Even Pringles are vegan now. Is meat going to slowly turn into a taboo, sort of like smoking has?

Even Pringles are vegan now. Is meat going to slowly turn into a taboo, sort of like smoking has?

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I hope so, prices will drop, more meat for me

Eat your factory farmed, hormone pumped meat goy!

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they don't say this on mine but it has Hebrew writing

Why would pringles have meat in them user?

The whole vegan thing is pushed to weed out idiots and debloat the meat industry.

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nah, those faggots will tax you to death and try and force you to eat bugs

They are made of potato and vegetable oil

They’ve always been vegan dipshit

They used to contain 'dairy'.

Prove it

>convinces goyim to mutilate their child’s penis for no reason and be glad about it.
>convinces goyim to stop consuming the most nutrient dense food there is and be glad about it.
>convinces goyim to cut of their dicks and be glad about it.
>convinces goyim to enter a life of debt and be glad about it.
>convinces goyim to hate there own people and be glad about it.
>convinces goyim that they live in peak human civilization and to be glad about it.
>convinces goyim to drop and reject religion and to be glad about it

What else do these guys have up their sleeves? Keep up the big moves!

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>fried potato pulp is vegan
Ohhh lawd hesus.

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There is also Hebrew on the cans. I just recently noticed this.

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I think certain flavors have dairy in them. The OP pic shows the regular, original flavor (which doesn't have cheese powder on it).


Only for White people. Non-whites will be able to eat it in the same they're able to pollute but we don't and even then we're guilty of pollution and global warming

Do you have the
>“Once you pop, you can’t stop”

or do you get

> “Everything pops with Pringles.”

over there

No. Corporations are just trying to cash in on the trendy buzzwords.

or buy local grass-fed beef stupid mutt

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>low iq subhuman cant understand why eating animals is harmful to our evolution

>muh brain evolved because meat
and now we understand nutrition and no longer need to stumble on positive evolutionary stimuli you low iq retard

>less demand =/= lower prices you fucking dumb burger

A vegan diet is actually very healthy. Not even gonna inb4, call me a jew, or shill. It's fucking healthy.


>eating tons of anti nutrients and carbs
okay bucko, whatever you say.

>he bought marketing propaganda

This. How much of a smooth brain do you have to be to not realize that different flavours contain different ingredients?

But why wouldn't they be vegan? Did Pringles used to have meat chunks in them or something?

>vegans only eat bread
why are meat eaters so goddamn stupid?

I eat very little bread, and opt for mostly green vegetation. You can have a vegan diet that is shit, if all you do is eat oreos, and pringles, but if you're aren't a retard, it's extremely good for you.

You guys, (((big meat))) is seriously bad and literally (((big pharma)))-tier. Yes, keto and paleo diets are good for you, and it happens than vegetarianism is also good. Veganism is a bit absurd, but balanced diets low in beef and high in vegetables and fruit (literally nature’s candy) are generally good.

Meat being a slightly less commonly eaten treat, say a beautiful steak eaten few times a month, is a good thing for our countries. What I’m worried about is Jews trying to feed humanity crushed up bugs and gross onions patties as a meat substitute because they think it’s fucking funny.

So I'm dumb because I think eating anti nutrients and simple carbs is bad, that which you also agree. What is your point then, daft cunt?

Reasonable, but you still don't easily get all nutrients you would if you were to incorporate some animal products.

The wages of burger is chins.

Attached: full meal deal.jpg (539x444, 60K)

literally just corn, onions, and flour now... significantly cheaper since all of those things are subsidized

this isn't about the animals, or environment; it's entirely about profit


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Btw this. Animal cruelty laws still exist in Europe, but only for white people and other native Europeans. All of the sand people coming into the country can still continue their barbaric halal practices of slitting the throats of animals.

Those might just be the Kosher for Passover, kind of like the yellow capped Coke 2 liters you sometimes see in supermarkets around the same time.

Pringles are the main foodsource for most vegans

>when it finally hits you in a thread about pringles that Jow Forums is mostly retards
surely you guys knew this before now

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This burger gets it... It's all a big bussiness that works hand in hand with big pharma.

