Is the pedo ring the reason she said this?

Is the pedo ring the reason she said this?

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Sauce?, this seems like a whitepill

It happened after the brian williams townhall in 2016. She was angry at williams for a question he asked her.

Is there a video or transcripts? I'm not finding anything

Comcast/nbc employee saw the event. Killary even threw glass of water at one of her staff saying we all hang if that fucker wins.

Shits about to get real

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It's from a producer at NBC, it was off-air.

Among other things... but yes.

Fucking ugly vile beast.
Trump is a fucking puppet jew, but anything better than this evil beast.

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Epic spread this whitepill today, some anons need it!!

Everyone already knows about this.

Imagine how much of a fluoride-eyed, toothless, inbred, Alex Jones-watching, mouth-breathing, hard-blinking, Trump-ass licking, boomer mutt you'd have to be to actually believe she said this

a reminder never hurts, especially with all the shills around

Pedo ring likely tip of the iceberg

Its all so tiresome. We are never going to get anything real. Back room deals will be done. People will be threatened, people will be paid off and everything will go away... again. This kind of shit brings down nations they will never let it out.

guilty consciences don't say stuff like that.

i think it's funny though how the left says "pedo love is Love" out of one side of their mouth and "Trump is a pedo, burn him!" out of the other side of their mouth.
they should have picked a single strat from the get go instead of trying to do all possible sides. Now they just look desperate, like one of those drugged out drunkies on an episode of Cops who is throwing out accusations as they're being arrested by the cops.

Wasn't one of Trump's campaign promises that he was going to throw crooked Hillary in jail? Did he stop when he realized it would implicate himself?

I think the found disks are the reason the media have been pushing the deep-fake angle lately, that way they can say the videos are fabricated.

Someone add shaking Merkel to this

sadly pedophilia is the tip of the iceberg, beneath it is pedovores and systemic torturers, and past that comes the disgusting places like Chernobog in consciousness

Always keep in mind that in every country that the Clinton Foundation closed its office within days a child raping ring was "discovered"

Elaborate fren

she said it you fucking bong faggot

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duh user

>Alex Jones watching

I wasn’t a believer at the time of the original pizzagate, but the total derangement of the media against Trump makes a lot more sense of you consider that the people funding it are scared of being outed and losing everything. One of the main reasons everything’s felt so surreal the past couple years is that it’s actually so weird to see people in the media and politics reacting this strongly to Trump’s presidency. These used to be sane, respectable sources of information (to some extent) who have all gone off the rails against a moderate populist who talks shit on Twitter. Is all of it really because he’d make some moves politically that people don’t like? Or is all the TDS better explained as a pedo network’s last ditch attempt to stop the only candidate well connected enough to know about it (having spent lots of time among the NY elite, even testified against Epstein) who isn’t under their control.

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