Young German girls fall for migrant boys

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Their prerogative. If they want to be raped, let them.

Berlin Marzhan is a criminal hotspot. Social workers say one reason are german middleclass girls who seek contact with young refugees and migrants.
>burglary, shoplifting, but also robbery and knife fights are thriving. Gangs were created, with 50 members and more.
>The leaders are known. The different groups consist of young male migrants and female youth from the area Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
>the girls are the target, says Uwe Heide, a streetworker. His fellow social workers are confused about the young women, Only by observation and long talks they found out that it's the girls who are causing the boys to gather at the Eastgate. The boys found out that the girls are "easy to get". A state of rivality is caused by them. For him it's a completly new challenge. "We aren't experts on that issue"
>the girls have a home, no migration background and usually live in orderly families. Heide sounds a little bit confused.
>Paula, 14, and blonde, wears white sneakers, slimfit jeans and a red shirt. "With those boys you can have fun. They do everything", she says. The boys from her class are the opposite. Boring and just play videogames. She's at the youth center 3-4 times a week, together with her twin sister, since more than a year. About her new friends she values: "They are always there for us. One call and they are coming". Her friend approaches with a Prosecco bottle. She follows her and later they come back. One staggers a bit. Do your parents know what you're doing here? Paula laughs.

What's wrong with German Girls? They are literally going to Youth Centres to pick up Migrant Guys.

Uh, yeah... let's not talk about Euroweek, Mateusz.

Why don't Germans and Polaks stop hating each other? You're in this together.

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"German" government is the enemy. They are the ones importing all the trash to Poland.

They even drive to North Africa by boat to pick up more of them. They are crazy for refugee dick.

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Are you telling me the German government is responsible for hosting Euroweek?

Show proof pls, Nigel.

Yo', how's your princess doing KEK?

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They look ugly anyways.

Money trail. Germany props up the EU, EU props up Euroweek.

>They look ugly anyways.

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German "men" are at fault. They aren't putting their daughters in check.

Tagesspiegel is a US-funded propaganda outlet. Same shit rag that used to gloat about nigger soldiers raping children right after the war. Take nothing that they write for truth, Polanon; you are basically consuming cuckold porn.

holy hell those are some dogs

these are the woman Hitler called the master race ? they look like typical mid west mutt slags . O Yeah they are German as well .........................

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Surprised the offices haven't been minecrafted.


Your roaltys bloodline is tainted with Sub Saharan subhuman shitskin blood

Get the fuck out of this thread, you delusional pseudo Viking useless fuck, go prepare bulls to fuck your wife you cóckold shit

>putting daughters in check
kek, western society is just one huge penis amusement park for women.

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So's ours.

Even British "men" would cut off their daughters for this crap.

That Norwegian bitch is not even a princess. Soon, she will not be allowed to use that title legally anymore. The Norwegian royal family will force her to give up her title.

>That Norwegian bitch is not even a princess. Soon, she will not be allowed to use that title legally anymore. The Norwegian royal family will force her to give up her title.

i mean german beta "males" literally watched their women get raped at new years by 1000 refugees and did nothing. The absolute state of german men. Thats why german women have to go for other men.

That Norwegian bitch is not even a princess. Soon, she will not be allowed to use that title legally anymore. The Norwegian royal family will force her to give up her title.

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citation needed, cuckposting incel

those young idiotic whores simply want to show themselves off as worldy humanitarians before they fuck off back to their all-German neighbourhoods

Europeans don't really mix with outsiders - our problem is losing our demoraphic dominance on the continent and cucked political class that prevents race-based states from existing

He's right on this one Jan.
Take the L

Don't call me like we're on good relations, I fucking hate you. I spit on your face, you retarded Krautboomer piece of pathetic shit

I hope you will burn alive with your whole coalburning family

>Europeans don't really mix with outsiders
i have bad news for you, ivan.

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all ugly roflmao the new kike designer made subrace wont include the non pug fugly white girls

They're all second or third generation rape babies with Turkish admixture

They're an unworthy target; their buyers are Bavarian faggots of the type that run from their Catholic relatives to live in "trendy" West Berlin, and virtually nobody else gives a rat's ass about what they write. Minecrafting them would only get you targeted for some offense against the "freedom of the press" while not saving anyone or fixing anything.

>Ivan talking
How's that nigger cum taste?

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Oh get off it, plough-puller. Your pride consists of leeching pity bucks from the people that wished to kill you by making up snuff porn about your persecuted ancestors. Your dignity is to receive minimum wage for cleaning toilets in the real Western countries, and even among the Slavs you are alone so base as to be papist slavestock. You spit on my face? I come in your sister's cunt every other weekend and just the tips I leave dwarf your economy. Go vote another based right-wing party to cram your schoolchildren into rape camps; to me you're literally just another tax leech, a miscolored nigger, and that even Haiti niggers call you this is your one relevant entry to world history.

Damn Bavarians again. You know as much as I dislike a United Germany it doesn't compare to my loathing of the Eternal Bavarian. Hitler should've moved the Protestant Baltic Germans there.

9/10 Bavarian Catholic Girl getting rammed by BBC

While you jerk off and play computer games

Good Krautboy :)

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die kraut. We're cheering the niggers on.
Your people are evil and deserve to be expunged.

