His country doesn't jail fags and trannies

>his country doesn't jail fags and trannies
>his country doesn't shame sluts
>his country enslaves people by debt while calling it freedom

why don't you follow islam's ways and stop all of these issues?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>his parents are siblings
No thanks

>his last sexual partner was a goat

Islam doesn't enforce to marry your cousin you idiot, it's your own choice
by the way Korea and Japan still practice inbreeding but as you know they are more advanced and smarter than Europe and America


Ugly, swarthy sand dwelling inbreds.

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Most "muslims" in the west are degenerate moderates

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Bestiality is Haram in Islam meanwhile some western countries normalizing the dog's fucking....not to mention your furry culture

>he has communities where people are proud to sexualies and fuck animals. "furries"
islam forbids bestiality.

Based lmao!!!!!!!!

Can I marry a 9 year old and have social approval? If so then deal. A husband should raise his wife.

sure thing meme flaggot
Islam is against the muslim immigration to an infidel country but those faggots are too brainwashed by western propaganda into being fascinated by their degenerate culture and life-style

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>Ywn screw a donkey with your Bros before blowing up some heretics and going to heaven with 72 virgin donkeys waiting

the 9 years old marriage is a fairy tale, just look it up you idiot
and let's assume it's true so why the hell you don't see any muslim marrying a child?
however you can marry a +13 years old girl since this is more logical and acceptable age of concent

They do in Arabia, particularly Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Also I think the Persians and afghans do it. I don’t see anything wrong with it so long as society condones it.

I’d settle for 12-13

>he's posting a child in this thread
what did he mean by this?

>mfw i will never get cucked by my own dog
>mfw iwn drown in debt

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sorry but no one does it (except rare cases of shia scum in Iran)
i dare you post an article or video about Saudian or Yemenian marrying a 8 or 10 years old child

>MAHA SAAD ZAKI, a professor of clinical genetics, ushers Ahmed, Fatima and their family into her room at Egypt’s National Research Centre. At least three of their six children have a rare neurological illness that manifests itself around age four, causing mental retardation, loss of the use of their limbs and, later, death. The couple’s nine-year-old daughter slumps, twitching. This congenital illness has appeared because, as well as being husband and wife, Ahmed and Fatima are also first cousins (their names have been changed).

Islam is for inbreds.

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in all seriousness only a sick fuck would have fantasize about a child in a sexual manner

Exactly bro. #yetnahaw_Gaa3

>alabama doesn't exist

yes, you can

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so? it's free choice you dumb fuck
and it have nothing to do with Islam, the prophet simply did not forbid it he didn't encourage it
even before Islam it was common thing...
not to mention all the non-muslim nation who still practice inbreeding (Asian and even european nations)

Yeah what kind of sick fuck would want to marry a nine year old?
Oh right.


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How would a white American muslim be treated in Algeria? Then I might convert to Islam.

Umm.... but don't you throw homosexuals off of buildings?

bong educate yourself, some say it's nine some say it's six and some even say 18 the truth is no one sure what her age was
to this day muslim scholars still debating about it then some infidel such as you come and start using this unquestionable incident as an argument to criticize muslims

i was a believer of allah user and i even read the entire quran several times

sure as shit the religion was only made for Muhammad to be crowned as a king and have sex with his harem

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>inbred arabs being buttmangled that their parents are related

Yup, that's Islamic indeed.

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as long your Muslim we'll truth as our brother in faith
even if you were a Ex-jew as long you share the same religion as us it doesn't matter

you can be my english speaking friend, not many people use that laguage in my place.
However, jealousy and inferiourity complexes will drive other people violent towards you.

not in this country, no.

