video just flew over my earthquake!

It will be fun to see California get rekt by a big earthquake

720 earthquakes in the past 24 hours

normally it's something like 10-30 in 24 hours,,
glad I'm not there

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OP is a jew shill who is shitting up pol right now and is running damage control due to the Epstein news. sage goes in all fields until further notice. Thank you

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OP is a faggot but I’ll still roll for a 10.0 earthquake

Those are clean digits.

If it's true so long and farewell fags, goodluck dealing with the rest out (((problems))) lol

This is Jow Forums not /Epstein/. We can actually discuss more than one topic on this board.

this explains why OP is a meme flag who only posted once. :3

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Holy shit my shill detector is fucking off the charts. It’s shaking so violently it might sink California. Wow.

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Link the video

>everyone I disagree with is a shill
Says the memeflag

I don’t care. Talking about California’s impending destruction is still fun.

Or is Epstein using his jewish telekinesis to destroy LA and take all eyes off him?

How isn't it all destroyed already?

Come to Texas, friends. That's what we did.

what part

To any women at breeding age: Come home, white thots. I can house up to 10 of you.

The bay area and LA will be wiped off the map by the end of July 11th.

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Saw a bot that picked up a 5 in Southern Cali but the data is gone....intredasting

Nothing is happening citizen, please remain in your home until the all clear is given.

It happens when the weather cools

Albert Epstein figured out that age is relative.

A ball sack will dry but will still be effective

tfw i was just in LAX

All i can hear is that tool song now..see u down in arizona bay

a fat sack will slap amongst your face, but not a hair will split from it. only vinegar, and anguish will be waif'd among you.

>what is china lake
>what are perforation zones

The earthquakes are mainly on land owned by some us military group. A 7.5 to 8 will hit in that area either today or tomorrow. The fault this is on is very close to the main fault in California and appears to be moving closer from some of the earthquakes this week. Maybe if we are lucky it will set off one closer to major cities

Don't wait for luck, shitpost until it happens! When Cali burns we can rebuild without the spics.

We already know a large one will hit where it has been swarming. We don't know if it will free up the energy to keep flowing down the fault. Something there is causing all the earthquakes to stop and not keep going down the west of the Americas or across to eastern US.

>Sandy hook hoax comes to light
Bulldoze school
>Pedo shit comes to light
Break of California and let it slide into the ocean
fucking kikes, man

Check-in em

wiped off the map of the face of the earth. bye bye

> In 2008, a video was uploaded to a strange YouTube channel, that depicted the largest earthquake in mankind's history devastating LA on JULY 10TH, 2019.
Stop spreading fake and gay shit like this



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>precum of the big dick.

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that's just 1.5 or greater, right now it's at pic related

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What's going on in this thread?

Jokes on you, California is going to stay still while the rest of north America goes under.

>implying underground temperature is related to temperature on the surface

do we have any geologistfags in here that can tell me just how big a quake is needed to wreck california? i thought 7.1 would of wrecked a lot of shit but not much, would a 9.0 do it or 10??

my guess it would need to be at least 9, they've been hit by a few 7s over the decades
pic related, 1 month = 12k earthquakes, 1 day = 2k

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No wait a little longer I was about to move end of the month.

Da fuq. Was wondering about that because I only ever feel one every few years. But I felt 3 in one afternoon that day.

>12k earthquakes
jesus, something big is bound to happen.

>> Data was scrubbed/changed to resemble the usual recent activity. I was not able to screencap the data.

Define wreck and how much are you talking. Most of the damage is going to be localized to a few dozen km's from the epicenter of the quake at most.


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if it doesnt happen there is no god and this is hell or some kind of nether world. please god, if youre listening, annihilate california

Changer your filter to 4.5+, anything lower is so minor as to be relatively inconsequential and not realistically indicative of anything happening. A train stacking cars will generate a 1.2 on average.

rolling for the san andreas fault to be simultaneously nuked by russia, israel and iran

not an offical geoligyfag but based up the size of the fault and where cali is located on the edge of america with a realitive toothpick holding it together for the last bajillion years it sgonna be fucked im in utah and ill probably feel it

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if we just went on everything above 4.5 then there'd be 100 earthquakes a year

Caliniggers fuck off we're full. Keep your faggotry in that shit hole you created for yourselves.

You are an idiot if you actually believe that.

Holy checked thank you Aussie bro for being our best and true ally.

Just a reminder that my country is full so fuck off.

>meme flag Jew starts another disinformation thread.
Can we just gas these people for real

Me at lunch tomorrow when the "big one" is actually a big avocado burger. Stay mad cuckservatives.

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I hope everyone in California dies

you were saying, faggot?

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wasn't it relatively calm before the 6.4 and 7.1? i mean, i dont really know what the fuck im talking about because earthquakes don't exist in 'stralia but uhhhh

This stay the fuck out of Texas!

That you are a fucking idiot, small quakes are background noise you uneducated shit skin.
Before the quake yes, but if you are searching for indications that there is going to actually be a major quake along the san andreas, which is not a given as the quake occurred along the garlock, that future readings need to be based off of a higher magnitude. Too low and it doesn't indicate strain or relief within a fault system of any significance.

This whole country is about to get kiked. CA is just the beginning from the looks of it.

>all the jews in hollywood die

This, please stay and die with your like.

>if I actually believed that there would be 100 earthquakes per year I'd be an idiot
>26 in a year and a half
you're retarded lmao

>A bear will leave it's cave forever.
It's summer time here, the weather is hardly cooling.


>1 post by this ID LARP

ok kid


>weather cools
perhaps the chilling of the political climate?
>epstein, pizzagate

> In 2008, a video was uploaded to a strange YouTube channel, that depicted the largest earthquake in mankind's history devastating LA on JULY 10TH, 2019.
I wish a nigga would

>1 post by this ID.

And yet still Jow Forums will fall for it.

actual geo fag here

what seems to be occurring is that the san andreas fault is being superseded as the main fault for north america by a new fault line just east of the sierra range. it wasnt supposed to happen for another 500,000 years.

The cluster at china lake is pretty scary desu, it's either old lava tubes being crushed by the plate (bad news when theres nothing left to crush, expect an 7.5-8 if we dont see 5's around oklahoma/texas)


the caldera is filling up, its about 50km squared in size. This is really bad news, its the size of a super volcano with enough energy output to ruin civilisation as we know it.

I hope it's just the new fault starting to emerge and nothing super bad happens within the next 1000 years.

Either way, LA, san fran, and most of the south western states WILL be ocean in around 10 million years, but the fact that this may be happening already is worth a litle worry.

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Go to the nearest lake, when the fish start leaving, follow them, they've got good sense.

Do new main faults have a lot of big quakes associated with them?

>Go to the nearest lake, when the fish start leaving, follow them, they've got good sense.
It's southern California, they are all man made or don't even connect to anything.

Real flag or gtfo also
>1 post by this id

They say there is a magna pool beneath the area so possible volcano. Means Ash on the wind for a long long way out.

nothing will hapen except
⊑⋔⟊ ⊑ ⊬

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