Who is Ghislaine Maxwell?

>Who Is British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s Longtime Partner?

>Maxwell is the daughter of British media mogul Robert Maxwell, who owned and operated a number of British tabloids and was at one point estimated to have been worth nearly $1.9 billion. She was educated at the prestigious Marlborough boarding school in the U.K., and went on to study at Oxford.

>The Maxwells were active in both British and American social circles, and the family apparently had ties to Trump before even Epstein did: a 1989 clipping from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch lists Trump as a guest on Robert Maxwell’s yacht, the aptly named Lady Ghislaine. In 1991, Maxwell was found dead under mysterious circumstances after reportedly having fallen overboard from the yacht. It was later discovered that he was in a significant amount of debt at the time of his death, and had embezzled from his employees’ pension fund.

Robert Maxwell was a Mossad agent and he was installing/selling Promis into countries around the world for Mossad among other things.

CTRL+F "promis" - cryptome.org/promis-mossad.htm

This is a Mossad blackmail scheme in all likelihood. If we didn't obviously know that already. But I never see anyone point out who Robert Maxwell or the fact that his daughter is fren #1 to JE, so...

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Other urls found in this thread:


For dum-dums.

The daughter of the biggest and most successful Israeli spy ever (known anyway) is in obvious cahoots with Epstein who has tapes on everyone.
When will CNN connect the dots!?

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Trump & Maxwell.

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Trump and the daughter.

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When I bump this never goes above page 8...hmmm...

Bump to page 8.

I will put this thread out of it's misery as soon as a single person acknowledges that this is a significant detail.

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It's a great book - he also went all fat and stole our pensions in the UK

Should have posted a twitter screencap about inconsequential bullshit if you wanted replies

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so is Trump working with Mossad to establish Jews as supreme rulers of the world, or is he exposing Mossad and destroying the Jews chance?

this is all so confusing and twisty for me, but one thing i have learned (that i didn't know about before) is that the Jewish mafia is prolly the most powerful mafia in the world.

can't bump your own thread noob, other than that good thread

We are in the twilight zone for sure. Trump fits the Robert Maxwell bill, except Trump was not born Jewish.
In my mind, there are competing factions. MAGA is real in that one group doesn't want to destroy America entirely. They like it, it's comfy.

>the Jewish mafia is prolly the most powerful mafia in the world.

ever notice hollyweird has never made a movie or TV drama series about the jew mafia?
exposes every other crime family in great detail, esp. the italian mafia, but not the heebs

I did and I'm not a noob and the digits okay'd it if you look back and CHECK'EM.
It's not that you can't, it's just that it's pathetic.


>Robert Maxwell was a Mossad agent and he was installing/selling Promis into countries around the world for Mossad among other things.

Definitely a NWO puppet.

His body was barely cool before bankers were trying to foreclose on his media empire--not what one would expect from a billionaire.

Maxwell was a straw-media owner for bankers or similar, giving public the impression of an impartial media.

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good point.

>Trump and Daddy Maxwell
The fuk is going on anymore. This all sounds like Cloak and Dagger shit. Spy vs Spy. Unreal. What if, what if Trump really was the ultimate honeypot. Anything is possible at this point

At this point, I'm not even sure if the book I put in OP isn't a big elaborate cover story and he never even really disappeared off of that yacht.


Everyone should download ALL of Richard Kelly Hoskin's work before they totally disappear from the internet.


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>body was barely cool
This makes me suspect that it was a planned disappearance. But who knows. The book says they killed him. But the book could be disinfo of course.

>When will CNN connect the dots?
According to the ADL connecting dots is antisemitic.

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have another bump

I'm inclined to think we have a big conflict at the top between 2 opposing kike teams, the Chabbad Trump team and the Democrat pedo team
>they probably have the same boss anyway

Zoomers must embrace the PROMISE pill. Start with this guy. Michael Ricconasiouto.The rabbit hole is deep. In thr 90s few people touched this conspiracy as it was too spooky and actually got people killed.

This is my opinion generally. The "MAGA" stands for the team that prefers to rule from America instead of totally destroying it. So there is truth to MAGA, but only because the smart ones realize it's too risky at this point to let the thing crumble into anarchy.