Man I thought raping someone when being underage could get me in trouble back then.

If I knew that I would literally get escorted home and have a week off school I would have raped left and right as a kid. Fucking wasted my childhood..

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How can these ugly nonwhites get girls while I can't?????

Fucking based and Prussianpilled. Now go save your country instead of LARPing on Jow Forums. I want to stir some anger inside Westcucks, kill all the traitors and jews

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nothing of value lost.


there will be lots of space and need for white penis. we finally get to repopulate the reich. AFTER they are all dead.


it's happening.

there will be no war, you'll just die alone while they birth a shitskin's third kid.
you also deserve it.


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bwhahaha. fuck you musel scum.


Sud Deitschland shall be Croatia's new name.

remember kids, if you do not have the seal of approval, you will not survive the 3 days of darkness.


not really no lol

lmao stupid nigger I spit in your overpriced food and fuck your underaged whore daughters after

Blackest of blackpills. All teen white girls are secretly fucking niggers

All Slav whores love my big Slavic cock

>40 year old cool wine auntie
Must have been the time of her life

I don't know what is funnier: That a race-traitor somehow still passes for German or that you think it's a 9/10.

You seem to actually have the right idea though.

>We're cheering the niggers on
Imagine my shock. Like serving shitskins isn't what Balkanfags usually do.

I'll gladly swallow this pill. My bbc addiction is getting worse with every day, and I love it. This is the fate of all white boys, getting off to their own extinction.

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Kill yourself nigger faggot.

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You know it's true.

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The people living in Berlin-Marzahn are low IQ scum, don't need those in the gene pool

blonde, blue-eyed white women are whores for mud dick.

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The age of the Orcs has begun!

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The future of the white race

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Was ist nur falsch mit dir gelaufen?

uuuh right. meanwhile outside of your fantasy Jow Forums world german girls having their 2nd child from ngungu and ali

>30 year old sand niggers
>under aged girls
>all white boys look like cucks

Ahahahahaha the West is over.



poorfag cope

Young white girls are sick of pathetic white men. All we de is play video games and play around with our litle dicks, while 14 year old blondes are sucking on bbc.

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That gif alone is enoug to make me leak cum.

That's fine, as a white man Latinas and Asians seem to be more interested in me than white thots.

fucking sick.

Your are a European male..
You have been indoctrinated to get sexually aroused at seeing a white woman get blackened.

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I know you are a retarded cuck that should off yourself. If you can't lock down a good white man and have to go for shorter, dumber and uglier people while at the same time bringing shame to your family, you are a failure of a woman and the toll will be paid, literally no future for them.

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to be fair the sands look like cucks too, this is probably from a school trip virtue signal

polish people are german outcasts.

The whole East is pretty dumb.

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Yes, and I love it! I know that I'm a victim of propaganda, but it just feels so good.

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Your people are infeiror anyway and your bloodline is poisoned by your own people just breeding normally. Why do you think your county is such a shithole? Why do you have to make these embarrassing threads where you lie to make your pathetic life feel better? You’re angry at your superiors like niggers and white people, or women and men, or commies and business owners

>all that projection in one image

It’s sad that that image sums up your life

>big slavic cock
pick one amerimutt

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Why are you so retarder you think an image of two niggers and a white women means there is an excessive amount of niggers with white women? Does your incredibly low polish IQ prevent your from logical thoughts?

>inferior polish subhuman making up bullshit to get back at his superiors the only way he know how: with fake anti white propaganda

Well done, you’re going to have a fantastic life full of prosperity and fulfilment

>more angry shitskins who can’t accept their infeirority

Just go back to which ever third world shithole you came from and stay there

Name a nigger country you’d want to live in or admit that niggers are infeiror and the only reason you do this is because you want to get back at us for telling the truth

[2000% anger]

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>infeiror shitskins angry that they’ll never be white

I want to go to south africa and get my boipussy destroyed by superior black men.

>still can’t address the fact that niggers are inferior to whites
>posts retarded bullshit repeatedly

Because being leftwing is a mental illness

You’re not white and can’t accept the truth that niggers are vermin and kikes need to be exterminated

Black men are inferior to white men, that’s why you can’t name a nigger country you’d want to live in

Poor dude is having first girl from left.

Germans are fugly. No idea why. All the countries they border have fine looking women. Except Austria.

I'm not left-wing, just a right-winger in denial about his bbc addiction. I've been embracing ot more and more, though.
I am white. I have pale skin, dark-blond hair and grey-blue eyes.
They are, in terms of intelligence. But their cocks make white girls go crazy and that is all what counts. Natural selection no longer accounts for IQ but testosterone levels, penis size and stamina.

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>Great Shitstain

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holy fuck :D are you Swedish by any chance? hahaha

>I don't know what is funnier: That a race-traitor somehow still passes for German or that you think it's a 9/10.

post real 9/10 german chick then

This board is full of cuck, what the hell happened?
Get your shit together.

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>He says as he projects, and while his country has interracial breeding camps

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>bottom of the barrel
>we like them because they let us be complete subhuman roasties
You have to understand that this is the basic form of any woman. Only a strong handed approach will keep them from being that way