My country is only good at pedophilia anime and manga

>my country is only good at pedophilia anime and manga

Literally, two nukes aren't enough. right?

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Must suck being a chink

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the west is filled with actual Pedos raping actual children
at least better than that ;)

You have to go back, James sensei

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>>my country is only good at pedophilia anime and manga
>Literally, two nukes aren't enough. right?
Hater's gonna hate.

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Nevertheless, your country is better than all of Europe and my shithole.

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fucking chad

Japan is an immoral cesspool if I'm being honest.

a leaf moraly judging someone, that's rich

How is this possible? Isn't the age of consent 13

Probably thought it was the standard mating ritual tbqh

If only we had the hydrogen bomb back then.

>no mention of Sony, Nintendo, or SEGA
Not Japanese person

You make good subways , our 6 year ould nip subways are still working perfectly and are the comfiest of the entire network.


Argentina is white?

I actually like haikus
and I write shitty shitpost-y haikus with specific themes
which is talking shit about trannies

I appreciate anime and manga. Japan has some good soft power going on.

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they can be based

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Silly user, two nukes is the reason why we have anime and manga.

>it's ok when Japs do it
how is that fair,baka?

i don't get whats the point of even sterilizing trannies

You're so dumb if you think Japan is happy go lucky anime land, people literally work themselves to death and if you thought censorship was bad here? Shit.

you see, a tranny can legally change their gender on paper, that doesn't mean they WILL immediately dissect their dicks
also, "pregnant men" thing

>My country is only good at being civilized, having media/art with respectable values, safety/survival for it's people, working hard and being based
Wake the fuck up samurai and be proud to be Japanese

Tough times make you stronger

Your country is beautiful. Science, industry, poetry, art, philosophy. Please don't be sad. We love you.

Freer than you achmed

Not really, the lowest any province can go is 13. In practise it's generally 16-18

Your country has plenty of go ku do trafficking Asian whores all over the world. Triads and yakuza are the same shit

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When I watch japanese movies, tv shows or even simple youtube videos it honestly doesn't feel like I'm watchin humans interact. Why is that?
I'm not a native french btw (if that matters).

what are you

I feel like it kinda doesn't matter

Damn, I thought I was the only one that noticed this. It's the stupid little boxes in the corner of a TV show with the faces I think that makes it seem soulless. It's like the Japanese need to see others in order to know how to react to something

Have sex, you virgin

Then why did you feel the need to bring it up

Reminder that all chinkposters are pathetic english teacher scum

We know

Yeah those too. Man, asia is like a completely different world. Most of the stuff that grosses out normal people in the west is everyday shit to them. Saliva in general, vomit/puke, nose stuff, disgusting looking slimey or sticky food.
Because I wasn't sure it mattered. And now I really feel like it doesn't.

I only buy Japanese tech. Your country is one of the few left that makes high quality stuff.

My respect goes out to you guys... so does my cash.

based and calling out the Syrianpilled

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Very good at music too. Great classical music soundtracks.

You again? kys, David.

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Japan invented interracial cuck porn

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is that guy supposed to be dutch? why? what evolutionary purpose could this possibly serve?

Wake up the samurai inside of you, user

Just gonna leave this here desu

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This. What Jap wouldn't be proud as fuck being Japanese? You're God of all asians.
All they need to be #1