Israeli anons tell me what it's like, salaries, living costs. I live in France but have Jewish ancestors and think of moving there. Is this a good idea?
Redpill on life in Israel
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You're already there, user.
checks out
Why would you move there? It’s not even your land. It belongs to the Palestinians lmao.
I'd wait till after its glass.
1/3 Muslims
1/3 atheist Russian "Jews"
From the remaining third 3/4 are Mizrahi subhumans
Only a tiny sliver are high Ashkenazi Jews
If only Jow Forums knew how bad things really are, they wouldn't meme about Israel and JIDF
Fuck Palestinians. When American started worry about sandniggers?
Typical russian warmonger. You'd rather fight the muslims instead of the real enemy? The kikes want you to hate the muslims.
Anyone who supports the Palestinians here are often members of Iran's FATA.
I heard everyone gets to kill one nigger a day for free
Don't come here faggot. The next government will stone you shills.
Kikes doesn't explode in our subways, you know?
You heard wrong. Israel is cucked beyond belief.
Fuck off slavnigger, you're not any better.
Slavs are literally living in rubbles without getting bombed 24/7.
Because I have morals and I’m not a Jew-lover
Salaries are only good if you work in tech, living costs are some of the most expensive in the world. People are nasty, summers are hell, and your children will have compulsory military service.
What's it like in Iran, my FATA friends?
> Slavs are literally living in rubbles without getting bombed 24/7.
Agreed, that's why I think sandniggers are shit comparing to kikes.
Rather want to live in Iran than living In Israel, shlomo.
Why would you even consider moving to Occupied Palestine?
>mental illness flag
Yes, being a fucking parasite for literally every human being is "better". Fuck off Slavniggerjew.
Are the Russians not Jews at all? Or just partial Jewish ancestry?
You'd better start asking your government about all that shit you did to middle East from 80s to nowadays, then blame Jews for living in a land which wasn't even took by them but provided by you and your allies. Actually, I'm not against state of Israel. As I said before kikes doesn't explode in my subway and doesn't fund radical Islamist groups at the southern Russia.
Partial jews since you only need to have 1 single Jewish grandparent for repatriation, doesn't matter which side. They bitch about Jewish laws 24/7 and want their own institutions.
> Yes, being a fucking parasite for literally every human being is "better".
Oh, those damn kikes being "a fucking parasites", not like Arab migrants, who just cut throats of Deutsche girls which is acceptable and part of their cultures.
Who does the land of Israel belong to?
If you recognize the right of Conquest it belongs to the Jews, who gained independence from Britain, who took it from the Palestinians, who took it from the Christians, who took it from the Jews.
If you don't recognize the right of conquest it belongs to the Jews.
My point is that at least if you recognize the right of conquest, that means that it doesn't HAVE TO belong to the Jews, it belongs to whoever has the force of arms to take and hold it. Right now, the Jews have the backing of the western world, which gives them the force of arms to take and hold it.
So long as the west supports Israel, then it belongs to the Jews.
We should stop supporting Israel.
They wouldn't be there to blow up if the kikes hadn't let them in.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy, jimbo.
>Thinking kikes would do the dirty work themselves
The next government to rule where you stand will be Palestinian, so maybe. But not Islamist so probably not.
>Who does the land of Israel belong to?
who cares the place is a fucking shithole
Let's say the first house where I didn't see a dairy/meat dish separation was of a Russian family. The first place I saw selling pork was a deli with a Russian sign.
While hilonim are basically the atheists of the Jews, they at least consider themselves Jewish. Russians don't even consider themselves that. Their only identifying as Jewish was to get a citizenship and to escape [enter soviet country]. Once they made it here, they secluded themselves from regular society and they made themselves their own Russian ecosystem.
Can I move to Israel. I am pale blonde Pole. Come from region with almost 0% Jews (Greater Poland - former part of Prussian partition of Poland) so no Jewish admixture in me.
I heard Israeli girls are cute and been thinking about banging some in Tel Aviv, what clubs do you recommend?
so it belongs to the americans? palistine the 51st state
Ashkenazo-slavic ethnostate when?
based slav
You had it and it was Khazaria, but in 19th century, you Turks found out that dessert filled with angry arabs is a better place for you. Enjoy it then.
What is the point of that picture? That Israeli women aren't attractive? You posted proof that they are.
They are. I love the long noses, I don't know why it is used as slur lol. And it's true that Jews have long noses, this is not a meme, though Jews still look better than Nords, who are far uglier than Jews
Travel there and volunteer as a short term IDF or Mahal visitor. Take in the sites, the people, the culture and then decide, is it who you are, is this where you belong? Perhaps there will come yearning almost a spiritual aspect calling you home. Perhaps money and cost of living is secondary.
> ethno-semireligious government
> ethno-semireligious normies
> ethno nationalism and trad values well within overton windom
> de jure apartheid with most minorities outside of globohomo big cities
Ladt week we've had a chimpout, most normie convos onlinr and IRL sounded like a nigger hate thread
> tfw national nigger hate week
Isn't it 10:00 PM in Israel? Shouldn't you be asleep?
the ethiopianiggers truly redpilled normies this week
Move into an oven.
only if that nigger happened to have a knife on him
actually if you believe the the old testament the jews of old massacred all of the natives and took this land so it's only a little different now ,we have Palestinians as sort of prisoners in the land they were born in
> Implying they didn't already hate the africans
Fun detail: in small towns/yeshuvs/kibbuts's, local niggers kept their heads low, even those that went big city chimping.
Palestinians are prisoners of their own low IQ low trust society.
I'd probably be okay with Israel if it wasn't openly feminist and pro-sodomy
Salaries are only good if you're connected and exchanging currency to live in another country. Living costs are some of the most expensive in the world, and working hours are long, highest and most common crime is scammers and people are nasty, it's either tropical heat or rain and it's always humid, and our children, only male children get compulsory military service and don't get to sing songs about rape, unlike your Chief Rabbi who's stated the Torah does allow the soldier to have his wicked urges fulfiled.
At least I still have my foreskin.
there was a lot "moderate" normies who didn't care or supported their cause until they started chimping out and attack innocent people and burn streets, cars and roads
People need to do some research into WW1 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany; Germany between the wars).
Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1, among many other things, and continued their anti-indigenous-German subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power. Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.
After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.
They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.
"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.
See these threads for much more:
Yeah, and your map of Israel is total bullshit.
Now you can understand where uncle Hitler was coming from.
Kill all Jewish and israeli children
dont wait
if you go now you will get time to get your affairs in order and move to a place of your choosing, find a job you like and integrate into sabra life without too much trouble
if you wait until the real pressure mounts then it will be harder
right now you have a choice
later ion you wont
and the position later on you will just be one of millions all struggling to integrate at the same time, competing for the same jobs and the same housing
go now
make aliyah
Sure thing rabbi...
cucked you say?
the soviet union was one of the first and strongest supporters of the fledgling israeli state
I live in France but have Jewish ancestors and think of moving there. Is this a good idea?
>ask the French in Netanya
>living costs
probably higher than France
probably lower than France
This user is exaggerating
Also OP, you should know that Israelis love to bitch about their country
>I live in France but have Jewish ancestors and think of moving there
please do
take your whole otherworldly tribe with you
jew spotted
the only reason muslims still exist at all is because of kikes weaponizing them against christians for centuries
>triggered schnooz
kikesses are only remotely attractive while youth hides their roach genes
>soviet union
a bunch of jews u mean
why can't you just come out and say it?
There are no Israeli anons. This place hates them.
And if you believe in democracy and the right of souverenity. You could make the case that every national group (VOLK) has the right to their nation.