What Jow Forums would do with people who dont work and live from welfare?
What Jow Forums would do with people who dont work and live from welfare?
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show flag you little bitch
why its so important?
Applaud them for sucking this shitty system dry.
Remove welfare
>2Th 3:10 If any one will not work, let him not eat
Ah, a fucking g*rnman, of course
Im not german (thank god)
U don wanna work for my company, we treat you bad and don't pay you? Well, you can stop working here, and find someone else to abuse you and not pay you well. It's a free world after all :^)
NEET life is based
No sense in working for a system that intends on genociding your race
Send them back to Africa
I applaud Swedish people who don't work. Fuck this society who is paying for the massmigration
Suck the system dry is the best thing a young white male can do.
Working and pay taxes to finance your own replacement is the most stupid thing you can do.
End welfare. If the leeches can’t survive without it, let them die cold and hungry in the streets
Simple mandatory labor in which they can show their worth and skills regardless of their problems.
If you are too poor for transport you get picked up.
If you are too weak you can perhaps work from home doing some archiving or perhaps teach from skype etc.
You will be kept busy as much as you can cope with.
>Cancer patients
>Mentally ill
etc. will obviously need help but they dont need to sit still
That's most of Jow Forums
If they're white, educate them and get them a job
i would just pay them money
except if they are brown then i would kick them back to africa where they belong
The purpose of the tax cut was to compensate for profits to be lost from the tariff war, not sure why people dont get it...
work in that context is not the same as going to work for someone else.
ah, a jew
Give me one reason to contribute to society in modern times when:
>most women are no longer good wife material
>immigrants are coming to our countries only for gibs
>the more immigrants there are the longer the natives of the country are forced to work
So seething wagies will feel better
Give them a medal. They are doing God's work.
Wage slavery is satanic.
Put them into education camps.
Men will learn a trade or do factory work (or be deported)
Women will be separated based on how slutty she is. Sluts will become Prostitutes. Non-Sluts will go to take care of orphans, and then they'll be given a way to get married/adopted to a man that bids on her (and has a very good record) she could also be allowed to refuse him but why would she?
I highly doubt anyone in the trump administration could think that far ahead. Either way, the result is the same. Workers suffer, profits grow. The state and capital sitting in the same boat, but you're the only one rowing.
Is this the thread where niggers brag about not working?
When you work you're literally supporting niggers though.
So don’t work and be a welfare nigger?
Yeah, let the system devour itself and from the ashes we shall build a greater civilization.
Achmed, like those British gibs?
Lol. Ok.
Nice argument. I guess I can't blame you, you're probably just tired from wagecucking all day.
OP example is actually regarding pol. None of these half bred mutts have worked a day in their lives.
Leeches, welfare should only exist for people who are incapable of working, not people that are too lazy to work
Swedes who don’t work are leeches just like immigrants are
What do you count as a slut user? How many partners can a woman have before she’s considered a slut?
>*gets whipped*
>''go pick up that cotton Swede boi''
>slave master be like: ''wow are you seriously this fucking lazy? I literally just fucking can't right now''...
Just shut the fuck up and go back to felating black cocks.
Lazy cunt, you’re a literal bloodsucker that makes his nation weaker and leeches on it just because other people also abuse the system
Swedes who pay taxes enable the leeches
But they didnt asked to be born in this sick world
As long as they have white babies I dont care! haha
>t. white nationalist.
Arbeit macht frei.
How is not giving you welfare for being a NEET and not contributing to society comparable to slavery in any way shape or form? Like you literally want to force productive workers who contribute to your country to give you free shit by threat of the police if they refuse because you’re too lazy to work
Swedes who vote for the left wing parties are the enablers of leeches not our hardworking population. And people who can work but take welfare are literal blood suckers
No one is forcing them to stay in this world if they hate it so much
suspend their voting rights
We would cancel welfare and let these people die from natural causes.
Yeah, I'll only pay for whites.
State forced labor camps. Picking up trash, landscaping, etc.
they will come to you and kill you/your children for some bread
It's not slavery, but if the state forces me to pay money to own land, or expects me to get a permit to build a fucking house, to fucking fish, or to even fucking hunt, then how do you expect me to be independent when the entire system wants you to be dependent upon it?
they can have all the lead they want
I'm on Income Support. That's money for sick people, for non-U.K. residents. While I'm not one of them, there are people who take advantage of the system, and leech off the tax payer. These parasites need exterminating. Lost causes like myself also deserve the same. I'm worthless and will never contribute, so what is the point of me? I know it seems somewhat strange that I'm asking for a cull that would include myself, but things are getting out of hand. I would kill myself if I had the balls.
