
Why doesn't sHe haven't any nudes?
Seams like sHE could make a lot more money if She had some newds.

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I have her nudes

Why pose nude if youre already getting rich with your close on. Stop giving it attention

In Minecraft of course

she's making a lot of money because she has no nudes dumb person

>if youre already getting rich
I don't think you understand how getting rich works

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>with your close on

Being a tease if more profitable. Learn women

what do you think she'd agree to

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>nudes of a tranny

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dumb bitch is wearing clothes in the shower

>post tits or get the fuck out
>actually no, here's a thousand dollars, just please don't post tits
what did Italy mean by this?


She isn't doing anything illicit and is making 200k+ each month JUST FROM PATREON. She's richer than you or I will ever be.

you faggots are annoying as hell I wish I could choke you across the internet

Once she poses nude she’ll get a brief massive uptick in sales. And then they’ll fall off a cliff as people move on to the next thing. So long as she remains provocative juuuuuuust on the verge of it, she’ll enjoy steady income until she hits the wall.

It'd fuck up her business model?

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It’s just the opposite. The more nude the less money. Compare JLaw’s income before and after the fappening.

then how come she doesn't retire, or just like become a real estate baron like all the other lazy people with some capital?



Disgusting black Jew nipples.

I paid for it and we played Minecraft together.
It was fun.

what about after hitting the wall?
Girls here do gurabia and AV after they're no longer cute and innocent.

This has nothing to do with politics.

Imagine waking up next to that. Women are skilled in the art of physical deception.

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Because she’s making a steady income? Because real estate is risky?
Why don’t you take out a loan and start a business rather than working for someone? Risk.
>inb4 “I own my own business.”
Then why not start another?

I would like to see her with her close off

she is already rich

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Once there’s a significant downturn in her popularity, I’m willing to bet she’ll do nudes. But, for now, she’s gonna ride this horse til it dies.

>real estate is risky
its literally what people fall into when they can't get any of their ventures to take off and they've already bought a bunch of offices/ storefronts.

its like even more passive than being a whore,
but still not quite the level of investment banking.

She generates more interested as a kind of anime camgirl than if she was just nude like a regular porn star. There is no point in her posting nudes.

Why would she need to make more than $170,000 a month?

what's with wearing things around the neck?
And why the unnatural hair and cat ears?

Why retire if business is good?

When I was in Afghanistan there was this civilian ATC that has been there since we invaded. He made over a million each year tax free, and was already set for life - him and his family. Far as I know he's still there.

>There is no point in her posting nudes
the entire Indian subcontinent disagrees with you.

>this many fucking replies
Sage this shit thread

I want to punch that face so fucking bad.

I cant believe guys fucking donate thousands for this cunt.

>some sHe are making money out of thin air
>selling his provocative photos
>to involuntary celibates all across internet
>not paying taxes, not contributing anything to society, just living like little cute pet
>not bond to politics
And with no reason people of Germany elected Hitler.

>making over 200k a month just on patreon
>then how come she doesn't retire

Welp, thanks Japan, that's brilliant. Jow Forums finance lessons, everyone: When you make 200k a month, that's when you should really retire.

Why in the everlasting name of fuck would that attentionwhore retire, you don't retire while you're making 200k a month, what the fuck is wrong with you

We're reaching levels of anglo that shouldn't be possible

For her brand there isn't a point, it would only devalue her when you aren't relying on people's imaginations to fill in the blanks and the nudes would be spread around the internet for free anyway.

You jelly user?

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>there is no enough nude pict and video of much more attractive whores on the net

she makes money off of the fact that she keeps shit pg-13

going full porno whore is actually detrimental to your income at this game. it might be her final career move but it's a total end game strategy.

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yeah but women are whores, and she's a woman right?
she must have nudes somewhere

beauty most desired is beauty concealed

You can be an e-whore AND invest in real state... maybe she is already doing that?
She still have a decade or more before she hits the wall, why would she stop when she is at her prime?

Based Far Side poster

true, but alas theres vids of her dildoing her ass and all. Godspeed bois

>average patron gives her $64 a month

I'm jealous of all the fucking money she makes just for being a slut on the internet. I studied law for years and still dont make as much as her. Fuck this world, man.

You’re from japan. You started this fetish.

>2500 american money per month
may God help us. Some paypig gives her my 2 monthly salaries each month and I have a pretty good wage

right my granddad used to hide his katana in a walking cane.
Not sure if that's related.

Hitoris usually only need $200k for life. Same with NEETs. Hell I'd quit my job if I had $1m. But some people value effort and money differently. Some people think you need $10m to raise a kid properly and some think you need only $20k. Some people think they need to make $100k to be successful and others feel good at $40k.

time to go get myself a sugar delphine for the money

its fucking beyond sad.
literally all because of a few incellic guys with cash.
fuck those guys

is that like a boy clitoris?

lets just ignore that 1 of 3 persons you meet in your daily life has herpes, most of them will never be aware, even you....

Yeah the male clitoris on an uncircumcised sea chimpanzee.

Belle is only as rich as her Jew handlers allow her to be. Belle herself isn't anything special but her marketing campaign as seen on pol is top tier. There's millions of Belle tier girls out there. This one is just promoted.

What's an atc?

>caring about this herpetic bitch

I'm not sure if you think cold sores count or whatever survey you're quoting includes all the Venezuelans sucking dirty dicks for a can of refried beans but that's bullshit

this... i mean this one is obviously being promoted hard, i think the idea is to tell young women "why work when you could be doing this instead".. it is painfully obvious yet ppl still fall for it and never stop talking about how much she is making out of this shit

So I never knew, is that her on the left as well, or just some pre teen guy that looks like her?

>unnatural cat ears
>checks flag
Yeah that checks out

>she is owned jew handlers
>IRS tax audits
>the wall will catch up with her
This shit so crazy we have to come up with something like that to make sense of it. But the sad truth is most likely a hot bitch was able to get rich for being hot and the rest of us have to work.

>giving money to e-thots

who does this bitch's camera work anyhow? her boyfriend/pimp?

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I used to find her gross, but after seeing you "muh deserve" faggots seethe, I'm glad about her fortune and work.

It’s not her lol. She posts normal photos sometimes without all the makeup

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air traffic controller

actually, i was looking at U.S. statistics... in Venezuela is clearly over 80% of the population..
here in Colombia it goes to 60%...

I don't know where you people live but in NYC I see tons of girls as pretty as Belle every day. I employ some myself. Without her tier marketing campaign she isn't any different than any other 2 bit prostitute around.

This is all her Jew handlers running amok.

150k a month is probably a good start for a 19 year old thot. Does she need to own all the railroads and oil for you to consider her rich?

is her snapchat worth the money?

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In this way Belle isn't really any different than any hot rapping nigger of the week the zionist media chooses to promote. Yeah we get it, they aren't talented.