Anybody else go out of their way to eat products with palm oil in them just to kill the orangutans faster?

Anybody else go out of their way to eat products with palm oil in them just to kill the orangutans faster?

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i would expect this type of savagery from an englandstani.


If they're going extinct maybe they should start contributing to the global economy more than palm oil. Cows and chickens aren't going extinct any time soon.

Check and mate.

Darwinism and the free market. Sounds like a flake's masters thesis. "Yeah but if we get rid of the mosquitoes then we destroy the malaria medication and repellent market". Go show at Salisbury and get a crumpet.

Well that's the opposite of what I was implying though. If we get rid of mosquitos we do destroy an industry, but it's an industry that exists to make up for mosquitos being a plague. Getting rid of a plague on humanity outweighs any jobs lost. Orangutans literally do nothing except look fucking weird.


>Orangutans literally do nothing except look fucking weird.
So do you yet we are not killing you.

base gorilla

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orangs are magnificient animals
the only ape I would gladly exterminate are chimps, because they are assholes who eat your face for no reason

But what of the gibbons

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I don't quite understand why we even protect certain endangered animals that do nothing for us other than for gathering information
It seems like people only use it for getting the acceptance of people around them

Most sõy ranking i've ever seen
Chimps > Gorillas > Orangutans > Monkys > Bonobos > B*boons

of course a stupid mutt like you would celebrate chimpery

animals do not have rights, because they do not have obligations
however, i believe we have the responsibility to protect them, or at least leave them alone
I don't care if a species goes extinct because it gets hunted to death by lions or whatever (simply due to natural factors). However when it goes extinct by human action, it can severely damage an ecosystem.

this. orangutans are bros. it's the chimps and gibbons that need to go. fuck gibbons.



>palm oil
You are going to kill yourself faster, genius

Orangutans are smarter than niggers why do you want to eradicate them?

>global economy
Not sure if a jew or just eternal anglo.

They don't make usefull cattle for the (((him))).