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Well that's because they're fucking dickheads.
KEK!! Trump is baiting these retards to call normal people extremists.
>invited Ben Garrison
>banned Ben Garrison
Whats more important? Focusing on social media censorship or the press making everything abotu antisemitism and Ben Garrison?
> Shut their lying mouths
>Focusing on social media censorship by using censorship on one of your biggest meme makers & supporters
Every time
If you wanna shill you should start by using an IP with a regular flag where you don't change IDs between every post. Sorry Moshe.
>If you wanna shill you should start by using an IP with a regular flag where you don't change IDs between every post. Sorry Moshe.
Did he invite any leftists?
>whats more important, shitting on your supporters, imputing the claims of the left onto them, or trying to avoid imputation of leftist claims
Very retarded and very cool post
They really, really hate him
They hate him, America, and all of us.
>inb4 the endgame trump make his own social media platform
He's probably going to start Trump Media which will include TV and obviously internet platforms.
The irony after the left just spent 2 years chasing a Russian collusion fantasy.
Why would you invite the people that are censoring you?
Leftist media is a cancer upon the world.
Incel detected
Remember when there was a time when people wanted corporations OUT of politics?
Bro the left calls literally everyone extremists
They've been doing this for years now
Dumbass Democrats just eat it up and believe it no questions asked
Digital Journaloids are mad because they’ve been supplanted. That’s all this is
have sex
>the left
The "left" and "right" don't exist. THE ZIONIST MEDIA does that. Fucking prick.
Trump is owned by zionists.
instead of Twitter we shall have something for pedes
like Peder
Incel detected
Trump poses next to an illegal
Zionism is primarily a right wing ideology.
Leftists have always been against Israel.
Please post more incel memes
you do it nigger you brought it up first lazy faggot the fuck
Tim Pool is apparently going.
What did the incel say when Buck Angel raped him?
>jokes on you, I was never a virgin
You have all the time in the world, you're an incel
the media gatekeepers are looking more and more desperate and sad to me. they remind me of girls that i know that were really really hot when they were young hit the wall hard and are still single. talking shit on the new crop of hot 22 year old chicks while still trying to dress like they did in their prime. it feels like that kind of desperation. does that make sense?
Why would they possibly include the tech CEOs? this is like whining they weren't invited to the party, pathetic.
clearly you have some free time yourself
>brings up a meme
>then proceeds to tell the person he's spouting the meme at to post meme images of the meme
gonna be a yikes for me fren
Good thing we are all Russian bots.
There is a very simple reality here.
We do not have a "liberal media". In fact it is not even close.
Instead we have a conservative, corporate controlled media. It is a media that continuously disseminates a message that favors corporations and neoliberal economic policies. As well as protecting the government and corporations from any form of accountability with continuously shoddy, or non-existent reporting, that is short on facts and long on hyperbole.And is specifically designed to MISLEAD and DISTRACT from the major issues.And I will be very clear here that I am not talking about the "entertainment media" which is definitely liberal. We are talking about the mainstream news/information media, which unfortunately is were the majority of Americans receive their information from.
And even more unfortunately, actually believe it.
And then what is even worse, consider themselves to be well informed and educated on the issues.
Sounds like they're scared that these people will show Trump the bias and push further the online freedom of speech, and push the media's loss of control of the narrative online and irl.
I think the point here is that the author is trying to shame people for typing a comment and posting it on Jow Forums
>what do you mean you don't have a social media career strategy
these are shills who can only think in shill terms
they can't understand the anti-shill attitude
I was legit happy when Tim Poole got invited. He may be on the left, but he can make a great argument against them.
hi Vox. friendly reminder to lurk moar, two years should be enough.
What are they gonna do cry about it?
Oh wait, yup they are gonna cry about it.
>And it will still happen and they will still be left in the dark in the coming months too bad
Reminds me of...
>trolling on the internet was once a thankless pastime
the premise here is that people need the approval of strangers, the assumption is that everyone comes to the internet with a bruised ego that needs to be massaged
this person believes that typing a comment and posting it on Jow Forums implies that you are needy, that you have low self-esteem, and that you seek something from other people
I'm really starting to feel that those who use this word are those it most cleanly applies to
have sex
>Social media algorithms are biased, but not toward or against any political bent. They are biased toward outrage and content that will suck people in and rile them up.
Or other media was biased against that One thing about people who've been sucked in and riled up - they chose to be every step of the way. They don't trust little people to be the gatekeepers of their own minds. THEY want to be the gatekeepers of everyone's minds.
>and bigots
Oy fucking vey, this is as laughable as "incel neckbeard looser" the juden doing on here.
i love this because they are only upset about not getting invited this is important to understand
>bring me tales of censorship but don’t talk to the people experiencing it
Is this idiot for real?
Cicciline is a Jew who wants to keep big tech in power. His Congressional hearings are a farce in order to work with Big Tech to maintain their stronghold.
>Left leaning Centrist beanie extraordinaire Tim "I'm mixed race" Pool
>a conspiracy theorist, plagiarist, extremist and bigot
They're just throwing everything at the board to see what sticks, hoping gullible people will just read these buzzwords and fall for it.
Incels detected
learn to code.
>conspiracy theorists, plagiarists, extremists, and bigots
Even if true these are lightweight allegations compared to the evil that is google and facebook.
Learn to have sex
Why would anyone want to invite them?
Into the trash it goes.
>Media: Trump is a "right wing Toll"
>no based Ben Garrison either
Hosting a presidential summit on memes is based and sounds fun af.
We need a little levity in this depressing clownworld.
Trump is going to give Tim a MAGA beanie.
Tim’s next video.
>Why I left the Left.
Some say he's still trying to get Trump to tweet about Gamergate
Would they even go if they were invited? They're all about boycotting anyway. Leftists are fucking r e t a r d e d
Maybe they weren't invited because they only say
>my bad, we'll do better next time
and continue their shit behavior.
They changed their tune when corporations adopted their politics. Just look at TYT nowadays.
>trump media
Cool meme
He can't leave the left when he's already been disowned by the left.
>social media spends 2 years ruthlessly shitting on trump to his face
>cries when not invited to the party
>Gamergate 12.5 will work this time, Trump will retweet it for sure.
For all the 'demographics is destiny' pushing that the old media spouts, they really can't confront that their medium is on its deathbed.
They should make their own summit... oh wait, they already have the Bilderberg Group meetings, nevermind.
Just like republicans under Obama
you can't be serious. are you telling me that basedgon of mossad is invited?
nope. no one invited him to the party. that's why it's funny.
Trumps been there
>we own le Internet
>only le big tech should go to these things
These people are insufferable.
>Why aren't you letting the fox in the discussion over how to guard the henhouse goy? This is a clear case of antisemitism.
>Mossad goes but garrison gets booted for drawing a comic that had a jew in it
Howdo they own the internet?
FCC director Pai Ajeet owns it and by extension Verizon
makes sense, all there is to discuss is what to do with the media companies, they have can't have any say in this
having them around would only waste time as they deflect and lie their way out of any questioning
nice lie chud
Zionism is National Socialism for Jews. It’s hardly right wing
No it isn't. Can you fuck off Hasbara? Everyone hates you.