[Why the war on meat?]:

OP if you absolutely need cow in your potato chips buy Sour Creme and Onion you faggot four chins sheesh

I supplement with vitamins, and I'm doing pretty good. Don't get me wrong, this diet is almost completely possible in a thriving society. I've had arguments before about survival situations, and that really is the only conceivable scenario where I'd be eat animal products. Other than that, I don't force it on others, I prefer to let my health be my proof, and if asked, I'll explain.

Funny thing is that pringles contain zero potato product. I think most western euro countries have "snack crisps" on the label as opposed to "potato snacks" like we do in the states. Truth in labeling and all that.

They want us to eat bugs

>Hebrew reads:
>goy kibble, phytoestrogen enriched

dont buy local. canadian farmers are using illegal immigrant labour to help them farm, if you buy local then you are supporting the destruction of canada

This. But (((processed meat))) is almost as bad for you and probably as gross as eating bugs.


"Nicht fur Deutschland" Wat de neuk is this pringles can and where can I buy it?

Well at least it would be justified this time.

It will lead to mass malnutrition. A society can not function without meat. Never has, never will. But maybe that is the plan.

Can i ask your Age, weight and height? And since when you live this way?Possibly kilograms / centimeters thank you

Age: 35
Height: 183 centimeters
Weight: 77 kilos
About 4 years now.

Are you a poofter?

Except it does.

First off, many people misunderstand economics. They think supply and demand set price. It’s the opposite. Price sets supply and demand. Because we can change price (just update a number in QuickBooks and slap a new sticker on something) but we can’t change demand. Demands RESPONDS to price. So as price goes up, demand goes down (fewer people want to pay for expensive shit) and as price goes down, demand goes up (more people are willing to buy cheap shit)

But that doesn’t mean supply and demand can’t affect prices. When demand drops but supply remains steady, you get a surplus. When this happens companies must either lower prices (to raise demand back up to the level of supply) or suffer spoilage. To keep their meat from rotting, they will lower prices.

Liberals complaining about second-hand meat...

Nope. Married to a sometimes wonderful woman.

I'm pretty sure original pringles have always been vegan, and now they're just going out of their way to label them as such. I'd also wager if you got the cheddar ones they'd contain trace amounts of dairy. Then again, I'm not sure as I haven't had pringles in over a decade. For whatever reason whenever I eat pringles I get really bad heartburn and/or vomit. I think I'm allergic to something in them.

It's just a gimmick. Like putting 'gluten free' on a chocolate bar.

Yep. Processed meat is all the leftover crap that rich people don't want to eat.

you forgot the phrase "what the market can bear". In other words a lot of prices are set to what people are willing to pay rather than the old-school of cost and set markup.

Phew, lucky guy. I do the same from 13 years now, and considering i never went above 70 kg, even as an omnivore, now i'm:
Age 38
H 176 cm
W 62 kg

Vegan is good.

Jesus was raw vegan.

I used to be a big guy. My family holds on to weight something fierce. I am a truck driver, and was putting on weight like crazy. So I started adding veggies, little by little until that's all I craved. I developed an addiction to brussels sprouts, and figured why not. So I started eating vegan, and just didn't stop. I think you're lucky though, because if I ever came off this ride, I'd probably balloon up to a whale.


Yikes bad diet.

I can only speak to this as an American. In my country, they have moved to this labeling because the American people are fucking idiots. Corporate America knows that if you can slap the word 'vegetarian' or 'vegan' on a food item, even a snack food item, then the dim brain of an American land whale reads that as "This is health food so I can eat all of it I want!"
Pretty fucking sad, really.

Works for me, my trans friend.

How can your diet be good for you if you need supplements. Are you perhaps retarded?

Humans are supposed to eat nothing until they kill a bear or bison or something then subsist off it for a week or so and repeat, then maybe eat some berries in fall

You meet all of your nutritional needs? Ever had any blood work done?