If he married a 9 years old and it was unacceptable and wrong in that day and age, wouldn't his enemies at the time use it as an argument against him?
Those people jumped at every chance to condemn him but somehow they were completely oblivious of this marriage?
And plus, if he wanted to marry virgin children because "muh pedophilia" then how come all his other wives were confirmed to be widows (not virgins) and old?

because Allah doesn't exist, because Mahomet is not a prophet of God, because the Quran is not divine, because your religion is false and always will be a prison for mind and society, because most of the muslim countries are shitholes, because 100% of them would be shitholes if they didn't have by chance oil and gas under their ground

l'algérie était vraiment une erreur

Because you're all gonna die. Islam is a plague. Like all plagues, it must be utterly and completely destroyed.

You guys mutilate baby boy penises
>inb4 but you're an American
I'm not cut

it's funny that Muhhaled refused to live like a rich king sitting on a throne and wearing a golden crown like it was common for kings to do back then
he was lived a modest life in a simple house like any other commoner till his death

It would bring a set of worse issues, see any Islamic country, all are shit.

>His country has contributed nothing of value to the world

yeah, living in a simple house with old non-virgins while barely having food to eat is how kings live

why would someone be mad at his parents because they're related? is this a common thing in your shithole
>You guys mutilate baby boy penises
for good reasons....also it looks better that wat ;)

He married her at six and consummated the marriage at nine. Prior to that there was no minimum which is why 9 is the current religious minimum in several schools of thought.

All are shit because they were colonised by english and french armies of the time.
They were never given the chance to strive.

Yeah you sand apes got it right on those three issue, I have to admit

Islam does not stop the corporate Jew.

>benefits to make circumcisions

You just made yourself look like a joke and no one can take you seriously in this thread anymore.

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>his prophet relied on marrying a MILF to gain wealth (Khadijah)

>it's your own choice to marry and fuck and breed with your first cousin!
>it's your own choice
>it's your own choice to fuck your cousin

i know a girl that escaped from your country because the family was trying to force her to fuck her cousin. I do like that you hate gays and don't fall for jewish bullshit but that is all you got going for you.

>his country is ruled by inbreds that are given power because "muh special blood" that happens to be like everybody else's

>He married her at six and consummated the marriage at nine
according a weak Hadith was written for the first time 200 years after the death of the prophet
at what bases you are 100% his is true?

we dont need to worship a pedo to fix the west thank you, also most of the middle east is not white.


I'l admit Islam would have been a better religion for Europe. It seems your inbreeding and goat fucking is caused by some low IQ individuals rather than by the religion itself. Sadly i can't support Islam because in right now it would mean destroying the European people. However, you still have my respect

>they are more advanced and smarter than Europe and America

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>Putting babies through horrific pain makes sense

See how retarded you look?

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>be mad at his parents

As a result of the inbreeding you have no reading comprehension. I feel bad for you, Abdullah al-Flying Carpet.

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she accepted didn't he? no one forced her
she ran away because her family forced her to marry someone she didn't like which is against Islam teachings...the women have the right to accept or refuse who wants to engage her

Why don't you? Algeria is secular. Be more like Pakistan or Iran.

and it's a fact
>horrific pain
no it's that bad as people say...also we don't do it to babies that's a jew thing...in Islam it's done once you reach 4-5 years

>not having intercourse with donkeys
>not engaging in homoerotic Turkish oilwrestling without shirts

Are you even muslim?

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he lived his entire life a simple life and never stopped helping his people. he never lived like a wealthy king.

islam probids "debt with interests". you aren't allowed to make money by giving loans.

force marriage is forbidden. for marriage,
consent of wife, husband and parents of both parties are necessary.

dude holy shit you're oblivious to the whole circumsicion thing, the most sensitive part about the penis is the foreskin. ergo sexual pleasure is reduced heavily.


because of corrupt politicians that are getting prosecuted for their crimes but only recently. it should get better

every time an entire group of muslims or an entire family of muslims does something horrible you come out with "but they aren't true muslims" fuck off with your taqiyya bullshit. Country of inbred retards.

