Double standards, much?

Double standards, much?

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>how do you
with this bad boy

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easy, I pray for white people to wake up from their brainwashing

Why did God create separate races and tribes if he wanted us to mix all together. We tried that with the tower of Babel and God destroyed it

I normally drive there.

It’s simple, I don’t because I don’t give a shit about nonwhite children. Mexicans should be protecting their own children by not dragging them across a desert and allowing them to be locked in a detainment center.

Who prays for children all around the world? Pray for your own children.

I prey for them to get help in their own homes. I already have 20 people living in 2000sq feet and can't get a decent shower.

You should ask a muslim why he prays to allah and go to mosqs, yet does not help fellow muslim refugees, really makes you think

theyre separated so the children aren't incarcerated from their parents crimes.
then they are reunited.
im pretty sure theres something in that book about not being a criminal also.

I generally don't break into the countries of those better than me with my children knowing we'll be placed in separate "camps". But that's just me.

>the only way to help spics is to allow them to flood into the US
Simply impeccable facts and logic


How do you bitch about white oppression of gays & transsexuals yet ignore Muslims pitching them off of rooftops?

Why would I pray for children around the world? I only pray for Christ to return to Earth and burn us all, so we might rejoin with our spirits.

I want to see my parents again. I want to see my grandparents, and all my ancestors.

Most these people don't read history. They want Babel to rise again. Every normalfag I meet that agrees with OP is a spirit of old Babel. Remember one thing, we wish for God to have mercy on all but know that he can cast his wrath at any time. Gods wrath is coming. Christians are attacked over any other religion, just as predicted.

>How did you vote for family separation
I voted Republican so nope I didn't vote for the ones who made the law separating families.

How do you break the law and then emotionally extort other people by trying to blame them for the consequences of choices you made not them.

Your responsibility is to help your own first, period. Concentric circles. Family. Neighbors. Community. Town. State. Country. World. You don’t worry about starving kids in Africa when your community is suffering also.

>Mexicans should be protecting their own children by not dragging them across a desert and allowing them to be locked in a detainment center
Why? Most of the migrants assume (correctly) that within a month they'll be released from detention and immediately be able to take advantage of America's superior welfare state. Out border enforcement is so lax and our institutions so immigrant friendly that there is no reason for them to stop coming.

>how can you vote for and not give a shit about separation and mass deportation when a gay black Muslim is president and then cry and scream when trump does it

I don’t, because I’m an atheist that understands evolution and I don’t want low IQ apes that can’t behave like civilized human beings because of their lack of impulse control to sour the gene pool. God bless the United States, and fuck everyone else.

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illegal invasion

I don't because I'm not a Christcuck. Their morals and double standards don't get in the way of my logic.

You have the brain of a small child. I pity you greatly.

I stopped going to church when the pope was enabling cardinals to abuse boys. Then they wouldn't reform to protect children. Now we're gonna burn the moghetucekr down for protecting pedophiles and refusing to allow the church patrons to protect their own children and kick pedophile priests out of communities. Every Jesuit is a faggot cultural marxist scum who will burn in with their faggot congregation. Latin mass only to cuck the nwo religion. Pedophiles and faggot priests will literally be bruttally killed for their pro faggotry and destruction of our church in the name of lbgbbq Jesuits.

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Good thing I'm not a christcuck.

it's like Christianity isn't compatible with having a country or something

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I pray for the American children to not be killed by illegal immigrants

Most people go to church to pray for their family and community... not people who will harm them.

I pray illegal aliens get killed. Don’t lump us all in one basket

They are actively building a new technocratic Babel

I don't pray for those children.

Who prays for children?

There's a point on earth where you could reach heaven, that's why they built that tower in babylon.

Doesn't the bible specifically advocate for nation states?

Praying for others is an act of charity, it helps.

At my church we pray those little Mexican children find a safe way back to they're home.
We do not pray for Invaders hurting our country

Fuck Twitter. Full of double thinking faggots.

>infiltrate the church and make it international instead of communal
>make people pray for some foreign kid with no water
>"why do you do that?"
All my rage.

Well, I hate to break it to you Jorge, but illegal immigrant labor is used to suppress working class white wages. Emphasis on illegal. No where in the Bible does it say for Christians to accept such a scenario. I don't care what verse you point to, it's always an over simplification with regards to the situation we are faced with today.

I pray for the ones who stay in their own countries fighting for their own families
the illegal faggots are cowards and traitors, and they deserve the worst

Yep, it advocates divine right monarchy

>here's some words that might or might not help you, we'll never know regardless
>in lieu of any actual help & at zero cost to myself
That's not being charitable.

how do you bash Christians day in and day out for decades and then suddenly think you're an authority on how Christians should behave?

Jews and atheists telling people how to be Christian.

I wish trump was what leftists claim he is, i would actually consider voting for him

I'm not defending it. I'm not christian, I am agnostic. I just think I remember the bible advocating national separation.

I don't go to church.

Says the person posting on twitter about how horrible it all is instead of selling the phone or computer they posted this on and donating the money to charity

I usually just tell them my name and they send me to this little booth. I really don't understand how niggers have such a problem. The little invaders are covered under the children around the world.

Many, perhaps even most, of these children are victims of trafficking and not even related to the people bringing them across the border. Keeping them in detention centers instead of allowing them to illegally enter the country with criminal adults who may not even be their parents is the morally correct action.

Why do liberals support children being raped and used to smuggle drugs?

>We tried that with the tower of Babel and God destroyed it
Sort of. The Tower of Babel was written by Babylonian Jews during the diaspora. The tower is a ziggurat, and the purpose of the story was to maintain Jewish identity, not to assimilate with the Babylonians.

You don't really believe Christians go to church to pray, do you?
Christians go to church for the same reason 15-year-old girls post on Instagram.

Just to be seen.