This is my opinion generally. The "MAGA" stands for the team that prefers to rule from America instead of totally destroying it. So there is truth to MAGA, but only because the smart ones realize it's too risky at this point to let the thing crumble into anarchy.
Impossible to tell at this point. I guess whatever happens in the end will be the truth. kek

aye i heard they are big into diamonds

rockstar joked about them with gta 4 and theres a mission where you shoot a load of kikes and take the diamonds from them

gta 4 is a parody of new york remember

Final pathetic self bump. Captcha and Jow Forums are having their fill of me...

Jizzstain Maxwell

>so is Trump working with Mossad to establish Jews as supreme rulers of the world, or is he exposing Mossad and destroying the Jews chance?

Israel is basically a privately owned country owned by Rothchild.

They are fooling der Juden into thinking that they care about them, when in fact Rothchild et al are aliens.

Note how quickly international "Judea" clamped down on David Icke. He was onto something.

Trump is pro-America and pro-world. Note how he is evading the war agenda.

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>so is Trump working with Mossad to establish Jews as supreme rulers of the world, or is he exposing Mossad and destroying the Jews chance?
for that read Albert Pike's book

>the Jewish mafia is prolly the most powerful mafia in the world.
Catholics are far more powerful

bullshit, Vatican is cucked and the kikes have been their bankers for a long time

This is one thing that Jow Forums has never really understood. I don't know which is more powerful NOW, but all of history this is for sure true. I think modern technological advancement may have come about at the perfect time for the Jews to take over. But throughout history, the "scapegoated Jew" is a for sure real thing.
Catholics ran it all and used Jews to operate outside of religious law in their behest. Read forbidden texts, usury, etc.
The public would then revile and hate the Jews, who were at all times under control of powerful Catholics.


Holy. Fuck.

Danny casolaro and the octopus. The breakaway society with its own army and intelligence force. All connected.

The DoJ stole “promis” a software built to track people dossiers across the entire history of court cases. They repurposed it to manage agents in the field for intel.

Then they backdoored the software and resold it to all intel agencies (including mossad). Hillary was the lawyer at the firm doing this. They used the backdoors to spy on spies in other countries.

Holy fug

Absolute retardation. The Catholic Church is completely compromised and run by Jews.

Well considering they did 911 and are trafficking children in Colombia i am willing to bet trump is against them

>Absolute retardation.
Actually it's based on probably 5,000+ pages of reading medieval history.
As I said, the modern technological era very well could have changed that given the worldwide scope of banking and finance these days. Easily they could have grabbed the torch because of this and it appears so.
But if you go back to early 1800s or before there is no possible way you could ever even begin to make the claim that the Jews ran anything.
Is the jig up for anyone? Probably not. As big as this whole deal seems, there is so much hidden behind it.

Catholic church has been compromised since at least Loyola, the kike founder of the jesuits

>early 1800s or before there is no possible way you could ever even begin to make the claim that the Jews ran anything.
And no one claims this.

t. kike shill

>And no one claims this.
As time rolls on the get more and more intertwined. But at this point almost ever Jew in Europe lived (forcibly) in a ghetto. That's just facts Jax.

i could agree with you that Catholic mafia is more well-known, but I kinda feel that Jewish mafia has something even better than mere brute force, they have invisibility (or at least, did for a long time).
it's like vampires, most people don't even think they're real, and that makes vampires even more powerful, because how do you even combat something (something that requires an entire nation to tackle) that most people don't even acknowledge as real? Which also explains why vampires are so afraid of the light, because sunlight means they're now VISIBLE to the average peasant, and can now be fought against.
or to use a Harry Potter reference, like how Voldemort for five books/movies was considered by mainstream wizards as "not a threat anymore", and it wasn't until almost too late before everyone realized he WAS still a threat. (he also survived off unicorn blood to stay alive and regain power, i.e. unicorns are innocence personified, symbolize CHILDREN. He was feeding off innocent children, or to put in Jewish mafia terms, he was making money off the raping of children to high paying customers)

>starts a thread about Mossad ops
>stuff most never heard of
>someone makes erroneous comment
>corrects them
>now a shill for knowing things

>Harry Potter
Please vacate the thread.

Bump. This is the thread that connects it all

lol, i'm just trying to get liberals to relate, i pinky swear.

next time use this as op pic



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>ever Jew in Europe lived (forcibly) in a ghetto
Ghettoes were created by Jews, you illiterate retard. They kept themselves separate.

