W.H. says cartoonist is no longer attending social media summit

>… THE WHITE HOUSE told us last night that Ben Garrison, the cartoonist who drew this cartoon that has been widely labeled anti-Semitic, will no longer be attending the administration’s social media summit. As of Tuesday morning, Garrison was invited -- he posted the invite he got on Twitter -- and people in the administration were privately defending the invitation.
>OF COURSE, it doesn’t take much to see why the cartoon is considered anti-Semitic. It shows the Rothschilds -- a Jewish family -- controlling George Soros, another Jew, on puppet strings, who, in return, has David Petraeus and H.R. McMaster wearing military garb, attached to puppet strings. Jews controlling the strings of government is a decades old anti-Semitic meme.

Daddy let you down again?

Attached: garrison.jpg (500x500, 24K)

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Zyklon is actually a pretty good guy to comment on media censorship, even if he clearly went full boomer trying to interpret Jow Forums at first.

which cartoon

>The moment people of power are called out they shriek and give their true positions away as filthy fucking kikes and censor someone for a cartoon
Holy hell what a 4D move

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>saying the rich and powerful control the world is anti-semitic, goy
Please do not redpill the fuck out of the comment section

4d chess, this will OWN the libs and prove dems are the real racists

They're really tipping their hand going after him for criticizing the Rothschilds and Soros rather than this piece of low-hanging fruit though
No, it's not a shop

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political cartoons are practically synonymous with free speech, it says a lot about our culture right now



fuckin' leaf

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This is seriously bullshit. Kike cocksuckers

It’s getting to the point where you can’t even criticize powerful Jewish people at all. Makes you think.


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>"And gradually, I grew to hate them" -- Ben Garrison

What we're witnessing here is a meme turning into real life.

What's Ben Garrison's nickname again?

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Wow. If you think about it, they’re sort of giving away the game here. There’s actually nothing anti semetic about the cartoon.
>hey i dont like how the people in power run things
>what?? How dare you?? There’s no such thing as an evil jewish conspiracy controlling all the goyim, youre a fucking nazi!!!

Boy, if ol’ Ben didn’t hate the Jews before he sure is going to now

>>what?? How dare you?? There’s no such thing as an evil jewish conspiracy controlling all the goyim, youre a fucking nazi!!!

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yup. the guy that got fired for the dead spic in trump's way on the golf course was full plumb retarded too.

Cheeto Elvis based as always.

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Wtf Zyklon?

So what's the reason they uninvited him? Will they uninvite other nazi, right-wing, centrist, non-leftists?
What's the criteria?

Pretty fucking telling when a censorship summit starts from censoring/banning/uninviting invited people.
I think it's fucking disgraceful, and Trump should be ashamed of himself. FUCKING SELLOUT JEWISH PUPPET!!!!!!!!!1

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Oh wait they withdrew the invitation? Lame.

Let's get Ben to streisand effect again and go viral yet again...

Retards don't realize what they're doing.

Also I wonder if this has anything to do with him being on Infowars last night and them asking him to request Trump try to get them reinstated on the socials.

Let's see the Zognald Cocksuckers defend this one.

>Daddy let you down again?

Pretty much always.


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It was bad optics

>Don't invite person
Ah, that's ok
> invite person
That's good
>Retract invitation