I don't understand this comic

Please explain

Attached: dog-whistle-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)

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I think the whatever in the last panel is like a tranny or feminist and the dog whistle hurts it because its a dog

Ever hear leftists talking about (((dog whistles))) ?

It's a dog whistle, the left uses the term to mean shibboleths and specific words that right wingers use to identify each other with. Thus a literal dog whistle is used for comedic effect

Socialists are just the trained dogs of the corporate deep state.

Yea it's not immediately obvious to me either. Leftists will use anything to justify violence and they say everything the right says is a dog whistle. So when you blow a literal dog whistle they use that as an excuse to become violent? Idk not stonetoss's best.

In case you didn't know:

to add to this explanation, the left keeps saying "this is a dog whistle to the right" and "that's a dog whistle to the right" but the only ones noticing the dog whistle are the leftists, hence, not real dog whistles, just more leftist hysteria

Formerly Chuck's
So it would be "Chuck's Fuck & Suck"

SJWs are always hearing dog-whistles.

>only dogs can hear dog whistles
>in the leftist analogy, nazi bigots are dogs who use said "dog whistles" because only nazi bigots can hear them
>in reality, said nazi bigots are using normal english words innocuously (not hearing the whistle) and its the leftists that are writhing and yelping in response to the whistle
>leftists are the real nazi bigots

On top of this, there could be an element of the whole "I identify as x".

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Yap, not one of his best comics, but still a subtle reference to American left hysteria, just like the OK sign

“durr what if the dog whistle metaphor was a real dog whistle” the comic

"Dog whistles" are a huge thing on the far left because they think that everyone farther right than Dave Rubin is a nazi and is speaking in code 24/7.

P.s I just know that some people that will this comic will be like "the Nazi called trans people animals because he is a bigot and see human being as actual dogs"

The trannie is triggered by the “boy” dog whistle.

Pick one.

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Sodomites are dogs

17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

18 Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

dog whistle. is a whistle only dogs can hear.

Also a term leftists use. They claim non-racist phrases are actually racist, that they are some kind of "dog-white" that only racists understand

Leftists have this weird idea that when we say "gas jews" or "hang niggers" it's some sort of "dog whistle", i.e. some sort of secret code only known to us.

dog whistles will take down your political opponents
and the comic maker is saying those who fall
by whistle are dogs.

No. Please explain.

Im thinking because he said 'boy' to the dog. Then blows the dog whistle like queuing you to the face that he said 'boy' to the dog. Last panel, I dunno. Dumb strip overall, really. Too complicated.

Virgin dog whistle vs Chad wolf howl.

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Oh the other explanations may be better. Only leftists hear the whistle. Still, a little complicated.

It points out the only people who ever hear the "dog whistles" the left is always going on about are leftist, and not the alleged targets.

The point is only leftist hear these "dog whistles", not the alleged intended audience.

He called the dog a boy, triggering a tranny. As the tranny ran up to beat him up he blew the whistle thus disorienting the tranny.


They sure stuck to that rule.

the guy in the blue shirt is a cucked sjw (notice the equality sign on shirt + pink hair).

He's been so well trained into obedience and subordination by whomever he was cucked by, that a mere "Down boy!" command knocks him out.


Stop being dumb, pol.

the only ones that hear the dog whistles are lefties, that's why they notice them, that's why they think that any reference to gorillas is about black people and every illegal is a mexican. they are far more attuned to hear the whistles than anyone else and that is not an accident, their virtue signaling is just guilt manifesting as a cover for their dirty thoughts

they see all muslims as a race of brown people, hence when someone says Islam sucks they call you a racist. if they understood it as a racial comment, then obviously the bad racists would also see it like that... completely missing the point that they are the ones that took it as a racist comment

Basically the leftists will accuse right wingers of using "dog whistles" for "more extreme" members of their audiences. e.g. They think that "kek" or "white flight" would be dog whistles.

They're also projecting because they do have their own people (far left and communists) in power, media and academia, who can dog whistle or out right support antifa and legitimize their ideas and violence against the right.

The right is busy fighting each other, which is why the left is terrified about any sign of support from conservative rightwingers in power to the more extreme fringes, as that's their own tactics.

-be NPC
-NPC hears trigger

A dog whistle is a whistle that produces a sound at a pitch that humans can't hear but that dogs can. In other words, only its intended audience (dogs) will hear it for what it is. You can blow it as long and loud as you want and humans won't hear it, but every dog will.
Leftists use this as a metaphor in the public sphere to discredit their opposition. They don't take anything Right Wingers say at face value. Everything is either secretly hateful/Bigoted or is secret code for whatever their current strawman is. Because they claim it is "coded" they can assign whatever meaning they want by defining it as a dog whistle and all of their sycophants will get on board and accept it.
This is how they can turn a simple message that we should have border security or tighter immigration controls to keep out terrorists by claiming that it is a coded racist dog whistle.

>calls his dog "boy"
>uses a "dog whistle"
>tranny loses his shit
what's not to "get" here?

