Khazar milkers in action

Intermarriage among diaspora Jews – particularly those in North America – is “like a second Holocaust,” Israeli Education Minister Rafi Peretz declared in a cabinet meeting, uniting much of that diaspora in shocked offense.
The Jewish community “lost 6 million people” over the last 70 years because of intermarriage and assimilation, Peretz told a cabinet meeting on trends in Jewish communities around the world, particularly in the US. His spokesman confirmed the statement to Israeli Channel 13.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Racemixing is genocide... Except for whites
Fucking motherfucking typical kike double standard.
Fuck Jews, death to all the fucking semitic rats

Oy Vey. This is VERY troubling news!

>the spirits that I called


Jewboys on suicide watch
Khazar milkers belong to the white man


6/7 posts and no
I am dispoint

>two memflags inciting violence
I wonder who could be behind these posts...

They are the victims of their own evil race mixing plan.

>Mfw even Jews are like "man fuck these Jews"

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Yes, if it is done against white Christians, it's not genocide.


All these statements should be archived for future legal prosecutions.

They have just admitted it that race mixing is a genocide.

Anudda shoah in the making. Let's make it happen. 70% of the high and mighty "Chosen" Jews deserve to be gassed and glassed.

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>one jew thinks race mixing is bad
>some jews say race mixing is good
>therefore all jews are evil and have a double standard
This poster has IQ around 95.

Oy vey it's like anudda shoah!

Jews never assimilated into American culture.
Instead they took it over and trashed it.

Attached: Judeo christian.png (1000x500, 45K)

As if this is some unique jewish problem
we are seeing this across the board, crazy religious people are having all the kids.

so much this
these lying double standard blasphemous kikes

They just want to hold on to their heritage:

Jews are seriously inbred. Outbreeding is necessary for them. They are matrilineal so big fat supple khazar milkers keep them supplied with goy semen to replenish their blood.

Why do jews always come in packs of six millions ?

Modern Jews(Edomites) are already heavily mixed with Caananites(which is where they inherited the noses) and are also heavily inbred.

Checked double standards

Practicing jews generally anyone 50% + jewish seem to have a hardon for getting rid of white people.

Israel has not yet learned to be multicultural... That transformation must take place... Goys are going to be at the centre of that... They are now going into multicultural mode and Goys will be resented because of our leading role but without... that transormation, Israel will not survive.

Yes, Laura Lerner said that they would lead multi culturalism.

Maybe she meant that they would do multiculturalism through intermarriages.

I went to a school with asians and never got to fuck cause all of them either didn’t want to date outside their race, or wouldn’t want to disappoint their parents who wanted them to date inside caste/race (also a bunch were ugly cause they weren’t white, but w/e)

Super double standard.

I think they should celebrate this multiculturalism. After all, no other white group fell for this race mixing propaganda.

The fact that over 50% of jews intermarry should dispel the insane ZOG conspiracy alone. Within a generation or 2, kikes will no longer exist. The ones responsible for degeneracy, feminism, shitskin immigration will be, as they are now, predominately white protestants. Jow Forums is fucking dumb.

>1 Post from Memeflag OP
>1 post from Memflag
Gee, I wonder....

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tfw they don't want brown ppl inheriting the genes

learn to share u reprobates

this is like AOC saying that a border is literally holocaust


Claim your very own set of khazar milkers today, goys! Before they run out!

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you realise that jews aren't a hivemind right?

Many of them will be calling this guy out for his right wing schtick

>It's annudah Shoah!
Jews are a living meme.

>Why do jews always come in packs of six millions ?
That's six gorillion you fucking anti-semite!

But yes, it's like a mythical number for them. Newspaper articles from before 1940 are full of six million of them being in danger somewhere in the world.