Why is Jow Forums Christian? This seems like the board with the most Christians

Why is Jow Forums Christian? This seems like the board with the most Christians.

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because T_D invasion

It was this way before the migration.

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because Jow Forums is redpilled and usually bothers to research shit... which ultimately makes them Christians


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People are growing up and waking up

Because this board is concerned with ratting out and discussing ways to combat evil - the people are inherently good - and only true christians are inherently good.


This is Yahweh, the Jew-god. I have learned something astonishing, and that is that Christians are too afraid to comment on this picture. Christians are afraid that Yahweh is watching them and their superstition prevents them from expressing disapproval of this indecent character. Christians believe that negative comments could go on their record and come back up against them on judgement day. Christians have to force themselves to like this character so they are approved by Yahweh. It's just too risky for them to jeopardize their reservation in eternal heaven. It's actually a sin for them to dislike this picture.

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Der christcucken

Churches and youth ministries brainwash kids to slavishly post online. Online version of handing out bible tracts or harassing people on a busy street corner. Also, retarded christard boomers know about us now.

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This is all lies; but that's not surprising coming from a memeflag.
God EXPLICITLY forbids all idolatry, and that includes worshiping images such as that one.

You found elite practice satanism, sodomizing, killing and probably eating children.
>You act consequently

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cause it's the best faith

God ( Godan ) and Yahweh are not the same thing. Do you like the picture? Hmmm?

Because it is traditionalism in the face of modernity

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Jow Forums is a Christian board.

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Because it was a christian board when it was still /new/ zoomer

Who ever seeks the truth will find it.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Truth seeker = believer in Jesus

That's just how it is.

Christians do not know the "old way" Jesus speaks of, they have no clue what Elohim translates to.
I doubt any of you read the bible.
Jesus = Ja Zeus.
A pagan roman emperor assemble your holy book and created the roman universal religion by combining all the pagan regilions of the empire of the time, Mythra, Isis, christians.
Christianity is dying out thankfully.

>8 replies

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Christian, but saved?

Because based anons realize that it is the religion of most white people. And division and diversity is not what we need.
And because secularism has ruined the west in 200 years.

You will rot in hell for all of eternity.

go away rat.

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Because this world is clearly run by Satan worshippers who are fulfilling biblical prophecy. Read Matt. 24 and the book of Revelation. Even a mind that’s skeptical against “religion” can see that all the events foretold in the Bible are converging now more than ever. The Middle East is on the verge of fulfilling the Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 war.
Government leaders are continuing to say “peace and security” is a top priority, fulfilling 1 Thessalonians chapter 5.

The signs are there. The main thing is that you need to open your heart to Jesus before it’s too late. He loves you and He paid for all your sins, so that you could enter into Heaven and have eternal. Accept the free gift of salvation before hell is unleashed on this earth.

>inb4 Jesus was a Jew
The Jews hated him because He loved everyone, and taught that even the gentiles had salvation. Jesus is /ourguy/

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That faggot is Moloch.
Your fate is sealed.

they are just larpers

nobody actually believes in Jesus here

>A pagan Roman Emperor promoted christianity and helped make it a dominate force in the world.

And Odin was no where to be seen
top kek

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>research shit
>doesn't know Jesus never existed


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By that I mean, to be clear, Yahweh is another name for the devil as is Moloch.

>The Jews hated him because He loved everyone, and taught that even the gentiles had salvation.
Any proof of that? Scripture quotes jewsus as calling gentiles "swine".

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>Yahweh is another name for the devil as is Moloch
Source? or is that just how you COPE with being a gentile worshiping a sand nigger diety?

How were the riots in Israel, was any of your property destroyed?

Organized religion is influenced by man, it's flawed.

how'd Rome end up Christian despite killing all the known Christians as fast as they could? how did the Visigoths end up Christian, being converted only by the prisoners they took from Rome? how did Christian missionaries convert entire swaths of foreign peoples with only a few scented candles, a velvet painting of a bearded dude, and the will to die for what they believed in?

how does this dead guy on a stick keep getting away with it??? gee I don't know, maybe go read the gospels for your answer.

