Why were the massive populations of communal Aztecs and Incans so easily subdued by a couple of boatloads of Spaniards whereas the normadic bands of North American Plains Indians fought like hell for year after year? They even learned marksmanship and horsemanship on the fly.
North American Indians vs Aztecs and Incans
Gerilla warfare
That but I think there's more to it. Look at the differences between urban vs rural politics in the present day. City dwellers make better slaves whereas the peoples of the woods are more inclined towards independence.
Go dialate yourself tranny faggot
>slide shills get sage
>mexico is stolen land
Spanish beat barbaric salves, but couldn't beat free independent men.
Sounds about right
Spread of disease happened much faster in the densely-populated Aztec and Inca areas, whereas North American indians were more spread out and less numerous. Plus the Spaniards had help from neighboring tribes that hated the Aztecs
You’ll never pass
If you tie this in with the push to eliminate the electoral college, the UN agenda to move people from rural lands and into smart grid cities, and the extreme hatred of rural people by organized Jewry, it all starts to be clear.
Indians in the North had more time to adapt to Spanish expansion. The conquest of the Aztecs was crushing due to several factors, the following being the most notorious: the Aztec empire functioned as a tax collecting indirect empire, as such it was hated by almost everyone; the Spaniards and christianity were seen as a liberating force by many. Then you have technology and superior warfare; don't forget Cuba was an outpost of the Spanish crown, so the Spanish were well supplied. Then you have disease: Europeans had contact with many kinds of mammals unknown for native americans just to mention a source of new diseases.
Picture out my window and I have guns and horses. I'm also 1/4 Apache. How do you like them apples?
Opps lol
How do you like Down Under, Geronimo?
Also, Hernán Cortés was a shrewd man and a brilliant military strategist. Great dude
MehHeKo tried invading North American indian country twice and got BTFO. Keep coping.
That nigger living in Antarctica
Aztecs had every other tribe against them, not just the Spaniards.
Reconquista is a lie. This was NEVER your land.
What does that have to do with anything?
Oy vey
It was real in his mind
That's something that comes out often when politicians or academics want to criticize the US for its treatment of the natives. Superficial nationalists don't like to go over that fact. Indians were hard to kill; Obviously, flooding your areas with liquor stores was the superior strategy, just as Uncle Sam did.
there was barely no interest in the nowadays US New Spain territories compared with Mexico the Caribean, Cuba, Philippines etc... Yes some priest went there we made some outpost and trade horses with these niggas, some of them even know Spanish, like Geronimo
Land ownership is an abstract concept that is enforced with a great number of mechanisms that result far more complex than "this land is mine reeeee". If you fuckers could understand this you would be taken seriously in the modern world.
Northern Agriculturalists evolved higher IQ's, just like everywhere else. Many of the descendants of the Mississipian farmers were actually smart enough to integrate with European settlers.
>what was vietnam
the slaves who had houses and farm lands that could be burnt and salted stood no chance. however those who roam with the herd and used hit and run tactics arent so easy enslaved. the fact when the kikes brought slavery on a mass scale to the new world couldnt enslave natives. they had to send them to france and shit because every native would wait to escape and live off the land.