they can turn my children into gay transgender faggots and make my grandchildren mulatto and make me speak spanish and spend 60 hours a week working a shit job and make me pay for the privilege of living in this nightmare world they've created for us by taxing my income but by god i swear that i will NEVER eat bugs for as long as i fucking live
this is the hill i will literally die on if i have to
I will never eat bugs
Other urls found in this thread:
be a good goy and eat bugs and live in a tiny house with your life partner and be sure to travel far and wide and experience lots of other cultures too (even though they will be living in your old house) but don't have kids, that's my advice to you goyim
Why are they trying to make us think eating bugs is a foodsource we should accept and why are they trying to normalize it? Is there going to be a big food shortage soon?
we should adopt niggers instead
no food storage. vegan fags will increase, mer kött för oss
>(even though they will be living in your old house)
great observation. made me think in a non meme way
This has been happening for a while. Imagine selling bugs to a western market? They'd eat that shit up. Pun intended.
First as a crazy experience. Then itll be the cheapest to get akin to spam. Then there will be shows on how to make your centipede budget go further.
Meanwhile your true owners will be healthy and fattened up on steak and the best dishes available.
Honk honk
Funny how these articles never suggest to make africans eat bugs.
Nigga ops flag is african
Fucking meat eaters
Us vegans told you that this will happen
They already do that
Eating bugs is an Asian thing, it's literally forbidden in Judaism.
They just think it's funny seeing goys eat bugs.
Well there are alot of recent news talking about food shortages all over the world (trivial stuff like potatoes, meat, fruits, wheat, etc) so.....maybe?
She's still alive?
Yeah its prohibited for the jews but for the goy?
We're still throwing out more food than we eat. Any (((food shortage))) is just propaganda
they just want you to eat bugs for the lulz
It's part of the illuminati and elders of Zion plan.
To make people eat insects.
now that's some pilpul
Facts are pilpul Ching Chong?Bugs and crustaceans aren't kosher and forbidden for religious Jews, but a quick search will reveal thousands of pics and videos of your yellow brethren eating them.
There's nothing inherently wrong with eating insect protein, the problem is these people want to control the food supply and demonize self-reliance and independence in farming and all other aspects of life.
Go ahead and eat bugs but grow your own
At this point I'm pretty sure that they're crash testing how far they can get with the influence they exert over the media
when they arent drinking cows piss from all the cows they also grow?.....
was it written in The Protocols?
>cuts off her tits
>gets her vagina sewed up
>eats bugs
She needs a fucking non-Jewish therapist.
pretty sure hollywood been setting this up for years
someone in the car went braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
you need to hide you agenda a little better, Seth
The point is to control the food supply.
They are running this narrative that the "environment" is fucking ruined even though it clearly isn't. In a few generations they will convince people that naturally grown fruits and veggies are "poison" so you should just keep eating your government issued food pellets and onions milkshake.
look up the Cloward–Piven strategy
Bing bong. I fucked your sister last night and she told me she'd rather die than touch a man of her own race.
>not investing in/founding a bug farm
Then you can eat all the steak you want while shovelling maggots down the gullets of the mulatto masses.
Don't forget everyone in this thread.
EVERY time you see the Black Lives Matter flag it's always the same larping Jew.
He will delete this thread now, as always.
Whole thread deleted 2 minutes after last post? OwO
Bugs are pretty cheap protien tbqh. Bathed in germs tho.
>be rich
>have everything you could ever want in hands reach
>Get nigger kids
>Divorce and not stay married
>Cut off your tits
>Get retarded tattoos
>Eat bugs
Angelina Jolie is just a roastie with a lot of money
Nice reference, but that's not really a Hollywood movie. It was made by a very famous Korean director. Same guy who made old boy, I think.
You will ALL eat bugs. There's nothing you can do to stop it.
>There's nothing you can do to stop it.
The diference is that we are getting shortages on Real food (Real vegetables/fruits/meat) while we are getting everything from the ((big pharma)) (meat pumped with lord knows what,etc)
does anything standout about this meme-flag, class? here's a clue: the key word that activated him was "goy"
this is a sentiment more popular than you think and right now theyre just testing the waters with how far they can push people.
theyve given us lots trivial comforts that make it really easy to compartmentalise ourselves to the point we can be happy within a single small room and be content with a computer and outlets like this to vent on.
there can be murders, rapes, gangs, evil of all sorts just one street away (nevermind in the next country or city over, people always comfort themselves by saying "well at least its in the US and not here, at least its in London and not here, at least theyre building that mosque across the river, at least ive a good enough lock on my door that the new niggers over the road dont matter" etc) and people will stay docile, as its not happening in their little world.
but being fed a diet of bugs? it doesnt get much closer to home than that, they already fuck us with the food supply as it is but the bug thing seems a stretch too far. at least with their opiates and junk food its something we can get a mild burst of happiness from, even that is too much for their tastes.
We should also scrape out or gonads.
there are some very woke bongs in this thread
Big houses are objectively retarded as is consumerism. Dont eat bugs tho
i'll eat bugs over plants any day.
One should never do anything like Angelina Jolie.
So this is where burgers were invented. The more you know.
Jews need their kosher food, same as muslim with their halah meat.
Only whites must eat bugs
Specifically, is eating bugs bad for you?
Depopulation soon.
you will shut the fuck up and eat your bugmeat, goy. or do you want to run the risk of being called a nazi on twitter?
they think its funny
>I will never eat bugs
You're living in a dream world, pal. Have you ever eaten a hamburger or hot dog or meatloaf or sausages or ground beef or ground chicken or ground turkey or fruits or vegetables or damn near anything else? Insects (or their droppings!) are in almost everything we consume. We can't keep them all out of the food production/distribution system. It's impossible. You are already feasting on insects all the time, you just mentally block that fact out.
I love that while they are the pushing the Eat Bugs thing on the west
They are also complaining that insect numbers are dropping and the West needs to do something (Get taxed) or the world may end
A lot of the world already eats bugs for high protien and its more sustainable then farming beef, poultry and fish.
>eating bugs like discount lara croft
yeah nah
I bet a cajun could adapt to bug cuisine fairly easily.
Not me though.
Shrimp and lobsters are basically bugs.