You can blame people like Ben Shapiro and Jake Tapper, who often collaborate together, for using social media to call him an anti-semite
You can blame people like Ben Shapiro and Jake Tapper, who often collaborate together, for using social media to call him an anti-semite
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Well that's kind of sad, i thought Ben finally made it. He must unironically wanna go rahowa now
this is how you piss off a lot of people. Garrison was one of the few cartoonists who stood by Trump. If this shit is real its gonna be a big hit.
Zyklon Ben has finally become the meme
Well I think he will only get more support from us now
Ben Shapiro is the worst kind of conservative imaginable
>Do nothing (unless it means dying for Israel)
>Israel First
>muh free market will fix it
He's worse than a leftist
>"Though the White House had reportedly defended their choice to invite Garrison amid criticism, officials told Politico Playbook last night that Garrison was no longer invited."
Guess either Ben isn't awake yet or this could be an off-color comment. Don't know how you really pull it back without sending another letter.
>I don't care about the "blacking of Abigail"
>Race is irrelevant, ideology is what matters
Pure jew.
Time to gas kikes
Gonna be a fucking crapshoot honestly. Never meet your heroes, even if its by mere chance.
It appears that Donald Trump is a coward after all, and slave to his Master, Israel. Trump does not serve God.
Allegedly that cuck Scavino is the one driving this internally.
Fuck Shapiro
Gas the kikes
>be censored from a forum about how conservatives are being censored
I told you to screen cap my post and promised he would be disinvited. You should have listened. But Tim Pool and the other never criticize israel obedient puppets will ensure all our freedom to not criticize israel is totally protected dudes.
How the fuck did they come to the conclusion thqt that's an antisemitic cartoon?
Not good. Trump needs to do something big soon. I’m getting bored.
Any criticism of any Jew is always anti semitism because of the six gorillion.
Fuck these kikes and his Jew Jew cum eating golem, Zyklon Ben doesn't deserve this kind of disrespect
I used to listen to his program every single day since it was created on 2016. He's become awrul this past year and I'm no longer giving him views. Whenever he speaks about Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib he says the word "anti-semitic" at least 100 per show (you can even prove that with a transcribing tool and searching "semit"). Even the fucking leftists don't fall for that shit.
Jews get really offended when you mention the Rothschild family in a political argument for some reason
>i used to listen to ben shapiro every day
>since 2016
absolutely disgusting
Even Scott Adams yesterday was saying that it's a questionable cartoon and he demands an answer. Like what dude? It's a fucking critizism if The Rothschild bankers and Soros influencing politics. There's not more to it.
drumpf is going to regret this...
zyklon ben was his most loyal supporter ready to command the border patrol at the wall and kill every beaner on sight, but now the zionist orange dotard has got on the bad side of the grand klansmaster of the american nazi party. Garrison is a hardened vietnam tunnel rat vet who killed 15,000 gooks with his knife made of american steel™ in the Tet offensive.
no one, I mean NO ONE, will stop zyklon ben from launching the RaHoWa and eradicating every black in detroit and baltimore. expect a coup and a march on washington soon...big ben's coming and there's no stops on this track
hopefully this is a fake news test by Trump, because he’s throat-deep in jewjewcum if true
Scott was basically defending Antifa the other day
Ben's making a statement later. If it was fake news, he'd hop on it like a wild animal. We don't even know the process on how people were picked. Unless Trump went and handpicked people, and is using a commity to filter what he picked, he might have last say, but at the moment, this is pretty fucked.
With luck Tim Pool will bring that up as a clear example when he's on the white house. On how people manipulate your perception of the other team. I'll DM him this.
Trump cucked again
What a coincidence that all these controlled opposition graduated animal farms for people just smart enough to stop watching fox news but not smart enough to read a book would all agree that there’s a problem with criticizing jews in any way.
Doesn't this fall under conservative censorship?
This is so fucking stupid. Trump is always proving again and again that he will bend over to the orders of his jewish masters. And yet, we have idiots, like frenchcucks in that other thread, who still take this jew lover seriously.
No, because he’s not a conservative, he’s a virulent anti semite and Hitler-in-waiting. He has to be stopped before the shoah begins again.
Isnt Ben a Jew?
>Ben Shapiro
Noooo not Ben! But I thought he was /ourjew
t. Retard
Well, if you want to know who your tyrants are, they're the ones you're not allowed to criticize.
Trump should rectify this, and we should give him hell until he does.
One good thing, though...Ben has learned that Jow Forums is always right.