Anyone else feeling sleepy?

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And? None of this makes sense, Maxwell was one of the good guys you retard. Keep supporting pedophilic islamic pigs like you CIA niggers love to do. Without Maxwell, the state of Israel would likely not exist. He was CRUCIAL. That's a good thing. He was also a British fucking patriot you shill.

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Hey faggot, my grandfather literally flew the planes for Maxwell and the Israeli airforce in 48. There is nothing more condusive to the state of Israel and the existence of the Jewish people than the continual global dominance of America. The thing you need to worry about is our infighting between the Neo-Cons and Marxists, while ignoring the Netanyahu Israelite Supremacists who should completely control Jewish affairs. Making stop pushing conspiracy and get clued in fuck tard. Go check the origins of the Zionist movement, the actual CLANS of us Jews who started the movement. It's not those moronic homos in germany, austria, britian. It never was. Moldova, Ukraine, Romania. That's the heartland of the Jewish people. The life blood, the spirit of the Israeli identity. Tired of you piss skins letting these CIA niggers and possibly FBI Neo Cons warp your little board. This is why this place fucking died.

How's about Israeli made government comms with back doors used for blackmail regime change then investment for colour revolutions
File name even ends with zog kek

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PROMIS is integrated into Google & Facebook, among other platforms.

Two Jew-owned tech companies with venture capital money, which is CIA money in most cases.

>Ghettoes were created by Jews
Is this some twisted logic whereby they created them by having been there and occupied them? I guess that without them there, the ghettos would not have existed.
Weird that they maintained curfews for themselves then...
Connects something anyway.
literal wut
Now some sense. See my MAGA comment here...

Holy fuck AND? Man are you guys this retarded? Did it take China trying to shill their own spyware software as 5g for you basement nerds to figure that one out?

Why is this new in any form? Promis is old news. Facebook being US spyware is old news. Since 2012 the entire internet is one "light web" where the CIA/FBI/NSA/DOJ and whoever the fuck else just shill us whatever version of the events that are actually going on.

This is an age old fight of morality. Support the right side. There is nothing more to this, this isn't some grand conspiracy, it's just a barrier to prevent retards from getting their panties in a bunch about the literal 4000 year old conflict still occurring.

>old news
To who? New people are paying attention now. You really seem to think you know it all, yet this eludes you?

No. It doesn't elude me. That's my point. This is all one giant CIA declassification program. Just like all the gook shit the FBI did with Martin Luther King. Or any of the Kennedy stuff. Regardless of "What occured" it's obvious SOMETHING occurred that if the American people knew that said thing, would trigger a war. Likely against Russia, because Russia was connected to Oswald. WHO FUCKING CARES WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED DUDE. This is my point. We "know" without knowing. It's just some global flashpoint conflict with the potential to explode when normies realize that the Kings of countries are still sacrificing their kids to moloch.

Support God and his word and none of this matters. Grow up and actually produce value by being a person of value, not this half assed "OH IM WOKE" Alt-Right version of SJW Marxism

>Grow up and actually produce value by being a person of value, not this half assed "OH IM WOKE" Alt-Right version of SJW Marxism
How do you know anything about me? You'd be quite surprised I think.

Your theory works except you just inject massive conspiracy and malice where it's just people being selfish like the last 4000 years.

Jews support Israel. That's not wrong, or a shock. Jews therefore support Trump because Trump's long time ties to the state of Israel. Israel exists because America and American values exist and unless India pulls it's shit together that isn't changing any time soon.

I'm literally telling you first hand as "the jews who are shilling for trump and are the grandchildren of zionist israel independence fighters who migrated to American from Kishnev Moldova" that Trump is our guy. I don't know if you are part of that "our", but you are if you value God, America, and Israel. There is nothing else to this. All those marxist leftists are German/Austrian/Polish Jews who instead of bombing Nazi germany like my grandfather did, flying 29 unassisted bombing missions over germany, instead of fighting for their tribe and people in 48, decided to go to law school, medical school and wall street instead of maintaining their values. Their selfish desires led them to Western Marxism. The only thing that will save the West is once again a bunch of Messianic Jews and at this point I'm just sickened you goys need us to save you from your own Ba'alite, Greco-Roman, Celtic, Norse pantheon of retardation

Frankly, I would probably, but get off the grand conspiracy. News flash, it's all a conspiracy, therefore none of it's really a conspiracy. There are secret societies. There are moral deprivations occurring on a constant basis around the globe. From Burning Sun to Epstein, this is just Moloch as Moloch has been for 4000 years.

