Why did Russia destroy Rhodesia and South Africa?
Proxy Wars
>he blames anything but niggers for destroying rhodesia
stupid question but to answer it because they were aiding Communist niggers,better question would be why did the US and other Western countries destroy Rhodesia and South Africa
Niggers were the fighting uruk-hai.
The instructors, strategists, weaponry and finance were Russian.
it's the ones that carry out the action that are to blame.
There no was Russia\USSR in Rhodesia and SA
imagine believing cucumber IQed nogs were capable of destroying a high functioning state all alone
because we hate white "people"
pay reparashions now
Because Russians are BLACK
Because Russia is a jew owned country much like the USA. For over 100 years they have been larping as enemies but have common owners. The exact same problems that plague the US plague Russia.
>larping as enemies
It sure does look realistic.
Things are easy indeed when the goy are dumb. Just look at the anti-american sentiment instilled by Russia, and look at how Mutts respond to muh Russian hacking boogeyman even though its a complete non-issue.
1. Not Russia, butt he Soviets
They did it to instill communism baka
KGB glowniggers like Pootin are fucking shape shifting demons devoid of any ideology just looking to destroy you
You oversimplify too much.
Le rushuhn hackers was a projection by a party tha collaborated with Russia the most, whereas american fear mongering is an omnipresent phenomenon in Russia.
Nobody believes either of these memes.
So USSR can get more puppet states and even more republics into the Union, they didn't gave a shit about what race was ruling those lands and used the "imperialism" as a scape goat, their goal was to get those lands and use them, they tricked Africans to fight for them even thought the commies would be similar with the Apartheid governments, they had huge luck for USSR to fall, if the USSR was still existing and having the same power, they would also taste how it feels to be under slavic occupation.
That's the Angolan flag and official baka
Where did you get the internet?
who moved there afterwards?
Russia didn't exist back when Rhodesia did.
Where did you get your facts cos they're wrong af
Because they were full of faggots. Those faggots will be genocide off of Israel, Britain, and North America in the coming years through demographic collapse. Enjoy your painful agony.
The US supported the destruction of Rhodesia and South Africa even more than the USSR.
Hot takes.
Russia will unfortunately not give Kuril Islands back.
>Why did Russia destroy Rhodesia and South Africa
You mean communists. They wanted to drain the resources of the West.
>Why did Russia destroy Rhodesia and South Africa?
It was the CCCP back then. It's a different country now.
Ok, where did all the ideologues and politburea go?
Did they simply vanish?
That's Angola.
Exactly, most of their so called allies betrayed them.
The US had a nigger problem, I remind you.
If the US supported the the SA, the soviet propaganda machine would scream apartheid and racism in every corner of the planet thus destabilizing the country from within.
Russia would gain a moral superiority (as a country who also defeated muh nazism) and would have a green light to nuke Washington and liberate le oppressed pipo of cola.
This is the correct framing of the question, why did UK and US destroy Rhodesia and SA from outside while USSR and China were destroying them from inside?
hmmm, really makes you think right. It's almost as if that same pattern happened 20-30 years prior
Here, another fresh example of Russia's hypocritical self righteousness.
Next thing you know is Russian tanks in the center of Tallinn.