The very people he thought were his enemies, turned out to be his greatest supporters, and the Jews he thought were "just like anyone else" have viciously attacked him, for no real reason.
Now, what will Trump do?
Can't garisson the Garisson
He and mark levin are getting pretty bad with the whole antisemitic thing and always sucking Israeli dick while telling everyone else to not be proud of their people and country unless it’s Israel. Mark couldn’t shut up about Israel the whole damn show on Independence Day. America couldn’t have at least one day? Jewish talkshow hosts are becoming insufferable and take up too much broadcast time relative to their portion of the population.
You know what, fuck Trump. He has the final say in this shit and hes just revealed his kike card once again. Not even going to vote in 2020 the whole country can just fucking burn for all I care.
>Now, what will Trump do?
because soros and rothchilds are jews
the truth is antisemitic
Not surprising. Once the media started with their coordinated “Garrison is an anti-semite” attack, I knew the (((Trump Administration))) would cuck.
pointing out who runs the world is antisemitic
Aww come on!
There is some crazy irony in this. For years people edited his cartoons to make them anti semitic. He fights this for years. Finally gets this call up and they accuse him of anti semitism for something that was unedited. Wonder if there is any self reflection on his end here?
The absolute state of murka
5/5 your grave looks beautiful
Soros doesn't want war, he wants leave to trade and make shekels
Ben "Bar Me I'll Scar Ye" Garrison isn't gonna take this sitting down
Lucky for him, people are getting pretty tired of being called antisemitic every time they turn around. Ben is fine the way he is, there’s no need for self reflection here
Based world-controlling Jews destroying, humiliating and absolutely obliterating Ben Garrison.
What a weak pathetic irrelevant alt-right roastie he is. He should cry himself to sleep and then make a picture of how the Jews emasculated Donald Trump and made him kick out Garrison.
Only then is his honor restored.
Thanks, Russia
As it turns out, /pol seeking lulz ends up being an effective redpill no one could have predicted the usefulness of:
>conservative artist.
>nazi image board edits cartoons to make them antisemitic for lulz.
>media jews seize on opportunity to go after a conservative.
>artist gets labelled as an antisemite.
>artist gets redpilled.
>realizes the Jews are actually controlling things.
Having said this, people have to understand Trump and his administration are normies. Unfortunately not just for trump but for very large portions of the general population, being called an antisemite is the worst thing possible. Is this unfortunate? yes. Do I wish it was different? yes, but did I assume Trump would be literal Hitler? No. I will say I would have expected him to be a little more resistant to this stuff but I'm generally not suprised. He is a normie. God willing people will get redpilled one day, but until then it is our job to redpill them.
Well, the shills will have a field day with this, and rightfully so.
I can't think of any counter-arguments, this is the worst thing Trump has done.
If it turns out it was done at some lower level, and Trump reverses this, I'll be reassured, but if he lets this stand, I'm through supporting him.
Garrison fucked it up himself by announcing he was invited, you should never do that BEFORE going.
The rest are keeping their mouth shut.
Except for Tim Pool of course.
It's not.
Rothschild gave 6 Million to Soros to start his fund in the 60s/70s and use to take credit for finding him.
Thinking otherwise is just showing how much of a bigot you are.
If I didn’t know any better I’d think trump was a democrat by just his actions alone. The swamps being drained all right but they are all republicans for the most part. What are tariffs really but just really high taxes. Appointing bankers to positions they were just lobbying. Defunding pedophile investigation apparatuses after catching a billionaire. Shits not so good bros.
Whatever his handler (aka his (((son-in-law))) Mossad asset) tells him to.
It shouldn't have mattered.
His cartoon was not "anti-semitic" in the first place, it was simply the truth.
Trump better make this right.
But Jeffrey Epstein is an actual jewish pedophile, and his wikipedia articles are getting edited.
Hmmm ...
This isn't about antisemitism, it's about Garrison's comics being very extreme.
I like him a lot, but you have to admit that his shit is way out there.
>but they’re meanies tho
Fuck that, if I ever get invited to meet Trump, I’m not even telling my mom until I after.
He's right more than wrong, and you know damn well it's the fucking Jews doing this.
The so-called Wikipedia Jews are behind that. And Jimbo lets them get away with it
Yeah this is a turning point for me too. Ben was such a hardcore Trump supporter too.
>his shit is way out there.
Can you post examples of what you mean? You might be thinking of a Jow Forums edit.
>When we lose, we win
This is just another perfect example of how NEETSOCs are their own worst enemy.
By trolling da jewz, all you do is paint a big fat target on yourself so they can single you out and destroy you.
