What’s Jow Forumss opinion on Japan?

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1 + 1 bomb = end of war.

>be me
>go to Tokyo
>airport is clean and up to date
>streets are clean and safe, can walk outside at night without fear of being stabbed or shot
>public transit is high performance and reliable
>high tech shit everywhere
>no mentally ill people or druggies anywhere

>come back home to Chicago
>airport is third world tier
>get yelled at by some fat sheebon at border control
>take the subway back to my home in Cicero
>station/train is dirty, train is slow low performance and looks like it will break down any day
>on the way back loud niggers chimping the entire way
>see a crime scene on the way home

I literally cried when I walked into the door of my house. Why do Americans and westerners love niggers/multiculturalism so much?

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Too many racemixing whores.

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Country filled with suicidal mutts

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Society dying of degeneracy, look no further to find your race killed not by immigrants of other races but by capitalism and technology.

Going back to visit this coming april cant wait

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Its aesthetics and philosophies (or rather the conception I have of them) speak deeply to me

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Why would I have an opinion about Japan?

Why wouldn't you?

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Everyones always glaring.

I went there and it was nice and ok
Just everything was small and shitloads of people
All the cities looked the same after a while

2 nukes wasn't enough

Dude, where did all the niggers in Cicero come from? I drove down Cermak and Austin and they were fucking EVERYWHERE

It's the most overrated shithole on the planet. Don't come here.

Does this mean all modern Japanese are abbos?

overrepresented and not cool anymore. Fuck weebs btw.

I find it funny that they're dying of overwork and don't know anything about a good work life balance.

Truly is a great country.

This. Just got back from Tokyo and realized I have "Negro Fatigue".

>See video of niggers fighting in the happiest place on earth.

could not help but think "niggers ruin everything"

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Believe me I will, inshaallah

cool flag, my man

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I've been a lot of places... Japan is the best.

Oh, thank you

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It depends on how dark they are

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They should get their military privileges back to counter the chinks.


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Based ethnostate.

no sex

This. Faggots like the people ITT ruined Japan for me and I have been a full on weeb since the late 90s with plans to go since mid 00s and now Japan is turning into a tourist trap for nu-weebs

Based people. Weird at times because there's such a big difference between europeans and east asians, but overall they're great.

It's quite a shame weeb culture has somewhat obscured actual jap culture
Also they need to make more kids desu

but they wont

A good country, but it’s got way too many problems under the rug

What japanese think about tourist ?


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Just be respectful and courteous and you’ll get along with them just fine.

They made Sony and Mitsubishi and a bunch of other cool brands. They prosper economically and are an ally of the US. Pretty cool.

Probably the country we should all seek to emulate. Still has it's problems especially if you are a shut-in

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Y'all need a socialist revolution ASAP

I lived there for two years. It was great. The people are respectful and straight forward. They take pride in all that they do. No homeless people in the streets. The only loud assholes are tourists. Clean streets and transit. No crime. Great food. I wish I was still there. Now I’m in Miami, so I might as well be in South America.

>has to live in Chicago
I’m so sorry user.

>might as well be in South America
My brother went to college in Miami and he found himself being the only white person in a crowd of Cubans and other POCs several times.

heard good things about it
was planning to go next year but I heard it is mostly a clean and mostly free of sand niggers.
Cant wait to take a break from the globohomo.

Smart people with a kind of beautiful country. But I don't want to anywhere near any nips, non-whites.

Japanese companies employ nearly 1 million Americans, unlike chinks who steal our jobs.