Normies storm Area 51

Are they actually going to do it? Pic related is their "game plan".

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Wtf. Source?

Lmao a bunch of retards vs A-10 Thunderbolt

They shot someone trespassing there in March I believe

Stop spamming this fake and gay Facebook event on here.

Hope they livestream it

They normally have black F-16s there for airspace violations.

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Military Historian here.

Worst game plan I've ever seen. Way too dispersed, and way too many "waves."

Two waves is one too many. There should be one wave numbering at least 1,000 people, attacking from one direction, marching in column formation no more than 30 men abreast.

The plan should be to overwhelm their defenses with a moral quandry, not with some kind of rag-tag "invasion" force.

not unless they want to die and get decades in prison

Both work but you are right

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Microwave crowd deterrent imminent.
I hope there will also be beatings.

Yeah. 200+ “guards” from G4S, Constellis, etc, who are heavily armed, most with special operations backgrounds and force multipliers on call vs. 5000 overweight millennials.

My bet is on the guards.

Are you trying to help autistic faggots

>storming a desert base where your approach is being continuously monitored 3 miles before you even reach the signs telling you to turn around or be arrested

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the thing is if there had been anything of value there it would have beenn moved the moment the public even got a wiff of this ultra secret ufo thing so even if they would suceed in getting in, there is absolulty nothing there to see. At this point in time the base is nothing than a honeypot to distract people from other actual secret sites

Ya'll niggas need to stop listening to Roe Jogen and that idiot Lazarr

Why storm area 51 when you can just help in the work of reverse engineering Tesla's discoveries instead?

WhO KnEW?!!?!?

they already did. all 3 of them.



>tunneling team
it's like they actually dont know what is being kept sealed there

One of the most retarded ideas ever conceived. I hope they live stream it. I want to hear the screams.

Also a nuclear waste dump.

>game plan: run in

Oh children

nothing ever happens. these people literally wont do shit and are just larping. you are larping too by the way. larping about wanting to save the white race and all, when really you havent left that chair in 4 hours and are about to rub one off to blacked porn again. nothing. ever. happens.

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Borders and walls are immoral and wrong. Go ahead and cross to show you're not afraid of fascist assholes!

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they plan it for so ling that the UFOs must have been moved to the real secret base.

Thats more of a regular armed forces problem. Constellis is busy teaching static security to huemonkeys.

>Tunneling team moving into position.
>ETA 10 years.

Most of that tech got moved to some base in Ohio, if you want to see aliens go to Antarctica

That's really dumb
First wave will have 50% of people not show up. 90% of those people will just gtfo. Leaving all of second wave to gtfo, then the remaining people will all be arrested maybe 1 to 3 people will be shot and killed.

Tunnelling team are niggers

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>Normies storm Area 51
What for?

Its not like the Military kept anything of importance there after it became an iconic place of intrest.

Are you surprised?

How many second waves are they sending?

Please, just let us build drones and space fighters in peace. Thanks.

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Let's not be logical now sir..

There are 3 options for the base to act

1. Shoot them down
2. Prepare and get lots of military to patrol the area so that no one even gets close
3. Unlikly but funny. Close everything up, like all doors and bunkers. But its very unlikely because it would give the image that entering this area is not dangerous/forbidden/problematic

Lets just hope they use tanks and helicopters with tear gas and pepperspray

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Larpers \/

I hope they live stream it on pornhub

>Tunneling team

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their attack plan is basically them running into a blender and then turning it on

SUVs with miniguns on them.

if these idiots would take 10 minutes to actually research this shit they would know that area51 doesnt house anything cool anymore. They moved all that shit out of there after normies starting having tailgate parties outside the perimeter.

I guess I’m showing my age. 10 years ago, triple canopy (aka the cag mafia) was made up of really slick dudes, constellis acquired triple canopy IIRC... I figured they still had a lot of that capability.

AHAHAH I didn't even notice it

You dont have to be a military historian to figure that out.

