bring it on sandboy
You'll loose a bunch of allies if you start stirring up shit with them. Germany's government already noped out when your (((gubment))) requested to send ground troops to Syria, same thing will happen with Iran. Go die alone in your shitty proxy wars, burger.
Merkel is certainly no ally to the USA. I don't think we will lose anything.
Is it just propaganda I am seeing? Every time I see her she is doing some heinous shit that boils my blood.
>fucking their cousins for the last several centuries
>calling others retarded
that's pretty based desu
leave Iran alone unless they threaten to nuke Israel
Pussies the lot of you
Zing, just like my bants on 4channel
You're fucking joking right? The whole world will cuck to (((us))) as always. Nice try Mohammed
That's kinda sad. He's seen the bantz between Trump and Kim and he's desperately trying to get in on the action but he's got no game.
Death to America
they issued a challenge, you are supposed to "bring it on" or be forever BTFOd by Iranian chads.
>I'm a delusional faggot
You need us more than we need you
hopefully this will end with a showdown between the us and old evropa. if she must die, i'd like it to be in one last struggle for freedom and identity. not overwhelmed by netflix series, mcdonalds and niggers.
We'll get destroyed. We have a faggot military that only fights for jews. Pretty sad.
When even the brit gobinment thinks that Trump's a retard, why should the other Euros fight together with the goylems for Israel?
wonder why Iran is rolling around in the mud with Trump regarding the juvenile bantz. I think they're certain he's bluffing and are trying to call him on his shit similar to the way the Nork situation started out.
Wait and see.
Don't. We don't need you... finally fuck off. You're as needy as kikes
Wait and see? The wooden boxes coming home?
Okay retard.
Nah, your government needs allies to support their extremely stupidly expensive war campaigns. If they even have to beg the fucking underequipped Germans that have only black painted brooms around to relieve the US troops in Syria and are trying to start another falseflag operations, you can see that it's simply not being costeffective enough.
Not to mention that the common American citizens themselves don't wanna start another war somewhere else.
It's ogre.
Are you going to be on the front lines faggot?
Nah, he's a kike. The goym will do the dying for him.
Anything the iranians say believe the exact opposite
I dont support that war... I just know it's going to happen and Europe is going to support it.
>outbantered by a middle eastern rogue state
It sounds like it. Any real American would support Iran over our shitty ZOG government.
I'm not going to let euros get cocky... if we go they follow. But of course I support Iran over Israel
You guys simply ought to force any boomer that even shows any kind of support for an Iran-US war to enlisten in the first suicide wave attack meant to trigger landmines and act as bullet sponges, before you send your far more valuable young people in war.
You ought to blow us and worry about the cucking of your once based little speck of land.
>middle eastern rogue state
I don't know if inbred sand niggers can call anyone else retarded.
>your job is literally shitposting for Angela Merkel because she shakes too hard to use her own phone
Sad. Not huge.
Nah, funnily enough, you still need us as your diplomatic mouthpiece towards Iran and Venezuela, so there's nothing you can do to get rid of us. And we're best buddy with your other sandmuslim buddy Saudi-Arabia as well.
But as the neutral guys, we get to shit on you anyway.
Way to drop the ball and join the other eurofags. You'll be shitskins in no time.
nice date european retard
Any new refugee crisis that your government is responsible for affects us as well, you dingus.
That's why only Saudi-Arabia is so far willing to join the anti-Iran coalition.
And what kind of American wants to honestly fight alongside the very same muslims who actually destroyed the twin towers?
Not to mention the problems that the US is facing domestically in form of the opioid crisis and the huge hordes of migrants coming from the south.
Oh yea that's why they noped out, not because they would now rather be a Russian vassal instead of an American one, you fucking cowards.
Well, Russia sells them very very cheap gas, whereas the US wants to force Germany to buy hideously overpriced liquid gas and drag them into another pointless war that ultimately only benefits Israel. Kinda obvious who's currently being more harmful.
Absolutely based, jew boy donny on suicide watch