Because Christians are degenerate retards.

it's always been a christian board you mong. if anything the invasion made it less christian

We hate Christians. We also hate (((White nationalist))) Terrorist False Flags yet Jews keep posting both types of threads

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>Because this world is clearly run by Satan worshippers
Cleary Christians are covering for pedo Gnostic-Christians and jews again.

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None of this is true.

Jesus is a masculine given name derived from the name Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua.

The canonization of the bible happened at the council of Trent in 382 but the 27 books of the New Testament were preached by Origen of Alexandria in the third century.

Because Jews shill their poison here

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>why does a board whose whole purpose is to be politically incorrect embrace a counter-cultural faith
Really gets the noggin joggin, don't it?

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>>doesn't know Jesus never existed
Then how come we talk every day?
Checkmate memekike.

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That's not Yahweh moron, That picture and the inscription are from seperate things

Godan is an imperfect expression of the Most High. Kikes never had a monopoly on Truth and never will.

>talks to an imaginary jew
does that voice in your head ever tell you to kill yourself for the betterment of humanity?

>Ba'el means (Father of God[s]) and was a Bull God who had a son Yahweh (The Canaanite Bull God of War)
Kikes are the reason modern etymology is such a scrambled mess.

Council of Nicaea*
Trent was in the 17t century I think

Also check that ID

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You worship nothing

>If I write YHWH under a picture of a banana it proves YHWH is a banana

I am not my own, i belong to God so therefore i cannot kill myself.
Jews being smart is such a meme... you can't be smart and eat foreskins...

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Typical leftist

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Christianity makes me happy

>ID: cummies
You've been found out, degenerate.

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>only true christians are inherently good

Christfags are scum that need to be murderered.
Whites dont need jew fables to be moral, you need to kill yourself.

>Why is Jow Forums Christian
It isn’t nor will it ever be. Ignore the kike shills that push this mental slavery bullshit

>First correct answer
Pol is Christian because Western European Civilization is Christian. Dummies

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I was going to make this a joke about your mom, but this is a Christian thread.
Begone rat.

>denial when confronted with facts that destroy his world view
Typical brainwashed cuck

Because its the truth


How can the fables of jews be for white people?

Its not. Its their prison sentence

And like all the rest. Guess who converted him? His fucking mother. Christianity was mocked back then for being a religion for women and the slave class, and it still is to this day.

This is not a bug, but a feature of Christianity. It's very feminine and all the trads that pretend otherwise always makes me laugh.

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Ironic, if you actually research it, it makes you an atheist. If you can read the Bible and not become atheist by the entire of it you are the perfect bootlicker

You ever think maybe the religion is the source of the problem

because im white and its the best thing for us now

lord of the rings nerd pagan shit is lame

They keep acting like this is a white man's religion when no one white man created Christianity its a semitic creation, and only passed on because of that traitor Augustus.


Extra Canonical Evidence for Jesus:

Mark 15
>And the sixth hour having come, darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour
Matthew 27:51:
>"And the earth shook and the rocks were split"
The secular Roman historian Phlegon documented an eclipse and earthquake around the exact same time, matching the Gospel account:
>in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, an eclipse of the sun happened, greater and more excellent than any that had happened before it; at the sixth hour, day turned into dark night, so that the stars were seen in the sky, and an earthquake in Bithynia toppled many buildings of the city of Nicaea

Africanus in 221 AD
>On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Savior falls on the day before the passover; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun
He references here Thallus who wrote his work "around 52 AD" which has been lost in time though, but is referenced by Africanus.

Also geological evidence of a heavy earthquake in/around 33 AD

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when did this place become Breitbart?

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King Abgar V had an exchange of words with Jesus
Historian Eusebius quotes the Edessan archives:
>Abgar, ruler of Edessa, to Jesus the good physician who has appeared in the country of Jerusalem, greeting. I have heard the reports of you and of your cures as performed by you without medicines or herbs. For it is said that you make the blind to see and the lame to walk, that you cleanse lepers and cast out impure spirits and demons, and that you heal those afflicted with lingering disease, and raise the dead. And having heard all these things concerning you, I have concluded that one of two things must be true: either you are God, and having come down from heaven you do these things, or else you, who does these things, are the son of God. I have therefore written to you to ask you if you would take the trouble to come to me and heal all the ill which I suffer. For I have heard that the Jews are murmuring against you and are plotting to injure you. But I have a very small yet noble city which is great enough for us both

>Blessed are you who hast believed in me without having seen me. For it is written concerning me, that they who have seen me will not believe in me, and that they who have not seen me will believe and be saved. But in regard to what you have written me, that I should come to you, it is necessary for me to fulfill all things here for which I have been sent, and after I have fulfilled them thus to be taken up again to him that sent me. But after I have been taken up I will send to you one of my disciples, that he may heal your disease and give life to you and yours.