You could be one of the CIA niggers, maybe I am surprised, but if my point wasn't articulated enough, THAT WOULDN'T SURPRISE ME. Which is why it's retarded any of this surprises anyone.

>Your theory
I have no theory. Are you assuming my theory bro? kek
I'm just putting up information and doing some speculation. Ironically you have wild theories backed up by BELIEVE ME I SWEAR.
I don't vote, but Trump is obviously better than any other option or recent president.

We actually agree entirely fyi.
There is no winning, only doing the right thing to save your ever lasting soul.


I have literally no theories I've put forward yet? Unless you mean the Oswald-Russia shit, but that is backed by documents the governments put out already. In 1963 if any patriot heard Russia had ANYTHING to do with the New Jesus, Kennedy, they would have walked into Moscow themselves and started killing Commies. So the CIA buried it. That's just how all of this works. Normies aren't capable of handling it, and it's on a "need to know basis", as it should remain.

99% of Epstein should remain non-public, and completely hidden from public view. Any of it coming out will, and I mean WILL destabilize BOTH political parties.

CIA Niggers better pray that Russia/China don't have any of these tapes. That's prolly why they are going ahead with it, Epstein is a risk. Letting him go risks letting all that intel fall into Russian hands. So they are gonna lock him up to keep their eyes on him. This is classic shit.

On some level linked with Acosta being Labor Sec and constantly blocking de-regulation of business, so all the business people, aka associates of Trump and Epstein, and like "alright get this fuck tard outta here" so they are just using this as an opportunity.

When interests align, shit moves. Nothing new.

No, that's the gooks getting to you. Not YOUR SOUL. Your soul is collectively linked to all souls, and not on some metaphysical bullshit either. Literally, your blood, your soul, everything you leave to this planet is only as great as the souls you reincarnate into. Your legacy dies with others, and therefore it is your moral responsibility to save EVERYONE'S soul. Not just your own. This is the conundrum of the Jews. This is the great debate, and what you goyim are missing. Some of us Jews recognize our RESPONSIBILITY as MAINTAINERS OF GOD'S WORD. It is not our job to proselytize his word. Some forget this and think it is their job to tell others what is moral, or not moral. When one forgets god's existence, their own moral judgement lapses. One cannot be their own reference frame in the moral-immoral paradigm. Only God can judge one's actions, external of the self. Until the last follower of Moloch is wiped out you have to fight against the rot that is sin by upholding God's word. By living, breathing God's Word, his Torah, you will wipe out evil.

the le jesuits bad meme is only half correct
they came up with an alternative to usury which the jews chimped out and baited the spanish to "shut it down"
they also managed to fix the unsustainable silver mines in peru and a few other places which put spain back above the east india company in terms of output of gold and materials

later on they started getting infiltrated etc so the pope had them shut down

on wikepedia it shows (((((russia)))((((prussia)))(((england))) and ((america))) gave them refuge after the papal bull ordered the jesuits to be disbanded

other than that i dont know the situation of them after the pope removed the order that closed them down but they were allowed to reform but they apparently got infiltrated again and liberation theology and marxism is what came from that during the 1920s

so originally the jesuits were a good organisation but they have been infiltrated twice

Ummm sweetie the guy was a holocaust survivor...show some respect

>implying jews arent pedophiles

>implying a british patriot would support a subversive foreign entity

>implying israel destroyed islam when infact they amplified it so arab nationalists couldnt unify into a single state and even that failed because syria and egypt formed the uar (united arab republics) so they got daddy usa to intervene in iraq libya and syria and a botched revolution in egypt

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>Only God can judge one's actions
>you have to fight against the rot that is sin
Evil can't be wiped out by man and I bet we have different ideas of what is evil.
My soul can encourage or discourage the saving of other souls and nothing more.
Now stop derailing the thread.

>Catholics are far more powerful
How fucking retarded are you?

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