
ONE...nothing wrong with me!
TWO...nothing wrong with me!
THREE...nothing wrong with me!


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Trips = days she has left to live...let's roll.

shaking orgasm


Best thread I have seen today. Kek.

Come onnnn treble 0

she probably came a few times

they are ALL watching her.

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That hidden smile by that woman on the right. Kek.

has she got a Lush in? Looks like a guy is tipping her in a steady stream of singles.

She had too much refugee cum

Why are Germans so autistic?

Jesus fuck, any functional alcky knows to get up a bit early and have a beer and a shot before work.

Wnder what it feels like to have her riding your cock while vibrating like that.

I've never had shakes like that.

7 days

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she has a hidden chaturbate and has one of those vibrators in her ass that vibrate when a donation comes but like always nobody knows this...

why have mutts negro blood?

Why English can't Germans speak?

>all those pensive looks judging her shaking

Maybe she is scared?


What is kuru?
Kuru is a rare and fatal nervous system disease. Its highest prevalence occurred during the 1950s and 1960s among the Fore people in the highlands of New Guinea. The Fore people contracted the disease by performing cannibalism on corpses during funeral rituals.

The name kuru means “to shiver” or “trembling in fear.” The symptoms of the disease include muscle twitching and loss of coordination. Other symptoms include difficulty walking, involuntary movements, behavioral and mood changes, dementia, and difficulty eating. The latter can cause malnutrition. Kuru has no known cure. It’s usually fatal within one year of contraction.

The identification and study of kuru helped along scientific research in a number of ways. It was the first neurodegenerative disease resulting from an infectious agent. It led to the creation of a new class of diseases including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease, and fatal familial insomnia. Today the study of kuru still impacts research on neurodegenerative diseases.
What are the symptoms of kuru?

Symptoms of more common neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or stroke may resemble kuru symptoms. These include:
difficulty walking
poor coordination
difficulty swallowing
slurred speech
moodiness and behavioral changes
muscle twitching and tremors
inability to grasp objects
random, compulsive laughing or crying
>death within one year
What occult kikery is keeping Twerkle and Killary alive?


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>I've never had shakes like that.
Well, me neither but I have had some nasty hand shakes after a long weekend. I have seen people on the verge of a withdrawal seizure, and Merkel looks like it, I'm sure it's something else, but FFS can't her doctors give he a valium?

At a certain point - the perception of weakness from cancelling public appearances has GOT to be less damaging than actually showing up in public and having a fucking stroke or whatever.

I've even had a grand mal seizure before. The shakes aren't like that. It's a higher, tighter vibration. I don't know what that is, but surely her docs could dope her up so her motor cortex doesn't do that. The crazy part is it start up all of a sudden. If you have the shakes, it's not something that just erupts like that out of nowhere.

this isnt what I expect of nude Merkel

Who the fuck is going to Chaturbate for this wretched bitch though?

I stay up Too late!

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>mfw my hands finally stopped shaking from an alcohol

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Enjoy your kuru, cunt.


She hates that Anthem so much.
>literally shaking

She's wearing vibrating panties.

Hier kommt die Sonne

gj bro
It sucks if you type on a keyboard all day long and then you can't time your keystrokes right.

power mommy fetish

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Yeah, maybe she gets off being super submissive to her husband or something. Like she gets off on being "compromised" during important state functions.
That or shes having a seizure.
I know a health concern is more likely, but speculation is fun.

If I was the guy next to her I'd stand near her so my dick touches her leg. The vibration alone would be enough to come.

Anyone notice smug Cersei in the background?


why don't u just rip a shot, or shotgun a beer in the parking lot?

>Shaking uncontrollably
Just like Hitler during the second half of WWII, when he was on heavy drugs / withdrawal.

So is it drugs? An illness? Or something else?

Bitch is worried about be assassinated.

next time she will wet herself


She's just a little dehydrated.


It’s refugee aids

He wasnt trying to be funny

Because once it gets bad enough then a quick shot in the morning won't keep you steady, and you realize you have to sober up over the long haul.

