How do you avoid the blackpill? I feel like I am losing all hope.
How do you avoid the blackpill? I feel like I am losing all hope
Non-ironically become Christian. Whatever flavor except evangelical.
read Mein Kampf faggot
Follow Q user
This. Repent your sins to god and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. The Bible pretty much lays out what is happening at the moment. We are living in the end times.
I already did. It costs to get used to the emptieness but you get used fast
Exercise, eat healthier, establish positivity in the environments you are around, consume good media.
Understand that as strong as the globohomo propaganda is, it's equaled in strength by the simultaneous demoralization campaign.
It's harder to stomach because it's not as easy to see what is NOT being written.
>Get a decent job
>Make Friends
>Uncuck friends overtime
>Get a hobby
>Don't be fat
>Avoid crazy women
You may not be able to stop all the degeneracy in the world user, but you can at least control how much you're exposed to in real life.
Realize that you have to keep going on even if everything is hopeless (which isn't true).
Thanks guys that actually helps
Wrong, becoming blackpilled made me lose my faith.
Alcohol, pills, and the hope that next life is significantly better.
or Pentecostal or charismatic in any way
>I am losing all hope
Hope is useless.
By taking the white pill and looking on the bright side of life
Then your faith was weak. I was blackpilled years ago and it was pure poison, the only antidote was the Godpill.
I think the user's advice
>consume good media
is very important and often ignored by Jow Forumsacks.
It is a fact that the media we consume affects our mood and outlook on life. Jow Forums is a hellhole in that regard, overindulging on this shit damages you.
>made me lose my faith.
I get out to work doing delivery on a scooter. There's hardly any orders now because we are swampped with migrant workers, the roads are rammed and today I didnt hear one English voice in the street.
I hope I can get enough work this evening, I feel broke.
"Once your baby goes black, it never goes back."
pubic head hair, big lips,noses,asses,skin that needs daily lotioning, more likely to die before 25, lower iq, no chess champs, obsessed with balls, probably wont graduate high school, more likely to go to jail. dead beat dads HIV, glaucoma etc etc etc
This should help OP:
The world is going to shit, but this is nothing new and happened thousands of times
If you keep your shit together and raise your kids right, they will be ruling the 2 digit IQ retards who trusted the government with their money
so basically a form of the Kübler-Ross model (5 stages of grief)
>1. denial (bluepill)
>2. anger (redpill)
>3. bargaining (clownpill)
>4. depression (blackpill)
>5. acceptance (whitepill)
How could it? Knowing what you know pretty much confirms dark forces exist in this world. Isn't that then out of necessity that the opposite exists as well?
Look at Hitler speeches
don't get sucked into the cult of Jow Forums.
Take the God pill, its the final destination
What's with the photo?
here is what I recommend:
go out and make friends. stop wasting time on Jow Forums. People have good and bad traits. For your own personal happiness, stop focusing on just their bad traits.
For sake of logical fallacy, go out and do stuff in life and try to actually get more real-life examples of the stuff you fear. If anything, it's certainly better than wallowing in despair in your mom's basement.
Just live out your beliefs in your own personal life.
Your next life won't be better unless you do what you can with this life to clear your concious. The condition of your soul when you die is important.
From your bodies perspective you will only come back as yourself after how ever many trillions of years that it takes the universe to create your body again.
It's a phase, it will pass. Hang on.
>How do you avoid the blackpill?
Stop coming here
Go way from here
Meet normies
Become normy
i fucking hate normies so goddamn much.
whats the best way to opt out of society but still live quite comfortably?
i tough about learning to daytrade and then fucking off to a cheapass country is this a plausible idea?
>Hang on.
But don't just. You need to get a proper trajectory or you could end up an Accelerationist.
You're here forever.
Get some relief by putting a wrench in the works.
For example:
Print out the URL for documentaries about how there was no "holocaust".
Go to library and Place them in books about the holocaust.
Print out stickers of things you'd like to say. Stick em up in strategic places.
Print out articles / propaganda and leave them lying about wherever you go.
See a pamphlet with a White woman / black man on the front? Take a bundle. Write "Anti-White propaganda" on them then place them back where they were.
>it will pass
Does it though? Can you really say you've at any point returned to the baseline of hope and optimism you had in your prior life before the redpills set in, before you knew about the Jew?
I know I can't. Yeah, the hopelessness passes, but the pain doesn't go away.
Do you know why it's called the redpill? Because there is quite literally no coming back from this and all you're offered is the truth.
Why would you want to? The blackpill is ultimate freedom from this bullshit world we currently inhabit. Once you take the blackpill, nothing matters. The world is yours to do with as you please, with very limited inhibitions. You already don't give a fuck, direct that towards whatever cause you most believe in. Go full out.