Stormfags need to learn subtlety and subversion. Never attack an enemy that is stronger than you directly and never tell your enemy what you think about them.
Not really. You know the super edgy stuff isn’t actually his work, right?
Ben Garrison arrested on White House lawn with gun when?
The flimsy facade is just enough to keep the boomers satiated in TV dream world for now.
Does anyone have the /afterpol/ screencap of the garrison reddit ama?
I bet that was the nail in the coffin
I wonder who got Ben gassed?
Most of Garrison's stuff is typical lolbertardian fare. Nothing extreme about it
>from 2012
and here's 2019's auto-fill result.
Google is evil.
It's a stab in the back, it really has me upset.
If he'd stab Ben in the back, he'd stab us all in the back.
He’s literally not an antisemite though....
>Jewish talkshow hosts are becoming insufferable and take up too much broadcast time relative to their portion of the population.
true. they should stick to producing and writing all the content and letting goys do the monkey dance in front of the camera. it was easier for them to hide that way.
Scott is a the final form of Boomer mentality. He is a fucking moron, that thinks he is the "first" to say anything. His only useful skill-set is picking up on tactics which any non NPC can tell anyhow. He is awful on all other subject matters and regularly attempts to use his "persuasion" to change his audience's mind on benumbing bullshit.
He also mines is "astute observations" from his own commenters. He got caught and nuked all his youtube comments and stuck with "has anybody told you that until I did". He's a faggot. Also, he has shit taste in finish-work as far as his custom home goes.
It would be more accurate if you said “so we can single you out”
This really PISSES me off!
Did you actually think electing Trump, a normie president, was going to immediately redpill all the normies on the Jews? Until antisemite ceases to be the most damning accusation imagineable amongst 99% of the American population, you cannot realistically expect these sorts of things to change so quickly. It is our job to redpill these people, and until then we arent going to get a president that is redpilled on the Jews, the best we can hope for is someone who, unwittingly, puts the brakes on the Jewish endeavors such as flooding the country with brownskins and getting in wars etc.
Great, fucking Facebook is saying it's okay to make death threats against the right, and Trump backs down on this.
We will lose this fucking war if we don't stop playing by their rules. Fuck this.
That's the thing, too...he did nothing but criticize people that happened to be Jews, and he was telling the truth.
Nothing in the cartoon trashed Jews.
Now Ben is /OurGuy/ for real
levin has been a pile of shit since the early 2000s
shapiro is an opportunistic kike
Nice try, Shlomo. Gas yourself
Someone would of caught wind eventually. Problem is I'm sure Ben knew getting to this point meant there would be no real reason to pull the plug. Needless to say, the clock is ticking for Benny
you really think Trump has any fucking clue who is or isn't going to this thing? Or gives a fuck
OK, tim
Ben Garrison confirmed to only live for a few weeks before he is found having committed suicide with six bullet wounds behind his head.
The goal is to redpill normies on the jews. This has arguably been accomplished in Garisson's case. Redpilling a wellknown conservative cartoonist on the Jews via photoshop is a commendable victory. It is not a loss simply because normies are sensitive about people calling him an antisemite and he didnt get to go to the White house. Plus the lulz.
You didn't really think Trump was going to do anything to anger the jews, did you?
Then he'd better get a clue, and fast.
Ben supported him to the fucking hilt, this is a goddam travesty.
For me he was a literally who until they put his radio show on the local station not so long ago and since then it’s been nonstop angry jewish man from 6-9 Monday-Friday.
Dude, Trump wants to drain the swamp and he is afraid to invite whoever he wants to the WH?
That actually makes me angry because it's a prime example of how I think Trump will behave until his second term: like a fucking cuckservative-lite idiot.
I also don't think that Ross was lying about the citizenship question, and Trump is fighting ONLY because he realized that the decision to give up looks horrible for his base.
ugly couple. bet her pussy stinks too.
Yeah this is fucking absurd. The Jow Forums edits of his comics are hilarious but he shouldn't be punished for what other people do with his work. I'm so bloody tired of the kikery going on, everything is fucking kikes. Jews here, Jews there, kikes motherfucking everywhere. A kike for me and a kike for you, a kikesly kike and a fucking Jew. Kikes up high and kikes down low, Jews on the stage and Jews in the front row. Jews on TV, kikes on my phone, Hebrews in the papers and Israelis on my shows. Heebs jewing kikes and Jews kiking heebs, (((why won't it stop)))
The tattle tales taste blood in the water now, they're just going to get Tim uninvited next.