>Made of potato and artificial flavourings
Imagine my shock

Butcher here. Nope, there is no leftover crap on any animal if processed right. Seasoning or curing high value parts counts are s processing too as far as I'm concerned, so processing in itself isn't bad.
Just don't buy supermarket crap and visit your local butcher.

You Need food to live.
1,5 € vitamin pipe is avaiable as food.
Why not? In some bad situation where store foods would disappear, i'd switch to eggs for b12, that's the only vitamin a vegan could lack if He doesn't lives in a fucking cave.
Half of nowadays foods are already enanched with vitamins btw

I forgot nothing. Let’s assume after income and taxes and bills I have $30 left over for steak. If steak is $10 per pound, I can only bear to afford 3 pounds. If steak is $5 per pound, I can now afford 6 pounds. My demand went up because price came down.

Of course in reality, demand curves aren’t linear. I may buy 4-5 pounds and spend the leftover on potatoes. But I am still willing to buy more because it’s cheaper.

Why would they want me to buy more for lower prices, you ask? SPOILAGE. If they don’t sell it for $5, they’ll end up making $0 when it rots and they throw it away.

stop, you'll end up teaching these children something

is that why a 16oz bottle of carbonated sugar water costs $2.25?

Demand is a function of more than just price. It’s also a factor of flavor, social status, marketing, etc. The same hypothetical person with $30 could either get steak OR avocado toast. Regardless of which he chooses to buy, the amount he buys is limited by his ability to afford it.

If Coca Cola lowered their prices to 10 cents a bottle, people would start drinking it more because it was cheaper. However they would drink more than has been produced, which would lead to shortages. These shortages would cause people to lose faith in the brand. The only solution then is to increase supply to meet the new demand. As the market is flooded with cheap Coca Cola, it becomes known as the “peasant drink” since it’s the drink poor people can afford, and wealthy individuals would shift away and start drinking something else to advertise their social status.

The number of variables that go into a market are vast and uncountable. That’s why communism never works - no one person can ever figure out the appropriate amount of anything to produce or how to distribute it all. So instead we rely on prices, profit incentive, and free enterprise to handle that.

>The number of variables that go into a market are vast
yes, thanks for agreeing

Cheese flavors still do

Start frying your own potato chips and fresh cut fries in beef tallow. It's amazing. Animal fat is amazing. Every company cucks to these crying vegan faggots. The only way to stop this madness is to stop supporting those companies financially.

Yeah, exactly. That’s why keto and paleo are very healthy, and why vegetarianism and veganism are also healthy. You get serious problems when you eat a disgusting Neoliberal-Capitalist induced McDiet.

only jews would call grains "vegan" and grain oils "vegetable oils"

Processed meat is killing Westerners. You know what’s got the most tit-inducing hormones? Factory-farmed meat.

Meat becoming a luxury is a good thing. A quality steak or set of ribs eaten much less frequently is a net increase in life quality. Meat being completely banned and people being forced to eat crushed up bugs, however, is an NWO conspiracy.

Pringles is not potato . Its wheat starch , rice potato corn flour. So why the fuck wouldnt it be vegetarian.

Hitler was a vegan.

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No dude, smoking makes you and everything around you smell bad, and cigarette smoke is disgusting to smell when you are eating or don't feel ok for example, and this is not limited to non smokers, some smokers like me take care to never smoke indoors for example.
Meat on the other hand, well, I fail to see how me eating meat affects another person in a meaningful way.

nice eva meme

>I fail to see how me eating meat affects another person in a meaningful way.
fat fucks
>health care cost
>motorized wheelchairs
Fuck off

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fucks the environment>lower quality of living for future generations
fucks your health>taxpayers subsidize your cancer and fat ass
fucks animals>you probably dont have a shred of empathy for humans let alone animals. this ones just a cherry on top

>keto is good for you

At least you told me you were retarded at the beginning so I didnt have to read the rest

That will only happen in the short term, until supply comes back down to what the demand is.

No such thing as vegan salt.
All culinary salt comes from salt bear eggs.
You can distill the stuff in the ocean and call it "vegan" but it's technically not culinary-grade, and it's technically still dead salt bears.