This. Produce or die.
We need rules because you don’t exist in a vaccume and other people get hurt if you’re allowed to do anything you wanted in your property. Eco systems, property values etc. even if you don’t agree with this you have to agree that forcing other tax payers to pay for your welfare if you’re unwilling to work is leeching and hurts the nation. No one who loves their country and is a nationalist should ever do anything to harm it and shouldn’t make it weaker
Listen to
He’s absolutely right.
But you’re a lazy nigger who doesn’t take responsibility.
she cute
The nation is preventing me from being a free man, so I feel no guilt being a leech on it. If the nation gave me the chance to live how I please without having to go through a bunch of societal hoops I would also be against NEETs.
I have guns, and an uberman sleep cycle.
Slavery started because weak people could not survive on their own thus needed to attach themselves to strong people. To prevent parasitism they were put to productive work. Make them dig ditches.
If you require the government to survive, you are a bought and owned government invalid and you are not entilted to freedom.
Nothing, welfare is based and siegepilled.
True aryans have always been pro-neet on Jow Forums.
The rest are just coping boomer wagecucks
Whites are fucking cucks. Always trying to fuck over their own kind.
If you pay taxes, then you subsidize stability.
Every day america isn't collapsing is another day we further our own genocide.
mandatory S.S. military training program, an incredibly intense physical-mental-spiritual regime to create super soldiers
>Nothing, welfare is based and siegepilled.
>True aryans have always been pro-neet on Jow Forums.
No. We are dog shit. We need to be gotten rid of. As I said in another post, I would end my life if I had the balls. These are desperate times, and the powers that be cannot feed every mouth. Not anymore. Some of us have got to go, one way or another.
I would make them break rocks for their welfare check. That way their money isn't free, they will be inclined to get a more lazy job and worst case scenario if they break rocks forever at least they will be physically fit.
t. leaf
Probably be self-hating because most of y'all don't even work.
What are you talkin' about? The bucket has no bottom, you stupid fucker. If they run out of money, they'll just print some more. That's what you get for having a Federal Reserve that backs currency from literally nothing. What? You expect career politicians who have never worked a real job in their life to have their positions compromised by allowing people to "die in the streets"?
I think Mike Jones said it more eloquently in his song here.
How about people that work, don't pay tax and still collect welfare? It's remarkably easy to make a few euro doing odd jobs and flipping stuff on ebay.
Oh I for got to say, chinks niggers poos and Jews can all die in a fire.
If they are paraplegic or retarded they get the sweet release of death they silently crave.
If they are niggers/wiggers they get nice and easy menial jobs.
The world needs ditch diggers, now pick up a shovel.
You burgers still haven't learned your lesson. Pick your own cotton, dig your own ditch.
she's actually so hot I'd work overtime for her
More to the point who would allow Jow Forums to determine their circumstances, fuck no.
Its not slavery when they are getting paid to do it.
And if they don't want to work beyond that, homelessness and street begging are always an option.
Needless to say if lazy niggers turn to crime they will be put down.
How about stop trying to fix and civilize them and just send them back?
The population of America is ~325 million.
Nigs are 13% of the population, coming out to around 40 million.
Even if you assume 10% are good working people with upstanding morals, that is still 36 million irredeemables.
How easy do you think it is to round up 36-40 million and ship them off? Needless to say the cost of rounding up and shipping?
Better to make them work, or violate the law and pay the ultimate price.
Article 12 of the 1936 Soviet constitution.
what do with welfare girls?
>slave labor for the kikes is based
Because there’s other people that live in the nation so there has to be rules in order for it to function
Nothing, we would just end welfare.
Get a job or starve
Because people who hide their flag do so because they are ashamed of it
there would be no more welfare. if youre under 27 join the military. if over 27 you get handed a shovel and pointed in the direction of the nearest autobahn excavation crew.
We need to nationalize road maintainance.
The current system is nothing more than a corrupt money laundering scheme for unions