How do you respond?
How do you respond?
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i mean i'd stop sinning, im not tryna burn forever
I stop sinning
>well this seems a little radical
>*reads paul*
>slams book shut
>"so that's what he meant!"
You can't stop sinning and your theology is all fucked up.
Impossible to stop sinning as even the smallest sin is abhorrent to God. That is why Jesus came so that we would be saved by grace, as our works would never be enough.
probably stop sinning
What's your offer?
there it is. the mentally insane cope.
God sent me a vision of hell last sunday, it is people in a nightclub drunk and fucking each other constantly but being extremely bored by the whole event and realising it is eternal.
>t sinners who cant stop willfully sinning
>How do you respond?
Keep sinning, but occasionally feel bad about it.
I don't know what the fuck God expects, but Adam and Eve were tempted into sin and they were immortal beings living in paradise.
Why would God expect better from any of their descendants living in a cursed and broken world that grows more degenerate with each new generation?
In all seriousness.
Hed be yelling in Aramaic so Id be confused and possibly terrified as to why some levantine manifested himself in front of me.
He died for our sins so
Get your fill
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers
>pic related
These are supposedly sounds recorded deep beneath the earths surface.
Its supposedly sounds of hell.
If there's one thing that God is really bad at, it's communication.
Salvation is by grace through FAITH, and NOT of WORKS.
The ONLY way to heaven is to place all your faith in Jesus Christ as the savior.
Why tho, you already died for my past and future sins anyway long before I was born.
oven dodger post
Lick my ass you fucking kike.
I wish we still nailed kikes to a cross. based romans.
Bible is really clear about this... Non believers only spend seven days in hell, where they get another change to believe in God and Jesus, and then they get the second death, annihilation.
God is merciful.
Have a (you)
Excuse me?
Sounds like some weird ass rape orgy with chanting
He gets a mention in Tacitus.
>He gets a mention in Tacitus.
Unfortunately not. The original passage was scratched out and Jesus was written over the top. Now we have x-ray machines that can see the original ink.
Checkmate, Christcucks!
Maybe it's the hell we're not expecting?
You literally cannot avoid sinning. It's gonna happen. Place your faith in Jesus and do your best day to day.
If hell is real, I will gladly fight the enemies of my people and go to hell so they don't have to.
Practice what you preach.
I gave my heart to god and my life has never been more miserable.
That would be too kind for most, I could only hope to receive such a mild punishment. Hell will be far more nightmarish than you realize, than any or us realize. You people seem to forget that hell is a very real place
1: The bible does not speak of eternal suffering, only of destruction of the soul.
2: Sin can be forgiven, but only through works and effort. It is not written that all men must abstain entirely from sin, but that they must try.
Do you have to accept Jesus? Do you have to be baptised? Those sound like works to me
youre retarded
>youre retarded
It goes without saying that all Christians are retarded, otherwise they wouldn't be Christians
I would unironically do anything to avoid my wife and kids going to hell, I would take their spot for eternity if I could. I'm doing my best to raise them right and we go to church weekly and pray daily as a family. Try it, anons, it's the ultimate redpill
>Do you have to accept Jesus?
It's not works. Asking for salvation is not works. It's like trying to say that a lazy person goes to the welfare offices and says "gibsmedat" and he earned it, by your logic.
Also, baptism is something you should do, but it's not salvific. You could be saved and never be baptized and still go to heaven.
>Try it, anons, it's the ultimate redpill
A Jewish cult is the ultimate redpill, guyz! You can believe me because reasons!
A single letter was corrected as spelling became standardised. Four supplementary details which match gospel accounts serve to back up the claim.
sorry old boy buy we're going to burn no matter what.
did your parents have sex to conceive a child?
Even if they only did so for the purposes of procreation if either one of them got any form of pleasure from it even for a second then it is fornication and thus a sin.
and since you were born of sin you are now condemned to burn.
hell jesus knew he was going to be killed and just let it happen.
suicide is a sin.
You set me up.
Yes the entire population of the western world just de-invented sanity between 0 AD and the 18th century, and only in the last couple years have we come to the TRUE revelation of dildos, going extinct, and shitty tea while watching fucking Eastenders.
What's the point of it if it's not required?
>Have sex
Works salvation b8 detected
Real Christians aren't bothered by your low-level bait posts. Try harder fag
>all fields
If you are still alive in heaven, you didn't sacrifice anything, therefore I'll still go to hell if I believe in you.
>A religion that literally explicitly names the Jew isn't redpilled
Synagogue. Of. Satan.
Yes, it requires work you lazy faggot. All worthwhile endeavors require some work, I guess living piously for what time you have left is too much to ask for you degenerate heathens? It's like you retards can't comprehend eternity? Eternity is forever and that's a long time to spend in the Lake of Fire,
I sin every time I crap
Find a husband, roastie
>blocks your path
>A single letter was corrected as spelling became standardised
Possibly, but Christ is a title, not a name. We have no idea which 'anointed one' Tacitus is describing.