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It has nothing to do with calling the dog a boy. It has everything to do with leftists calling everything right wingers say "a bigoted dog whistle" no matter how true or innocuous the original speaker's statement was. The leftists are the only ones who hear these "dog whistles", which was the point of the cartoon.

>he is GENDERING his dog
>in current_year
i *CLAP* literally *CLAP* cannot *CLAP* right *CLAP* now

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fuck off nigger degrasse tyson, pluto is a planet.

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Even when used ironically, that style of typing still angers me.

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The left accuses people of saying things they don't actually say by calling it a "dog whistle."

For example, if I say "there's a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration" lefties say this is a secret code (or a dog whistle) for "I'm a nazi and I want to kill all Mexicans."

That would only make sense if the dog whistle panel wasn't there.

This so much.

>Is a unironic fascist
>lol libshits think I'm a fascist sympathizer

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>Supporting working class Americans means supporting Mexican nationals.

What did you mean by this?

You are correct and a couple others got it too.
Others may be niggers, unclear yet, grabbing my whistle and will report back

Not to mention they are most likely illegal, and also know nothing of hunting for a fucking deer...
Leftist edits are trash

Basically, the 3rd panel feminist fucks dogs, so when the dog whistle is blown, the dog (which is currently fucking the feminist, slightly off camera) freaks out and knots up. This hurts the feminist and causes the face you see in panel 3.

>giving handshakes with a left hand

Why is every leftist meme just an unfunny rehash of a right wing meme?

>hurr durr I put a Maga hat on It now dis comic about you

Seems pretty straightforward to me. Fagots and other people that only think about pleasure are like animals that only respond to their base needs and could probably be trained via Pavlov's Dog experiment as long as it involved these needs and a stimulus that they could respond to like a "dog whistle"

It's kind of ironic that the left would accuse the right of using dog whistles, when the left are masters of euphemisms, and have built their entire political language around doublespeak.
Must've made them paranoid.

It's pure projection. They have these feelings and thoughts and assume everybody else does too. Like Freud wanting to fuck his own cousin. They have to assume everybody feels like they do and only they are heroically resisting these evil thoughts and feelings, otherwise they have to face up to the fact that they are horrible people.


This might be the funniest comment I've ever seen here. It's really high quality shit.

My sides

>illegal labor worker that undermine genuine labor value by giving impossibly low prices of contract (to the point that technically the employees aren't even being paid half the minimum salary, making 5 people work on the wage of one professional) and destroy the reputation of the type of labor they work in as they give piss poor quality jobs, which actual professional get to repair and be talked shit to by retarded contractors that can't see further than the profit margin
>working class

As a person who worked labor, that picture trigger me to no end. If this picture is actually your opinion, I hope you get hit by a car and left in some ditch.

He said working class not criminals

This might be the first lefty reversal meme that I actually laughed at.

There's a lot of good Stonetoss edits. Most of them are apolitical, make of that what you will.

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A dog whistle in social terms is your cluing something or you are saying something but you are sliding a hidden meaning of what you truly want or are implying. Like wanting to shut down the Federal reserve is anti semetic because you are just signaling to people you want to shut down the jews. Not the greatest example but you get the concept.

What he is trying to say is that the SJWs love to claim that EVERYTHING is some sort of dog whistle to the right or racists.

Not his best comic.

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>I said working class. Not illegal class. GTFO

Moonman for example has no meaning to normies but to Jow Forums it means something therefore moonman is a Jow Forums dogwhistle, or so it's called by the left.

brace yourself

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>Yeah, about that Pedro, i think you'd better be living in a country where people share your culture, values and morals not here because you will feel like a stranger to everyone and to yourself all the time, best of luck

wrong, it is Sneed's Feed and Seed

"feed" means oral,/ "Seed" means to fuck


Chucks Suck and Fuck

Reminds me of that one edit about the dogs which just degenerates into spouting liberal catchphrases

you got the original?

Sneedposting has ruined my life. Every second of every day I think "SNEED SNEED SNEED!" I try to come up with new ways to post Sneed. I sneak it into threads that have nothing to do with it. I once made a women hate thread on Jow Forums and replaced all the women with pictures of Sneed. The mods eventually figured it out. They didn't take too kindly to that. They banned me of course, but I never let that stop me.
I've lost my job because of it. I spent too long sneedposting, and my boss asked me what I was doing. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SNEED IS?" I yelled at him. He was not pleased. Shortly afterwards, I lost my girlfriend. She said it was because I was "neglecting her" and "spent too much time sneedposting." But I know it was because I lost my job. She only wanted me for my money, that whore... Of course, many other girls have asked me out since then, but I always have to turn them down because they don't know what Sneed was. Why would I date a pleb who doesn't even know what Sneed is??? So it's official. I'm the world's first Sneedcel. Laugh all you want, but you know that I'm Sneedpilled. Deep down you wish you were this Sneedpilled too. In the end, it was all worth it.

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