Its just a 270 degree arc of "lots of arrows pointing to the centre" Not exactly planned in any way

>when every building requires a keycard
>when you get shot or blown up well before you even find that out

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Yeah it’s gayer than aids, wasted like half my 20’s after the infantry to get a spot with constellation and it’s basically half autistic exAir Force Security Forces guys that get glee from failing injured spec ops troops, and the other half are like 20+ year ex Deltas/ Seals you have to chance of competing with as a grunt

Think they'll get into the basement?

in real life they would just teargas everyone and then get the police to arrest them.

Last remaining cool stuff was moved to Colorado about 15 years ago.

supposedly the page has over 100k people saying they are attending

All these bootlicker posts. Zoomers are the new boomers.

Please fucktime it for the lulz. You're gonna find out what national security really means. Fo real.

how is storming area51 bootlicking you dumb fucking memeflag nigger

Thats fucking hilarious. The security at that base will incapacitate every single one of them at the same time. No gates will be stormed, not one unauthorized person will step foot on the base. And anyways, anything good is either underground or locked up in a secure hanger. This is the dumbest idea ever.

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even better

>posting your battle plans on the internet for all the intel agencies to see

>Please, just let us build drones and space fighters in peace. Thanks.

I like that map, looks like your borders go all the way to Wichita Falls, saw some shit in the skies out there a while back.

Holly shit, best China has arrived and a rare flag as well

There's no way in hell the military would fire on hundreds of unarmed civilians. They'll get in but they won't find anything. Area 51 was decommissioned years ago.

the glowniggers should just stop everything away, lock it all down, and keep everyone inside that day. Imagine the dumbfucks reaction to a completely empty base. Then arrest them once they leave, of course.

They do realize Area 51 is drone testing base right? Like drones with area denial weapons.


It's going to be only white people. No POC are crazy enough to do this.

>Area 51 was decommissioned years ago.
They still use it as a dead nigger storage site for radioactive waste and the like.

LOL!!! Area 51 is still as active as ever, and not ONE single idiot would gain access to anything. They would get seriously fucked up

"Area 51"

Who /Tunneling Team/ here?

* cough * d ug w ayyyy

A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all fuckin' night.

"3 miles." LOL. Try 15.

That’s the way most PSCs are. Really slick dudes who get relatively entertaining high paying jobs and dudes who do static site security for $300 (or less) a day.

I’ve seen waaay too many guys with infantry backgrounds thinking they’ll go contracting for $600+ a day with no clearance, no medical training, no special operations training, and/or no combat deployments.

This has to be the most gloriously retarded thing I've seen in a few hours.

*walks straight through the fence*
Show me the saucers, manlet.

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Nigga wut?

They have checkpoints something around 10 miles or so from the actual base itself. Even if they manage to get past those it's gonna alert the base defense who will scramble some gunships to go in and spray the fuckers with lead. Hope they livestream it.

Yeah it's a dumb strategic plan, especially if the waves are staggerred and allow A51 guards time to relocate resources and man power.
>Pic related is what the plan will devolve into

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got my nuclear bore on standby all signs are go

>Tunneling Team

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imagine if the normies get like a million people to show up
based and normiepilled

They have the legal authority to do so.

That's further away from area 51 proper. Also it was never used because of retarded politicians


The spooks are probably already aware of the invasion plan and have shipped in a shit on off Active Denial System microwave cannons onto Humvees. And lots of tear gas

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Is this supposed to be an autistic neet D Day? They're gonna get mowed down

How about the fact that if the first wave were fired upon and people are killed, they’ll turn tail and run

If you want to see the real toys go here.

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Rainbow Six: Area 51 Siege.

Holy shit what if it's a set up? Mossad false flag operation.

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Based. They're all ded or arrested waste of man power could've helped build his larger inventions but nooo. Gotta go be suicidal and take up more slots in the reincarnation queue.

Reverse searched
>no results
Are you guys planning on arresting them before they get there or are you gonna flat out shoot them?

>groom lake is dead
I’ll believe this when Janet stops flying from KLAS.

Hollywood sci-fi movies have created an image in their head of what they will find

>Normies try to storm Area 51
>mass arrests
yes please

if they do it my faith to humanity may be restored.

Is this some suicide pact? Drink the koolaid

all the ultra secret ayyy stuff is kept in an underground base in Panama.

Where is the livestream? I want to laugh.


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