>Christus, from whom the name [Note by OP: Christians] had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa

Just live you life as a decent person, why do you need others to tell you what’s right and wrong?

From the Ante-Nicene Fathers, a letter from King Abgar to Tiberius Caesar
Abgar, king of Armenia, to my Lord Tiberius, emperor of the Romans, greeting:—

“I know that nothing is unknown to your Majesty, but, as your friend, I would make you better acquainted with the facts by writing. The Jews who dwell in the cantons of Palestine have crucified Jesus: Jesus without sin, Jesus after so many acts of kindness, so many wonders and miracles wrought for their good, even to the raising of the dead. Be assured that these are not the effects of the power of a simple mortal, but of God. During the time that they were crucifying Him, the sun was darkened, the earth was moved, shaken; Jesus Himself, three days afterwards, rose from the dead and appeared to many. Now, everywhere, His name alone, invoked by His disciples, produces the greatest miracles: what has happened to myself is the most evident proof of it. Your august Majesty knows henceforth what ought to be done in future with respect to the Jewish nation, which has committed this crime; your Majesty knows whether a command should not be published through the whole universe to worship Christ as the true God. Safety and health.”

Inb4 (Ignorant atheist Amerimutt) "Christcuck worship a kike on a stick" Hahaha

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>He wants the magic jew to be real
You might as well let jews fuck your ass.

The answer from Tiberius
Tiberius, emperor of the Romans, to Abgar, king of the Armenians, greeting:

“Your kind letter has been read to me, and I wish that thanks should be given to you from me. Though we had already heard several persons relate these facts, Pilate has officially informed us of the miracles of Jesus. He has certified to us that after His resurrection from the dead He was acknowledged by many to be God. Therefore I myself also wished to do what you propose; but, as it is the custom of the Romans not to admit a god merely by the command of the sovereign, but only when the admission has been discussed and examined in full senate, I proposed the affair to the senate, and they rejected it with contempt, doubtless because it had not been considered by them first. But we have commanded all those whom Jesus suits, to receive him amongst the gods. We have threatened with death any one who shall speak evil of the Christians. As to the Jewish nation which has dared to crucify Jesus, who, as I hear, far from deserving the cross and death, was worthy of honour, worthy of the adoration of men—when I am free from the war with rebellious Spain, I will examine into the matter, and will treat the Jews as they deserve

From Flavius Josephus
>3. Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians,

Keep mocking your race's faiths you piece of shit.

I like that story because it depicts a clever woman who got Jesus to perform his miracle on her goy child by appealing to his megalomania.

>Just live you life as a decent person
thats how you get beheaded by a sandnigger and a jew steals your estate

Because Jow Forums is the most irrational board.

Fuck off with your revisionist drivel kike, Pagan Greece and Rome are the foundation of European Western Civilization.

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>being a liberal cuck
>decent person
Since when are degenerates decent? My idea of a decent person is vastly different than what you have in mind.


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Yes its based on what the magic jew said, he also said gentiles are dogs to jews so go kiss some jew feet right now.

Because Jow Forums is the counter-culture.

Filthy world = clean Jow Forums.
Clean world = filthy Jow Forums.

BTW out of all your Cross-flag nations I prefer Norge flag. It's beautiful.

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>My idea of a decent person is vastly different than what you have in mind.

exactly, which makes "just be a decent" a useless statement

>Jews founded western civilization
t. (((Chosen people)))


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>destroying human culture is a good thing because muh muh jew god
Disgusting race traitors you christcucks have always been.

Then I will use non-degenerate for now on

Fuck off memeflaggot nigger. Show us that Israeli flag and then maybe we'll take you seriously. Just kidding, we're taking you to the oven you fucking yid

go fuck your tree, jew.

oh, wait

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