Yea when we think of countries that have their shit together that deserve respect on the world stage we think of fucking algeria.

how Islam is destroying Europe? many of those immigrants and refugees are not even muslims to begin with
even wondered why when a christian sub saharan african rape or kill a european (which is a common sigh) they never refer to his religion in the media or even here in Jow Forums?

>inflicting mutilation on a small child still is okay

I fucking love my foreskin and youll never know what you're missing out on and how fun and pleasurable it is to have it. You follow a Jewish tradition, you loser

islam is judasim for dummies. it's the same
tree trying to play both sides, problem. reaction
solution, get fucked in the rear end the same
way no matter who you're ruled by a shemite
is a shemite.

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>not forced
>90% still do it
Even worse

you Burgers bombed our countries and killed mullions of us, you are the last person on earth who have the right to criticize us
in just a 100 year you dealt more damage to humanity than all religions combined

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And why would a jew care? They exploit you everyday and you don't notice, they'll eventually remove the morality of islam from the masses, just like christianity.

why is your clit so big?

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I am talking about the replacement of ethnic Europeans. If i were to support Islam(the primary religion of the invaders) i'd be supporting the ethnic replacement

>You follow a Jewish tradition
Judaism is an Abrahamic religion as you know
not even 2%, don't believe those (((data)))

enjoy your ban, fag

And that you borrowed from, idiot. Did you know Iran pays for sex changes? And they are Muslim. How are Muslims based now? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_rights_in_Iran

>replacement of ethnic Europeans
>with muslims
>muslims are ethnicity
my god.....stop being a retard and say replacement of ethnic Europeans with non Europeans
but hey let's just blame it on Islam that's what our jewish lords want us to think

Suck it, cunt

>Iran pays for sex changes?
we are under the rule of (((Secualrists))) right now
we have bars we have nigh clubs we have legalized prostitution and all the other things that had no exist prior to the 60's

The Arabs and Africans coming to Europe are muslim. I didn't imply than muslim is an ethnicity anywhere in my post

Why is your average IQ 80 points? Why is the only thing the islamic world invented praying to a big black cube (BBC) and cutting off your dick tip? Jesus christ, the arabic world was a leader in mathematics until you embraced islam. Your race is going downhill since 700. Even the fucking jews are wealthier and smarter than you.

>intercourse with donkeys
Thats the Kurds and Arabs.

>homoerotic oil wrestling
Sounds like what the Turks ,Greeks and Iranians do in their spare time

>We cut kids pinky finger at 5 years... It doesn't do anything anyways... It's not as bad as people say... Also you wont get pinky finger cancer if you just amputate it preemptively

All i have to do is get a job to marry a virgin wife that cooks and cleans the house and will propably never cheat.
Americans are less likely to get married let alone find a virgin, if you do, she won't do anything at all but leech and you can't do anything about it because "women rights" and she will fuck chad on the side too,
Don't like it? give her half your assets and the lawyers the other half while she finds somebody else to leech-off of.

>Arabs and Africans coming to Europe are muslim
i beg to differ, not all arabs are muslims there is decent munber of christian but simply because all of them are brown it's easy to assume they are muslims (i know a Coptic Egyptians who immigrated to America and people used to call him Achmed and tell him to eat halal, they even threw a pig head in his house's courtyard)
as for Africans remember that half of Africa is Christian, we do get some sub saharan-African refugees in Algeria (they come here so they later immigrate to europe from the med sea) and 90% are Christians

islam is pagan and retarded stupid brainlet
christianity did great before jews started to brainwash people into being degenerate in the 50s and 60s , also if you think that jews will not do this to muslims you're naif

>the islamic world invented nothing
>completely ignorant of the islamic inventions
Your words just lost all their value.

you live in a 3rd world country where any given child is more likely to contract AIDS than any given "faggot or tranny" in a respectable western nation

>Implying the girl you marry didn't have anal sex with dudes to still consider herself a virgin.
So funny of you to be so gullible
Let me laugh at you

What are marriage laws like in Algeria? Do you get assraped if your wife decides to divorce you? Can she even initiate the divorce procedure on her own?