I just want to thank all of you for the advice. You guys are swell. I just wish this place did more to encourage and feel hopeful
this is so fucking delusional
Whatever makes you miserable
The only way around the blackpill is through it dude. It sucks and takes some time but once you come to the realization that all you really have control over is the next 10-30 seconds of your life then you begin to get your priorities straight. Or avoid places like this, then you will also be happy.
>returned to
But a phase doesn't imply a return. It implies one step and then another, a linear progression.
Cardinal rule of men: do not stick your dick in crazy
It will be the end of you. Again, never stick your dick in crazy. NEVER.
It is ultimately liberating to realize the you only have power over yourself
>I just wish this place did more to encourage and feel hopeful
Shills spam bait and negativity specifically in order to prevent positive feelings like in this thread. They want us all consumed with hatred and miserable
You're not really addressing with what I said. That's just semantic quibbling.
>All 'pills' have some aspects based in fantasy, it's not worth taking them too seriously.
Wrong. The red pill is the revelation of facts and reality, the lifting of fantasy away from understanding. It is the opposite of fantasy.
>Forms reasonable life philosophy based on the nuances of his own experiences and understanding of the feeling of others.
So basically a cuck.
Are we talking the actual black pill, or "Coming to the realization that nothing will be fixed until a reset (collapse) happens" that many of you retards confuse for black pill? Because one is just accepting reality and trying your best to prepare for it.
Watch 'I Am Nightmare'
Society is a loop and a game. Just fucking play it. I took the honk pill.
>How do you avoid the blackpill? I feel like I am losing all hope.
I think of the Amish, who are genetically isolated White people doubling in population every 20 to 30 years.
These words can never be stressed enough
Anyone else on here do stuff like this?
user...there is no hope. The only answer is something that nobody is willing to do.
All out war.
Well you can never unlearn anything, but you can regain hope just fine. The same way anything linear and temporal acts, you can redo the same task but it will always be slightly different. You can clean a gun, but it's still got wear and tear no matter what. I can use a countless number of analogies or metaphors for the concept but that should suffice.
I was blackpilled into doomerdom. Then I started following the National Socialist philosophy and codex and changed myself. I quit caffein, amphetamin and cannabis, started caring about myself, found a job, started lifting again, still smoke cigarettes and drinky my 1-3 beers a day (drinking beer is normal here in Germany, it is a Grundnahrungsmittel), but I only drink in the evening. This process took me like 2 months. Because of my change I attracted a 22 year old blonde blue-green eyed qt literal loli. She is also working fulltime and now we are at a point where we talk about baby making and a future together.
Thank you, Adolf Hitler.
Yeah but red pill is subjective and means different things to different people, you're only right in your own head.
Who remembers that guy who would go to Bill Clinton panels and ask him about flying on the Lolita Express? He did it more than once. I even remember seeing a video of him injuring a midnight mass in Philadelphia shouting "the Catholic church rapes kids"
I can't find his videos Anywhere now.
thats the key. Let it all go, accept it. Atleast that has been my way. Acceleration. Stop reproducing. Your children are going to suffer because they are white. At this point any action against that evil behind curtains is going to prolong the suffering. They have this world already and i think those who don't think this way just doesn't know how bad things are. Ofc i still respect that spirit they have.
This is just a crazy dream anyway
Hello internet community, can someone here on channel 4 please explain
red pill
blue pill
black pill
Thanks in advance!
nice digits, 369, /thread.
Fuck off
Gain power by any means necessary. Despair is a liability, hatred is a weapon.
How's the weather in Maryland, Bill?
Red pill: There was never any hope to begin with
>but you can regain hope just fine. The same way anything linear and temporal acts, you can redo the same task but it will always be slightly different
So you're saying a soldier who's seen combat hasn't irreversibly changed? That you can work in forensics investigation (in the field) or in a mental institution without it permanently changing you? Someone who's been kept as a sex slave for a decade can just shrug it off and ride into the sunset?
Oh but user, hatred is my weapon.
Proverbs 8:13
"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverted mouth, I hate.
Psalm 97:10
Hate evil, you who love the LORD, Who preserves the souls of His godly ones; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Amos 5:15
Hate evil, love good, And establish justice in the gate! Perhaps the LORD God of hosts May be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.
Romans 12:9
Let love be without hypocrisy Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
Exodus 18:21
"Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.
Psalm 119:104
From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.
Psalm 119:128
Therefore I esteem right all Your precepts concerning everything, I hate every false way.
Proverbs 13:5
A righteous man hates falsehood, But a wicked man acts disgustingly and shamefully.
Psalm 119:163
I hate and despise falsehood, But I love Your law.
Psalm 101:3
I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me.
Proverbs 15:27
He who profits illicitly troubles his own house, But he who hates bribes will live.
Psalm 45:7
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of joy above Your fellows.