Over 9000

Angie, your time has come.

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>If you have the shakes, it's not something that just erupts like that out of nowhere
That true enough, but I've had some serious hangover shakes come on almost out of the blue before. Not a full-body Merkel dance, but bad enough that I was having trouble at the keyboard and legibly signing shit but bad enough that I took an early lunch to grab a pint. Alcohol is the cause and solution to all of lifes problems.



>here we go here we go here we go now


>nothin wrong with me

Please get 000.

quick, bring her some fresh adrenachrome! aber sofort!

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Certain things can definitely trigger it. Essential tremors are a normal thing that doesn't require drug abuse, and people who start to get them visibly start shaking during periods of anger or stress. My boss does this. I discovered I do it when the FBI sat me down. It's like when your voice quavers under pressure.

Grabbing a quick drink is a good idea, but this looks like something much more serious to me. It's one thing if you can't sign your name normally. It's another thing if you're fighting to stand up straight and you keep repeating something with your mouth.

Frau Hitler has 60 days left.

Harry Belafonte sang it better:


Her hatred for Germany makes her Jewish blood boil

Top kek post user.

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I read a story of a hardcore alcoholic who locked himself in a room, turned the lights off, strapped himself to a chair and experienced all of the symptoms of withdrawal and didn't die. Sounded pretty fucking intense/ life changing.

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Pretty standard detox procedure prior to benzos. This also works with stimulant or opiod abuse if it's not so bad that you might die.

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She's dogged

>this looks like something much more serious to me
Yeah, she looks like she can barely stand. Who goes to work in that shape? I've called in for far less. I'm pretty sure the German Chancellor gets some sick days.

6 years


The reason they can’t let her leave office is because once she is gone the German hound will be out of its cage once again.

Beautiful times are ahead lads. We’ve gotten used to a stable managerial German government that never ends. That is about to change and Germany is about to become as big a shit show as everywhere else.


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Put the rightful heir on the throne.

She is shook.

The crazy thing is she did a much better job with her balance than the first time it happened and she was starting to sway enough to possibly fall over. And now this time she has flat shoes and the camera shows she duck-walks with her feet sticking out to the side. It's bizarre. And you don't see her really twitching with her facial muscles or clenching like a spastic or anything else. I'm baffled by it.

What is she repeating to herself in the video? Is she counting?

She's almost broken, soon she will be killed by the lizard masters.
You betrayed humanity for money but they do not honor any agreements.

Why is she talking to herself? Watch 0.35, she is fucking talking to herself

Looks like the same thing over and over, but you'd have to ask a German.

she is cursed
she sold her soul to satan and betrayed her nation
now she will need the blood of babies just to fend off her eternal damnation a little longer
i hope all these betrayers die of kuru

Maybe there is something inside of her belly that is shaking, and making her whole body shake? Maybe an x ray or ultra sound could discover the answer?
Maybe a family of mink or foxes has made a burrow in there. It would be unusual, but, it seems to me, not entirely unlikely.

Ich schaffe es! (transl: i'll make it).

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Damn, what is actually happening to her that she feels the need to vocalize her attempts to motivate her willpower where everyone can see it?

20 years

>Is she counting?
Yes, she will quit at 6 million, or whenever the rabbi says it's kosher

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The brunette is clearly enjoying it. Who is she?

Watch her arms. That's why she immediately tries to grab her hands together so they balance each other instead of both shake, and why she just about grabs on to her coat to hold them still. It always starts there and then moves through the rest of her body. That's definitely a neurological problem.

Rollin for 000

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>periods of anger or stress
Maybe she realizes her legacy will be as the destroyer of Europe and it stresses her out.

she fucked Europe so zero sympathy

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But what's the trigger? She's just standing there without any particular threat. It's a lot different when a nigger or the FBI comes in, or even if you have a major presentation to give at work. There's some other trigger going on here, and it's not just that she forgot to drink water again.