>Your words just lost all their value.
he's right idiot all invention from arabs were made before islam

>Why is your average IQ 80 points?
ah yes the famous Muh (((IQ))) argument, not even worth to reply to this
>big black cube
did you read about it's origin you germ? learn about who built it and you'll understand why it's scared in Islam, and we don't pray to the cube in a literal meaning, it's just the direction we must face
>cutting off your dick tip
Abrahamic tradition (actually the Quran didn't mention anything about it)

Lamo Arabs invented nothing before Islam

ya your real angles

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nice asspull,
>According to the 2011 UNAIDS report on the region, approximately 13,000-18,000 people are HIV+ inAlgeria. While the overall prevalence ofHIVis around 0.1 percent in the general population,

Compared to:

>1.2 million out of 300 million
>literally 3 times more common

how hot is in Algeria right now?

did you read about it's origin you germ? learn about who built it and you'll understand why it's scared in Islam, and we don't pray to the cube in a literal meaning, it's just the direction we must face
the kaaba was not build by Abraham , Abraham did not go in saudi arabia , arabs pagan used to pray to the kaaba long time before having contact with jew (there was jews in saudi arabia but they were a minority ) this prove just how fake islam is , mohammed was not completely retarded he knew that if he created a religion that mixed judaism and christianity believe ( who were growing rapidly ) with arabs pagan rite and all his bullshit story's it would be easy to convert people ( but it wasn't people fought for exemple berber fought and were taken as slave , around 15 000 were taken , and the women were raped , the history destroyed and arabic was imposed )

Boston Bombing was a (((false flag)))

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>Lamo Arabs invented nothing before Islam
yeah sure maths were invented in 300 B.C

300 A.C

>did you read about it's origin you germ? learn about who built it and you'll understand why it's scared in Islam, and we don't pray to the cube in a literal meaning, it's just the direction we must face

the kaaba was not build by Abraham , Abraham did not go in saudi arabia , arabs pagan used to pray to the kaaba long time before having contact with jew (there was jews in saudi arabia but they were a minority ) this prove just how fake islam is , mohammed was not completely retarded he knew that if he created a religion that mixed judaism and christianity believe ( who were growing rapidly ) with arabs pagan rite and all his bullshit story's it would be easy to convert people ( but it wasn't people fought for exemple berber fought and were taken as slave , around 15 000 were taken , and the women were raped , the history destroyed and arabic was imposed )

Thx for getting it user. Islam makes beastiality and rape etc... all forbidden. Ironically the ppl going to Europe and advocating for Islam maybe don't have Islam themselves...ur supposed to converted ppl through good faith and dawah, not sperging out in the streets and claiming everybody gonna die cuz the caliphate is coming, and establishing Europe as Muslim. Its like those guys who point to Bacha Bazi as an example of Islam being backwards-although they will admit that islam forbids; dancing at social gatherings, prostitution, and homosexuality. Its very intellectually dishonest. Bacha Bazi and whatever else are practices bcuz the ppl who do that stuff-are lacking Islam-and would rather hold onto their degenerate customs. They just have severely autistic parts of their culture...Islam came to prevent those things ...but they don't listen. Also if u do agree w Islam on both a spiritual and ethical level...why don't u convert? Bcuz ur afraid of your ppl becoming a minority? Don't you know you can maintain your race and culture through Islam? Can't you still generate a based white family without circumventing Europe? It would prolly be easier desu. Islam wont humiliate you and cast away your identity, because u and Europe as a whole have already established that through history...switching to a religion that you agree w will give you the spiritual grounding to carry out your dreams. Islam will preserve the great aspects of u and your ppl, while casting away in totality the degenerate ones...European identity is maintained.



>the kaaba was not build by Abraham
yes it was, and Saudia arabia wasn't a thing back then...the whole region was connected to the middle east
>women were raped
rape is haram no matter what lies you try to come with
>300 B.C
name this Arabic inventor to me?