Hebrews 1:9
Romans 2:22
You who say that one should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?
Romans 7:15
For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.
Jude 1:23
save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.
Revelation 2:6
'Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
Psalm 26:5
I hate the assembly of evildoers, And I will not sit with the wicked.
Psalm 31:6
I hate those who regard vain idols, But I trust in the LORD.
Psalm 119:158
I behold the treacherous and loathe them, Because they do not keep Your word.
Proverbs 24:9
The devising of folly is sin, And the scoffer is an abomination to men.
Proverbs 29:27
An unjust man is abominable to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is abominable to the wicked.
Psalm 139:21
Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
Psalm 139:22
I hate them with the utmost hatred; They have become my enemies.
Ezekiel 35:6
therefore as I live," declares the Lord GOD, "I will give you over to bloodshed, and bloodshed will pursue you; since you have not hated bloodshed, therefore bloodshed will pursue you.
>avoid the blackpill
haha such ignorance. In order to survive in this decaying world you must embrace the blackpill. Watching society deteriorate and the structure cave in on itself is the most potent stimuli known to man. Especially when you realize these parasites will have no viable host to cling onto when it happens, that right there makes it even more fulfilling.
No you're not, you're a shill spreading fud on the eve of our greatest happening thus far... Or not, either way, the solution is to kill yourself.
thats a repackaged black pill and you know it
No, I quite literally just said the opposite. I said that it does change you and you can't be unchanged. You can relearn how to live just fine, though it will never be quite the same as before. That is literally what life is dude.
What I've been seeing since 2004 on a daily basis.
True. I can only hope I don't get white niggers for parents again.
Beer is onions tier. Cigarettes retarded. Never stop improving.
Consider looking into creating real ale, not "real ale" but I mean medieval nutritional beer without hops. Even kids drank it in those days, had a very low alcohol % but was nutritious "liquid bread". It's something to do and the effort required might wean you off the garbage.
It's very simple, you can sum it up by :
>Lurk more summerfag
Hope it helps
It's over. Only this time, for real.
There's no such thing as a soul
For you.
>You can relearn how to live just fine, though it will never be quite the same as before.
You're still quibbling. My entire point that you took special attention to NOT address, was that certain things fuck you up in a way that leave you SERIOUSLY DAMAGED.
That's not something you just shrug off and move on like it was a dent on a bicycle.
>memeflag speaks like a Jew
oh my stars!
not for you anyway shlomo
This kike WalMart plebposter PSYOP needs permabanning asap
I never said it was man. I of all people know the damage "serious shit" can do to a persons mind for the rest of your life. I also know that you can in fact relearn how to proceed through life with that hanging over your head. It never leaves you and is forever ingrained in your very being, but you can learn to live with it. As I said earlier to the initial post, it takes time and reevaluation of your life. I'm doing just fine now after quite a few "serious shit" happenings throughout my life so it can be done.
You are right and I want to quit cigarettes too, but it is not as easy to quit as the other things.
I mostly drink black beer, often with cherry flaovor. It js my guilty pleasure.
>muh struggles
>survivorship bias
I have sincere doubts about you.
Alright, Skeeter, let's break down ridiculous drivel, shall we?
>This kike
Right off the bat you're getting things off by a huge margin
>WalMart plebposter
By the farmers correct, the ladder need some arguments to match this claim.
Oh please, your flattery is enough already.
>needs permabanning asap
What did I do, now?
The struggles aspect is simply because you are claiming you can't move through issues and continue life near normalcy. That makes you an actual retard. Survivorship bias, ok sure maybe i'm biased but that is only because I'm still living life about as normal as it gets dude. You are either weak as fuck or have never encountered real hardship in your life if you are holding the belief you seem to be holding.
By making replacements for the faggot sites that censor free speech.
Start by making a replacement for this faggot site. Fucking faggs banned me from posting images. And then earlier this year they banned me for posting information about a mosque shooting. Faggots want to censor the truth, and they deserve to die for it. They are hindering progress for not letting us see the world for what it truly is. How can we progress technology without information? How can we defend ourselves without information? The answer is we can't. These people that censor information are the enemy of humanity. And they need to be killed.
Every experience of loss can be somewhat mitigated by understanding these phases, and also remembering that they don't always follow sequential order, sadness and anger come and go, mixed with humor and acceptance. It's good to remember this.
This is the best advice in the thread
>Jow Forums cult
get off of Jow Forums
>*knows fucking nothing about the other guy's life*
>get up wtf you're just a retarded faggot you fucking pussy lol
Spoken like a true vet who's seen some shit
what's the whitepill?
Listen to this: Unity is strength. Get in touch with fellow minds. Make new friends with them and go through life together. Never underestimate the value of friendship, Kamerad! You don't need to be on your own.