hEY, Redpill me on smoking.
Liberals, Fags and cucks just stay away. You arent meant for serious conversation.
Redpill me on Smoking
>acceptable drug taking because muh capitalism
Do what you want who gives a fuck
I dont know you but i like you. So one man to another"Fuck the world"
smoke rollups made with American spirit baccy, stay off packet cigarettes & their toxic chemical additives.
the most reddit post ever
I don’t like the decreased lung capacity in the gym or coughing up phlegm all of the time but damn, a good pull on a fresh cigarette when you’re really craving one is hard to beat.
Old Holborn
Liquorice papers
Thank me later
Why smoke when you can just cover yourself in nicotine patches?
Youre the ultimate cuck if you smoke .
Fucking pointles and expensive .
Destroys your health and you smell bad .
I quit cigarettes 3.5 years ago but every time I smell one I want one. Fuck it do what you want, life is short smoke till you’re satisfied.
No, you just want people to tell you that it's ok to smoke but it's not.
I like smoking i really fucking do but still i had to stop. It really Is not a healthy habit, and the prices keep going up. Not worth it.
urk, that's sputum inducing just thinking of it.
>increases the chances for lung cancer by over 9000%
>destroys your cardio and makes you unfit for the Happenings
>wastes massive amounts of money you could invest in your children's future
>smells terrible and ruins your clothes, teeth and fingernails
>only literal underage teens think you're cool like James Bond
>signals low status and low impulse control
>addicted to a substance that most people feel no desire for
>your nerves will get extremely short if you don't get your hourly smoke break
Is tobacco quite possibly THE most retarded drug of choice? Only boomers and low IQ low class people smoke anymore.
AND there's more!
>makes your voice ugly if you're a female
>causes erectile dysfunction if you're male
>keep the habit for long enough and you'll have a disgusting cough that you'll be embarrassed about
>your children will carry your prematurely to your grave
Also yes, my mother died because of tobacco, how did you know?
all of this
even if you pretend that smoking doesn't fuck up your body, you can't deny everything else this user said.
studies show that non smokers have a 100% chance of dying some day
>t. reddit
Welcome to the board newfren. Also smoking is acceptable if health insurance is private but NOT if it's paid for by taxpayers. (I'm not paying for you to treat your self-inflicted lung cancer)
I quit 5 years ago and every day I feel a sweet craving for cigs. Nothing like driving around in your car, listening to your favorite tune and puffing away on some fresh ciggies.
I beleive if you stop smoking for two weeks it allowes your body to remove tar from your lungs. But I'm not a doctor so I dont really know.
Also, organic american spirit cigs shouldn't be radioactive.. in theory. So I get those, though theyre not as good as the non-organic ones.
So i only smoke organic cigs occasionally for two weeks and then cease for two weeks in a cycle. AMD i seam to not have negative health consequences. But if you smoke regularly it will certainly kill you AMD is the stupidest thing anyone can do.
Also, it's fun to think of people who vape as fags when I still smoke cigs. They're pussies..
Once American cig manufacturers started adding ethyl vinyl acetate to make them "fire safe" they just started killing smokers twice as fast. That's when I quit. Nicotine is an alkaloid and a stimulant, by itself it's not carcinogenic, but it doesn't help your arteries. Make your own mind up.
Too bad you can’t do anything about it, faggot
I quit exactly 2 weeks ago, it's easier than you would expect. Cravings here and there but they pass after about a minute or so. There's virtually nothing to be gained aside from alleviating boredom. If you're on the fench about quitting just read that Allen Carr ebook
Some lives are not worth living so they just say fuggg it.
fags smoke more than any other demographic though
Get addiction, overcome with Willpower. Be greater representaion of G_d and/or Will.
That’s such bullshit, in Australia alone smoking costs the health care system a few hundred million but the cigarette taxes bring in billions more
I fucking loved smoking. I loved it from my first Marlboro.
I smoked way longer than I want to admit to, and was a 2 pack a day smoker when I could get away with it.
But I watched two people die of lung cancer, and was feeling the effects big time.
So I quit, and I'm glad I did. But I miss it. I vape, at home, for nicotine, but it's not the same.
Nothing is better than the first one in the morning, with coffee. One of life's true pleasures.
If you smoke, your call. Know what happens down the road. It's a risk. If you're cool with that, keep doing it. But plan on quitting eventually.
If I ever get diagnosed with anything bad, the first thing I'm doing is buying a carton of reds, because fuck it.
You forgot:
>Covers everything you own in tar.
I quit 5 years ago, still cleaning that shit off my stuff.
But it makes you look cool
Aesthetic af.
It's Neurostimulant so for a limited time, you get to be smarter than a non-smoking version of yourself.
Also great for ignoring minor stimuli like clothes pinching your body hair, the weather, etc.
Its a horrible fate user. It killed my father and it will kill me. I'm a 35 year old boomer and I already know how I'll die because I'm hooked on the nicotine jew.
my mom is 64, she smoked for 47 years until getting diagnosed with COPD. Now she has to have an oxygen tube in her nose for the rest of her life.
Think again faggot
Stay away from it anons. Its too late for me .
Only if you grow ur own tobacco and smoke with a pipe.
you can smoke niggertine free tobacco. it's not quite the same, unfortunately.
1 more week and you'll be over it.
t. quit 1.5 years ago cold turkey on 1st try, never smoked since.