And EVEN IF he is describing our Jesus, he is getting all his information from other Christians, who are getting their information from the gospels. So it STILL doesn't count as evidence for a historical Jesus.
>Four supplementary details which match gospel accounts serve to back up the claim.
The same four supplementary details could apply to thousands of different people.
>but they could only possibly apply to Jesus because blah blah blah
Don't bother with that line of argument, it just makes you look like a retard
hell doesn't exist
>the TRUE revelation of dildos, going extinct, and shitty tea while watching fucking Eastenders.
Only low-IQ people watch Eastenders, just like only low-IQ people watch Jerry Springer. It's nothing to get upset about.
>not realizing we're saved by grace because, as humans, we're literally incapable of being pure enough to stand in God's presence
That said, faith without words is dead, and as Christians we should never unrepentantly sin.
well, sinning is embarrassing
The Baptism represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe it's a form of symbolism. I'm not an expert since I'm a spiritual babe in Christ myself.
Telling a lie to protect a group of Christian orphans from getting raped to death by feral sandniggers is just as bad as those sandniggers killing every last Christfag on earth to God because he's a legalistic autistic faggot.
well that's the vision I was shown.
It was the mediocre repetitiveness of it more than anything that destroyed the people there,
there was no way out of the nightclub they were there eternally
Jesus tells you not to sin, and you respond by philosophically bragging about your inability.
You are delusional.
So what if you accept christ before you die? Does that count?
>but muh Josephus
Unfortunately Josephus manuscripts before the 4th century don't contain any mention of Jesus.
It's possible that Josephus lived to be 350 years old. But, if he didn't, then he didn't write a single word about Jesus.
Have sex, Jesus.
What's the problem with this deal though? Also, there's a difference to weight in sin, God having created us and given us free will is thus obviously aware that we are not perfect and make mistakes.
You have a problem with having to abstain from killing, raping or stealing?
Lmao, you're so mad, dude. HAVE SEX.
>How do you respond?
I don't believe in magical jews
>The ONLY way to heaven is to place all your faith in Jesus Christ as the savior.
Stop proclaiming your beliefs as fact. jewish garbage.
>Stop proclaiming your beliefs as fact. jewish garbage.
yes sir, I've been a terrible person and only a fool wouldn't try to improve.
Not a single contemporary historian of the supposed lifetime of Christ ever mentioned him. The first mention of his name is decades after his supposed death, in the Bible, not an independent historical document. In the first unredacted bible released before the redaction by the Council of Nicea, the different books offered contradicting narratives of who Christ really was. Was he a miracle working messiah and son of god, or was he just a travelling rabbi? The council decided to solve these contradictions by editing the holy and perfect word of God. They removed those books which gave explicit detail that rabbi Yeshua was not the messiah or the son of god and that his miracles were simply common fables of oral tradition where he was placed as the protagonist. They did this to give Zionist Jews of the time a messiah who was obedient to Rome.
For the curious, the four details are:
>(i) he was the founder of the Christian sect,
>(ii) he founded the sect in “Judea”,
>(iii) he was executed by Pontius Pilatus and
>(iv) this occurred in the reign of Tiberius (14-37 AD).
These four things mentioned by Tacitus could not apply to thousands of people. The number of sect leaders starting sects with that name within that region in that time period would not enter double digits, let alone thousands.
Prove it
need fire to blaze my joint
>$0.02 have been deposited into your account
>The number of sect leaders starting sects with that name
WTF are you talking about, "with that name"?
CHRIST IS NOT A NAME, retard. It is a title, and a fairly common title at that.The number of messiahs described in "Antiquities of the Jews" alone reaches double figures.
>The most hateful and evil people of all of Jow Forums pretending to be christians.
So how bad do you think your LARP is?
Why did God made us this way?
Based. Put me in the nigger killing squad, please.
Luke 3:1 (KJV)
>Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene,
Name all these sects that gave themselves the name of Christians/Chrestians. In Judea. In that time period covered by Pilate's rule. Because that group is what Tacitus is referring to in his Annals. The four points of information serve to reduce the possible candidates massively. It is a Venn diagram with very little overlap.
I'll pray for you user. If this triggers you then we know your path.
You must be a real hoot to hang with
This, we are all sinners, only one man to walk on Earth was perfect.
Them digies dont lie either
*whips out dick*
Look at this hole-y jew. 4 holes, one for each hand, hole from the spear wound, in addition to mouth and ass ... fun to be had here
Beg for his forgiveness and do everything in my power to life a life worthy of his sacrifice
>All Incels immediately start sinning
>They don't realise their abstinence before marriage is what God wants
Kill him